VIDEO: Woman holding up multimillion dollar project says she is not opposed to moving but demands proof



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  1. This illiterate refugee is holding the ALP government hostage? What a calamity? Bird people are the dumbest bunch of people in the WI.

    • Mr Byam may the Lord help us.
      WTF@#_@ did I just listen to.
      When I was going to school I know I shouldn’t haven’t left class to use the bathroom for 5 minutes I might miss something 🙆

  2. Marie :I give you a spani woman you breed her now you want me to move without no keys or documents.

    GB: Trust us on this we broke alot of promises but this one will not be broken. You are hampering us from doing a project that will earn $6000000.00 us.
    We will pay the 10,000 just copperate.

    Marie: me wantie dockusment and keys

    AG: please cooperate with the PM you are getting a good deal. Marie ,We will pay your rent up to a year the funds is there, so that’s $120 000 from the Election fund

    AG:Mr.PM what’s our next move from here

    GB: let’s contact Apua to have them cut the light even if she doesn’t owe anything. She would not function without light.

  3. Friend friend in government building not paying rent an you fraid to evict her – but Antigua Youth in Parham corner selling two roast corn an ital – you send DCA an police fu lik dung dem place. Mary mussa really hab one likkle spanni lamb!

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