VIDEO: Solid Waste workers who are owed money say they have been told to work or go home


George Wehner Reports:

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  1. Here’s another group of workers who want the money which is owed to them.

    Is the majority of the workforce in Antigua owed outstanding wages – it seems so!

    One question, does anyone in the ABLP government have any outstanding monies or backpay due to them?

    #just asking for a friend …


  2. Where's the GUN that killed NIGEL CHRITIAN and when will shortie be charged for forging the PM signature?? Where's the GUN that killed NIGEL CHRITIAN and when will shortie be charged for forging the PM signature??



  3. Is it legal to work in Antigua and not get paid? If the Government and their Statutory Boards can do it. Then the Private Sector could do the same thing. Would that be okay,I think not. Pay the people their monies for doing the dirty work that non of you in Cabinet would do.

  4. Y poor people have to suffer pay de people Dem money 💸 Nigel chartering we want ur money to we coming 1year 4months we want our money 💸 Boss we coming

  5. All the workers who are owed need to stand together at the same time put politics aside. Do it for the greater good. A united workers forms breaks any political strongholds

  6. “My leaders interests is more important than mines”is in the mind of the Red zombies🧟‍♂️. Labour day just passed we rejoiced and now there is weeping. Who do you blame when your government put you to shame and owe so many workers. Still the former administration?
    Don’t complain for your money your government is in power.

    Don’t love yourself love your party .
    If we continue with that frame of mind we are headed for destruction

  7. So everybody go home. This dictatorship behavior must come to an end. Why should you work if you not getting paid. Gaston drunk, he drink too much rum. He pocket fat and his cabinet getting paid. Remember the other day he say they deserve an increase while poor people suffering like hell. Time to quit being nice. Every last soul GO HOME AND SHUT DOWN PRODUCTION. Antigua don’t belong to Gaston and the politicians. I am so tired of this crap.

  8. Poor people suffering while the rich politicians and their friends rape the treasury. The poor workers and local contractors catching hell .

  9. Employees that participate in a strike should not be paid for the hours that they are not at work. In my opinion the term of employment is work for pay. it would be very unfair to those workers that have decided to continue working, to get paid just like them.

    • @From The Sideline…you’ve written pure unadulterated phuckery!
      The politicians who’re wearing many hats, have several private businesses which they tend to on the Public’s Time, should they be paid for not doing their job?
      Where is the empathy for the poor and downtrodden whose backs these crooked politicians walk on like a RED CARPET?

  10. Sideline,

    One of these days when the shoes is on the other foot, you will want some body to be fair to you. If you don’t know what to say, I suggest you shut your mouth because you don’t make sense. Instead of saying “ employees should not be paid if on strike. How about employees should be paid when they work. These are human beings with families and responsibilities. Really, you should take politics of this and use your brain.

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