VIDEO: Protest over the Western Imperial Special Economic Zone


Video Courtesy Dr. Jacqui Quinn.

Members of The Movement are picketing at Little Creek for what they say is improper removal of mangroves and trees at the Western Imperial Special Economic Zone (WISEZ) – the newest special economic zone – and a lack of consultation and transparency regarding the project.

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  1. Is how many fringe group the UPP has so: they have freedom fighters, they have the faithful nationals, they have movement, the have REAL NEWS and of course the LLCs

    • JUST SAYING they are not fringe groups of the UPP. They are citizens of Antigua and Barbuda that are now demonstrating their disgust and disapproval of the nonsense that is going on in the country by the government.

  2. THE MOVEMENT? ? ? ? Dem day tilla go? Is Serpent still a member? What does The Movement think about Wilmoth Daniel and the stripper bus pole?

  3. Ask the Halls how much property tax they pay for the thousand of acres of land they own. They been raping the Antiguan people for years. I hate these hypocrites.

    • Born Antiguan: How have the Halls been raping Antigua people for years? Be more specific, stop throwing aspersions about others without facts. In that area of the Western Economic Zone are many property owners,to include yours truly.The Halls have been owners at New Division Estate,south of Seafort Estate for upwards of 80 years.They have been owners of those lands where they now reside for many decades.I am prepared to defend my property in Antigua by any means necessary. ANY MEANS!!

    • I suggest you research your statements. This family I know PAY their land tax. They also DON’T have thousands of acres, not even close.

  4. Is it not a total hypocrisy to be suing countries for climate change while causing climate change right here in Antigua and Barbuda? In case leaders are not aware Mangrove trees provide oxygen that we all need to survive. Mangroves are vital in numerous ways to the environment and the PM appears to be allowing their destruction at a rapid rate in order to facilitate Chinese and whoever the foreigners are in this new economic zone…neither of which are going to provide any sort of contribution to the Antigua economy. YIDA is just a destructive joke and this one will most likely be similar. One has to wonder how much has been paid to personal pockets for this crap!

    • EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!

      Individuals lining their pockets at the expense of the nation!

      This is not about politics people, this is about the future of A&B and it’s people.

  5. That true pure hypocrisy suing countries for causing destruction in the climate change and doing the same thing

  6. Special corruption zone, selling out the people to fill their pockets, this man believes Antigua belongs to himself and can do as he please . This is a very corrupt deal, when hotel like sandals got concessions he complain and now he do something worst

  7. Is this the result of Gaston Browne accepting almost $EC 3 million Dollar grant from the UK’s Climate Minister Alok Sharma on his last visit to Antigua’s (around 4-5 months ago) for the island’s climate change commitment?

    • no! Its the descandants of slave owners and colonial masters pretending to care about you by faking a protest to serve their own interests. Robert HALL is the founder of the PLM. In 2021 you still want us to bow to this white man and his family 4real jack

  8. Western Imperial main purpose is to finance the ABLP campaign for the next election. In 2014 it was YIDA.

    • Wake up my people! It is our very own black people who are raping and ravaging us. The greater threat is always from within, not outside. You see how Daniel basically told you to kiss his arse by shooting that video of him collecting ´his´stripper pole bus at police headquarters

  9. The three Daewoo buses the South Korean Government were donated to Antigua & Barbuda as part of Grant Aid in 2008.

    From Grant Aid to Prostitute Pole bus – how is this possible???

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