PM Browne Criticizes License Fee Complaints, Highlights Public Spending

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has criticized those opposing the recent hike in license fees—meant to improve road conditions—pointing out that some of the same individuals tipped Dominican Bouyon artiste ASA Banton $100.

Using Facebook, Browne acknowledged the generosity of the people while urging them to plan for the future by saving $100 weekly for retirement. He ended with: “Sound advice from your caring PM. Much love and blessings!”
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These the same people that will complain that “thing hard” except for when Farmers Only and LOL come around. No money to buy kids uniform and school supplies and other necessities. But always FIND THE MONEY TO FETE!!!
So wait, people can’t enjoy themself without the PM monitoring them pocket?
Man act like because we struggling, we must just sit down and bawl whole day. Stupess
People work hard for them money, if them want tip the man, let them tip him!
So the problem now is how people spending them lil fun money? Worry bout cost of living instead.
He talking like is government money them using. Antigua people free to do what them want!
Maybe if the economy was better, people could tip $500 instead of $100.
ASA Banton give them vibes, government just give stress. So which one them go reward?
A so? But when election time come, same ‘poor’ people does get money and ham.
The man perform, the people enjoy. Why PM so pressed over how them spend?
Cost of living through the roof but man worried about party money. Priorities all wrong.
Antiguans fed up! At least ASA Banton giving them something to smile about.
Well well well. Smh that is just sad.
Notice the man’s outfit costs less that what they’re wearing to the show
Hair weave, makeup, eating out regularly as opposed to home cooking; fetting ; buying brand name clothes to impress people who don’t even know you…all waste money that could be put towards retirement but some of us just live for today and so are woefully unprepared when tomorrow/ retirement gets here.
Well Said!!!
All due respect to PM Browne. Asa did not ask,they did on their own free will.. To call your people poor as the head does not sound a good call for you
Why he not talking about how expensive food, rent, and light bill be? But ASA Banton money concern him.
…While addressing the discontent, he also encouraged everyone to think ahead—urging citizens to prioritize their retirement by saving just $100 a week.”
And this is how we know that dear Gaston is not in touch with his “poor” people.
People struggling, yes. But them can’t have lil enjoyment too? Life hard enough as is.
Same way people find money to party, them still have to find money for gas, groceries, and rent. PM need to focus on that.
O fickle fate! To grieve o’er tributes to the realm’s roads, yet lavish gold upon the minstrel’s tune—what jest is this? Methinks wisdom whispers not in protest, but in prudence; to store thy coin for the morrow ere the sands of time do slip away. Hark! The sovereign speaks in counsel, yet who shall lend him ear?
At the end of the day, ASA Banton bringing vibes, not stress. That’s why people tipping him!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well let Asa pave de roads then!
Dearest Readers,
It appears that some among us are quite selective in their financial grievances. To lament the burden of license fees whilst freely bestowing a hundred upon a visiting troubadour—oh, the irony! Our esteemed leader, never one to shy away from a well-placed observation, reminds us that a little foresight might serve us better than fleeting generosity. But will the wisdom of the Crown be heeded, or shall our pockets remain ever light from merriment?
Yours in scandal and scrutiny,
Lady Whistledown
Was this one of the fete’s organised by Jamale Pringle, the leader of the opposition?
SHOOGY is about the FETE LIFE, not our decent Pringle.
Poor or not, people will always find money for good times. That’s life!
Point Taken PM. Touche’
Man vex cause ASA Banton getting more love than government these days?
If Antigua people can still find money to party, maybe government should look into why dem prefer spend pon that instead of bills.
It’s called enjoyment, Mr. PM. You should try it sometime.
When gas price raise, no big speech. But man worried bout who tipping ASA Banton.
So we must just sit down and bawl whole day cause we struggling? Let people live lil!
Guys. let’s be honest. The PM has a point. i think people were just complaining for fun. ASA we love you and your’re welcome anytime.
Knowing Antiguans. The next money pull up will need ASA to carry money to Dominica in a suicase
ah chupit dem chupit!!!! ASA smarter than dem!!! black people still getting HOODWINKED.
Same way people find money to party, them still have to find money for gas, groceries and rent. PM need to focud on that.
ASA Banton bring vibes, government bring stress. Guess who people prefer to give money to?
Man acting like we must suffer 24/7 just because times hard.
AntiguaNewsRoom!!! Murdaaa aryou do fa mek me laugh and bring out the ghetto in ma professional self. MURDDAAAA. But AntiguaNewsRoom, PM jealous? Lemme begin to talk! Because, these people are using their money to tip this man. But you’re using the money given to you for Antigua to pay fete performers. Let me talk about one Nation, shall we? I remember AntiguaNewsRoom posting about how 1.5 million dollars was spent on the one nation concert but the government only accumulated what $300k of the total cost spent? Oh oh. Gaston tell me about that. You’re paying these promoters and all these when you can fix the road but mad we dishing out $100 to Asa Banton. Wicked ya wicked. These taxes don’t bother you so you don’t care. Antiguanewsroom, this man should feel away writing that post. So childish, petty and unprofessional for a Prime Minister. Now, just rest me Dey nuh! Antigua.News!! Tell he REST ME DEY! Antigua Surf over and Out.
Pm how much is a pack of huggies? How much is a cerelac? PM how much is a carnation? You know that. Because yoi don’t have to put items back on the shelves when you are told at the cashiers you don’t have enough money.
I don’t think the people who tip Asa are poor at all. Check out their Brazillian wigs and their nails and their attire. PM there are some of us who don’t party. who don’t get their hair done every month, who don’t buy many clothes. There are some of us in Antigua we live on a tight budget, we take care of our children, their education, food and we live responsibly. I believe you know who we are. The young women with four men and the young drug dealers won’t feel it but we will. Think about us. Have you ever?
So all this means it’s alright for you to rob us blind…. one of these days Gaston Brown,,, one of these days…
I’m not in support of partying, reveling, clubbing, or even carnivals BUT if you choose to tip someone with your hard earn money that’s your business not mine or anyone else. Gaston Brown has no right to make the statement he did why is that his business? Hicking up the cost of things affects everyone not just those who are tipping Banton
They have excessive to tip and when to tip for their own benefit like improved roads they cusss and no body must talk about it of course it’s not all Antiguans but those that have abundance to spend are they ones quarreling and making a fuss big lifers ,the regular girls and regular boys just look for the attention at the big fetes and broke the next day
Gaston, you cretin.
You cannot look at this fete’s attendance and equate it to the rest of the population.
When you were once defending “One Nation”, you said we should not underestimate the importance of recreation.
Maybe this is how these people get their rest and relaxation but the increases in the cost of living and vehicle licensing can impede on their quality of life.
You alone supposed to enjoy life? And how about you sort of social security instead of watching people’s pocket?
@ Teacher for Life
If you want to look Amish fine. Nobody a beg ya big souse when dem old so move ya r*sshole!
Everyday this Prime Minister breaks my heart. I’ve been living in Antigua for years. I drive a Nissan Frontier, My husband has a Toyota Hiux, daughter has a Honda Vezel and my son has a Lexus IS 350, we aslo have a family van (Honda Stepwgn). Seeing the hike vehicle licensing fees, i panicked and began speaking to my husband about selling our vehicles and sticking with the family van. it raised an arguement between me and my family. to the point i felt like my kids were beginning to hate me. I left my pick up at home and went by my mom for a few nights, avoiding all calls from my household. I say, let these people live their lives. Gaston you are not affected by this hike in vehicle licensing fees. but we are. the same how you can spend millions on a fete. we can give a hundred to a artist. We can’t continue to eat off your crumbs Gaston. You wasting then claim Antigua don’t have money. Don’t turn this on us now. You’re trying to kill us and we know
Let’s face it, people. Giving 100-dollar bills to an artist who is already being paid to perform is the definition of stupidity. I hear and see people defending this choice as their way of having fun. WOW! Let me not say anymore, because the idiocy is beyond words.
I want to ask…..How much does it COST the GOVERNMENT to produce Carnival each Year….and HOW much does the government make in sales for the combined events?????!!!!!
Classic government doing divide and conquer you want Antiguans to turn on other Antiguans just so they don’t turn on point on you I am tired seeing shit like this work It’s so stupid. Shit like this so make trip and make them tell you how them really feel
Man act like because we struggling, we must just sit down and bawl whole day. chuh. People work hard for them money, if them want tip asa then let them.
Is the same people you use to get rich by taxing and increasing fees so you can live lavishly..
You mean that you are saying the Accountant General and the Director of Inland revenue giving monies to “you” so you can live lavishly???
PM Browne must understand the people are doing as he does, he squanders BIG, BIG, MONEY every year on ONE NATION CONCERT that doesn’t mean a shit economically, as a leader set the example for others to follow. The money spent on ONE NATION could be put to better use
Mr not hearing Asa say “I not living my life for people”. Because I budget an extra $100 for me to tip a man that well perform, that mean I have $400 extra a month to put towards retirement? Its giving delusional.
I’m not surprised at the amount of comments from irate ANR readers in regards to the furore about the tasteless and tactless comments from the vindictive Gaston Browne.
His constant unpalatable and utter contempt for hardworking Antiguans is quite detestable really.
Browne’s negative utterings in regards to political opponent Kelvin Shugy Simon is understandable, but to attack how Antiguans spend their hard-earned money is a step way too far.
He’s so out of touch with the general public, that he now comes over as an abomination and ANATHEMA by many.
Browne’s disorientating of the simple-minded continues unabashed …
He likes to talk. Alfa Nero is back. We are still listening.
I pay $70 to license my car yearly. Based on what I have been told. The prices were high before in Antigua. Now it is worse. The roads and highways are well maintained in my neck of the woods. Plus we do not pay PIT. Sales tax is 8%, 6% goes to the State and 2% goes to the area.Where the taxable goods are bought.
Did Asa asked to be tipped?
Someone spoke about the clothes that he wears is less expensive than what the patrons wear.He wears whatever he wants.I believe by now the whole world knows that Ada is doing more for the less fortunate in his country than the Prime Minister of Antigua is doing for his people.Come off a he please.
We tip pastors in church, and trust me is not 100. I don’t hear nobody talking bout that.
don’t go there.
Only the PM and his family should live an ostentatious lifestyle, poor people can’t even make beliefs. Their life should be dictated by Gaston, he Gaston takes helicopter rides to some restaurant called nobu over in Barbuda to eat $150.00 USD meals.