MP Richard Lewis Condemns PM Gaston Browne’s Deliberate Misinformation on Land Application by UPP MPs
Prime Minister Gaston Browne was in his element on Pointe FM, spreading misinformation and misrepresenting the facts as they relate to applications made by three UPP MPs for land under the policy established for Members of Parliament.
This is a policy which predates PM Browne and even the UPP Administration. I have no problem with the public knowing that I have applied for land under the policy.
PM Browne deliberately and grossly misrepresented the facts. The land in question is in a valley close to Pensioner’s, and not overlooking Royalton as he maliciously claimed. As a matter of fact, neither Royalton nor any sea can be seen from there.
PM Browne knows that no one should be able to choose land nor the selling price the way he said, and that it is a guided process. It was a government surveyor who recommended that area as the only one in Rural West up for distribution, and took us on-site. The expected cost is about EC$10.00 per sq. ft.
After my application was made, I was told that all lands in that area are earmarked for development, and that I should look elsewhere.
I have been reliably informed that Cabinet has decided that I can apply for a 1/2 acre. If that is the new policy, I support it. Let’s see if this is applied across the board going forward.
This is yet another one of PM Browne’s hard efforts to dishonour my name. Is it that only PM Browne and those he chooses should have access to land in Antigua? The policy for acquiring Crown lands has always been for the maximum of an acre. Yet everyone knows he got THREE (3) acres of land in the English Harbour area at about EC$0.50 per sq. ft. He subsequently sold approximately 1/2 acre of those lands for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I have always firmly believed that all information pertaining to the acquisition of Crown lands by MPs should be transparent and made public. Furthermore, that all benefits for Parliamentarians should be legislated, to remove any secrecy from the process.
PM Browne, who is the leader of this nation, must stop this distasteful habit of decimating the characters and persona of Antiguans and Barbudans for sport when he gets on his radio station on Saturdays. This is not helpful.
Richard S. Lewis MP
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We all know that telling lies is Gaston’s forte
Straight up, you guys are wrong to utilize that land procurement procedure set up by scallywags or corrupt ALP politicians, how can you expect to benifit off of the backs of the poor as the ALP politicians are doing? It is as though you are enticed by Gaston self enrichment schemes, I for one will be objective and won’t be no blind party supporters, knowing the modus operandi of ALP of ALP o would be more inclined to buy private lands, am sure when you fool applied the relevant authority contacted Gaston right away to exploit your situation to his benifit, how foolish of you UPP MP’s. As Mr knight say if you see them ALP politicians coming up market street find a different street to walk on, to use that privilege set up by corrupt ALP politicians is soiling your good name. Maybe Anthony Smith leak it to them immediately.
Get out the kitchen if you can’t take the heat. This is politics 101 but you are a political baby and coward. You are selective in your outrage. When your wife and kids were abused to and in their faces at the UPP Convention you said not a word, but now a fact that does not cast you in an honest light is exposed and you vex and bex. All is fair on love and war.
Why did it take sooooo long for the UPP to respond???????
Why is the Leader not the one speaking out????
The UPP MP’s aren’t getting anything all thr ALP MP’s. hasn’t gotten or will be getting. And I’ll be. The PM is being unfair and spiteful towards MP Lewis because MP. Lewis knows how to ask thought provoking questions during debates; he sheds light on things that the ALP would rather be kept hidden. The PM is always talking about dis/misinformation and I can’t believe he blatantly made up such a story about MP Lewis. Perhaps it’s second hand story he’s repeating; otherwise, that would be the epitome of hypocrisy. Thanks for the clarification of this situation MP Lewis. I’m suggesting you call into the Knight at nights show and reiterate this to the listening audience.There are many that no longer follows this captured news portal as it has apparently become an ALP mouth piece.
I’ll “bet*
@OTTO You are spot on!! George Wehner dragged Richard, wife and kids at convention and Richard failed as a man, father and husband to protect them.
He is a real selfish fella….even more selfish than shugy. Me tired warn Jamal not to trust him one bit.
A land grabbing sly fox
Richard Lewis is a HYPOCRITE tells the public one thing then make back door deal. Richard is on SELF ENRICHMENT SCHEME, Richard , SHUGY and Serpent all CROOKS.
UPP will never win another election with RICHARD , SHUGY and SERPENT. They are LIARS. Prime Minister will continue to expose Them.
UPP..We are six and tired of this current UPP Member of Parliament. They do not represent Us in Parliament. All They produce is SCANDALS.
Jamale Pringle get rid of these Guys , change the name and start a new Political Party. We will never win another election with these DUMB ASSES.
A few days ago Barrett left. Today Alex Debritto left. Both left empty handed. Both left workout a title deed. Gaston will defy that. He will also leave with a certificate of character. Why did he mention only three names? Why did he not mention Baby Judas? So government policies are to benefit only Gaston and his family members and his cabal. The confessional land price benefitted him in his swap from Dredge Bay to Marble Hill where his is building a mansion..Richard Lewis has not cost the state a penny. Serpent and Shuggy have not cost the state a cent through maladministration. It is governmnt policy and they have all right to apply. Gaston has prime land north, south, east and west. So why should a duly elected member have a piece somewhere?
If they are Crooks what do you call Gaston. He is tge one who swapped dredge Bay land for prime.land at Marble Hill. He is the one who got land in the national park signed over to him on elections day. He is the one with land all over Antigua and trying to prevent others from having a plot. That’s what you call crook. Then again poor foold like you do not know the meaning of that.
Are you schizophrenic? You are both “Straight Shooter” and “Sharon Patriot Lycorish”???
If they are Crooks what do you call Gaston. He is tge one who swapped dredge Bay land for prime.land at Marble Hill. He is the one who got land in the national park signed over to him on elections day. He is the one with land all over Antigua and trying to prevent others from having a plot. That’s what you call crook. Then again poor foold like you do not know the meaning of that.
I hope Anthony Smith will see friendship as bigger than politics. I hope he will come out and speak to that. As for Gaston I hope he has the consciousness that this life is not forever. He will not depart with cash, cheques, title deed nor certificate of character. Why does he believe that only he and his cabal must benefit from government policies. He has prize land to the north, south, east and west of the island. What is wrong if duly elected members of parliament chose to invoke government policies and apply for a piece of land. He got prime land at national park on elections day 2004. May I remind him that the very ground that he walks on and the land that he wants to grab all over the island will become his roof one day.
Hon Richard Lewis,
In h the above article you fallaciously claimed that I lied, without any supporting counter evidence.
Your application for an acre of land at the concessional rate of US$1.50 per square foot, along with the other two from Shuggy and Serpent is undoubtedly factual.
No one was trying to deprive you and your colleagues from obtaining a prize parcel of land at a concessional price.
The request was approved by the Cabinet however, the land requested is reserved for Royalton expansion; fact again.
Pensioners beach is surrounded by the sea and hills; not valleys. This is widely known by all; fact.
Richard, are you so dunce that you would apply for land in a valley when you currently live on a hill at Cooks Hill ?
Are you suggesting that Shuggy and Serpent would leave their respective constituencies and prioritize buying land in Rural West, in your constituency located in a valley ? Really ?
Land at Cooks Hill where you live retail for $15-20 per square foot. How could you state that the land that you seek, over looking the Royalton is worth $10 per square foot ? The suggested rate of US$10-15 per square foot is more in keeping with the market value.
If I am at fault of anything was to expose the hypocrisy of you and your colleagues.
Let me remind you. You and your colleagues ridiculed and called me all sorts of names, including Lanny Bozo, for acquiring government land at concessional rate.
I have served for 26 years and provided solid representation for the people of St John’s City West.
I do not recall missing or boycotting a parliamentary sitting, other than missing one sitting, which occurred during a period when I was unjustifiably suspended for six months in 2010.
What has maddened you and your colleagues is that I simply exposed your hypocrisy and outlined how undeserving your colleagues are for benefiting from this Parliamentary privilege.
Note that Jamale Pringle was sold an acre of land at a concessional rate, which we felt was justifiable considering that he served for a full term and as Opposition Leader.
We made no issue about it.
Pringle unlike Serpent and Shuggy has spent a significant amount of time advocating on behalf of his constituents.
Shuggy and Serpent on the other hand have spoken for no more than an aggregate of ten minutes each (no exaggeration) during the last two years, advocating on behalf of the people.
They both have been absented for more hours than they attended parliament.
It is their dismal performance that makes this request reprehensible. If they had performed, there would be no issue consenting that the requests for concessional land was approved by the Cabinet.
They are the ones who characterized the sale of land at a concessional rate to parliamentarians as self enrichment. Even when my son bought an acre of land at Long Bay from a private owner for $750K, and sold it to another private entity, they characterized it as self enrichment.
Any reasonable person would now see the hypocrisy of Richard et al. If they were so convicted about this rhetoric of self enrichment, they would not all be rushing at the same time, to benefit from an abitrage profit of up to EC$1.5M each on the proposed concessional land purchase.
Richard your response has demonstrated that you are the one who is lying to save face from the hypocrisy that you continue to practice.
Your behavior is typical of a sly fox, charlatan who espouses integrity.
Your UPP colleagues have read you right and do not trust you. In fact, they would like you to leave in peace and allow the party to heal, instead of promoting distractions including this ill advised land grab.
Kindly not, Gaston Browne does not dabble in lies. He stands courageously on the truth and exposes the hypocrisy, lies, innuendos, mis/disinformation of unscrupulous politicians who hide behind the cloak of decency and integrity.
PS: Richard, your third rate text book deal in which you made nearly $2M from the government coffers, was more akin to cronyism and self enrichment evidencing your lack of integrity.
Now stop your crying !
well said!
[…] Richard, are you so dunce that you would apply for land in a valley when you currently live on a hill at Cooks Hill? […]