VIDEO x 3: Police teargas protestors


A protest against vaccination policies was cut short today after police sent tear-gas into the crowd.

This is was the scene moments before the tear-gas was unleashed.

The protest started peacefully:

This is the moment the harmful substance was released in a crowd comprising women, children and the elderly:



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  1. I hope we will ALL hit them ABLP COWARDS where it hurts come election time. THIS MY FRIENDS is anarchy at its finest!!!

    • The Coward Top Dawg and the Top Ghost Worker his wife on beach in St. Lucia while his Poodles firing teargas on the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda. Wicked Set A People. Top Dawg you day in power are numbered, you and your bunch of renegades. Time for you all to go and go now.

      • Man (first hand)its really nice here (SLU). A bit of rain earlier today but was a sunny day in the Helen of the West. Great day for cycling, relaxing, enjoying some inexpensive coconut water. Meeting with fellow laborites. The pool, the jacuzzi.. watching the mountains.. some red wine.. tranquil

      • Gaston showing his true self. He nothing but a pure coward. He run his rass to St. Lucia before this all happened and lef the rest of his people to deal with this.

        He better mind he don’t end up missing over there and end up in India. Idiot clown Gaston needs to be brought to justice


        You’re the BIGGEST FOOL.The Police should arrest you for inciting VIOLENCE. KNIGHT is a HAS BEEN, A BIG MOUTH looking for NOTORIETY.. You are NOTHING.Stay in your hole. You miss making a FOOL of yourself.on radio.

  2. Memories of Teachers protest back in the 70’s. Not that the two are the same, but don’t we the people have a right to protest peacefully?

    • Did you get permission? Were we in a state of emergency? Was there pandemic? Did thw teacher blatantly disregard the instructions of the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda and just do what they feel like?

      • MeowB:
        You have the rights to Picket,even under a State of Emergency. What the Police did today. Should not have happened at all. The Police over reached in this issue. It would be all over the International Media Houses.

  3. WOW. In all my years in Antigua, i have never seen anything like this ever before. Complete disbelief

  4. Get registered to vote. Get registered to vote. Get registered to vote.

    We will teargas them at the BALLOT BOX.

  5. The State has now unleashed naked force against the people.. Why would peacefully picketers be tear gased? Is Antigua now becoming a police State?


      Tabor..why are you so DISHONEST? We are in a STATE OF EMERGENCY .You know you should get permission for this large PROTEST. I am quite sure that you were at home. You just run your mouth for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY. You should be arrested for inciting VIOLENCE.

      • ERIC (THE RED) why don’t you ask the Commissioner of Police to arrest me for inviting violence. No I was not present since I had a meeting with a client at Jolly Harbour. On my way home at about 5:30 pm I was confronted by tear gas on Kentish Road. You need permission for a march. Permission for the march was denied and the protestors gathered for a picket. The naked and brutal force used by the police was criminal. Looks like Antigua is becoming a Police State under the direction of Gaston and Cutie. Barbados and Antigua have similar Public Order Acts and in Barbados the people were given permission to march. You go and think about that. The power of the people will prevail.

  6. And the use of tear gas by the police was a premeditated act since the Attorney General said yesterday that the protestors would have something coming.

  7. In any democracy, people should be allowed to protest or demonstrate peacefully.

    A state of emergency is no grounds to prevent people from protesting or picketing. Once people are adhering to mask wearing during a protest, there is no way the police should use that sort of lethal force.

    This is a disgrace.

    I wonder if the police realize that their own family members could among the protestors.


    The end is near.

    • This has better be a lesson to the ones who are easily swayed to vote for this. I’m sorry for the treatment that my people are getting. It is a sad moment.
      And as for the police, they are a bunch of cowards, how can you retaliate in such force against your family, girl friends family and then want to mingle with them later. Really! They should be austrosized. Then the same police wants help from the community. That should be long waiting.

  8. Why have they trampled on our democratic rights!? No Antigua and Barbuda we are headed down a dark road.

  9. When you involved Politics in your so called Vaccine protest, you will the consequences. Although, you were given permission to assemble but you have no respect for Law and order. Don’t cry Wolfe now. Hope you all were wearing your masks and practicing social distancing. Covid 19 will killed.

  10. “Who nuh whan hear will feel”. That’s what mommy used to say. I think the police were very restrained in their action. They should have beat up some of them bad men/women who think can challenge authority. The law is for everyone. You obey or suffer the consequences. That is why we live in a State of Emergency. But some people think they can do as they want. Since they do not respect the legitimately elected government. Well guess what, you can try it again and again and you will see who’s bad.

    • So I’m guessing it’s ok for an officer to stop a white person during the early stage of this Lockup covid, and charge the guy for walking by himself on the road,while his mask was on his face. Only because the police knew that the man didn’t know where he was going and didn’t know the law, tell me is this far? Like they are feeding this men some serious rat poison cuz for sure their features looking more demon thank 5 years ago . Let’s hear what the liers have to say on the news and radio, we can clearly see through you Mr PM and the others.

    • Yes From The Sideline Scrotum Sack Member, I hear you. Hope you remain a member. The bigger Gaston Scrotum Sack get with people like you, the better.

  11. From these videos, it appears to be a peaceful, somewhat organized protest. Most people are wearing mask, outside, and showing how democracy works
    From these videos, again I say from these videos, there was no reason, what so ever, to launch tear gas into the crowd. The police, and I assume Cutie, had this planned, based on his remarks before. This is a tragic scean for the police and the government of Antigua and Barbuda. You have once again showed you are not for the people, but for yourself, this should have been an easy situation of crowd control. You, the government and police escalated to point of no return. Shame on you for turning on the people who put you where you are, the same people you work for. And the same people who will be taking you out of that position. May God bless Antigua and Barbuda.

  12. @From The Sideline – you only talk about police should beat up people because you are hiding behind a moniker/nickname. You are such a coward and so gay.

  13. What a commotion? My fellow CITIZENS. We have rid ourselves of the elected officials that we put in office to bear fruit to our beautiful Antigua and Barbuda.

    They have no respect for you. Look at the use of force that they choose to use. Sideline. You are a work of art to sanction the police action against your own people. Then again you might not be one of us.

    Dip your finger in the ink and vote them into retirement.

  14. From the Sidelines: I do hope. When the “chit” hits the fan. It does not fall on your head. The people of Antigua and Barbuda have the rights to PICKET. The Police were wrong to fire tear gas. Without the merit to do so. What were the reasons? That Minister who gave the instructions to the Police,15 Yards of Cloth Benjamin ought to be fired. Gaston Browne as the Prime Minister is the one responsible for the Police. He needs to sit with the Commissioner of Police and get to the bottom of this operation. In my opinion the Police were like a “rogue element” in the Police Force. Shameful,very shameful. SIDELINES: Every dog has its day.

  15. Antigua does not need this nonsense, who are we to behave like idiots, I thought the police force had more sense. We are a very very very small dot( I wouldn’t say country) and it’s like we behave like a dot idiot. Grow up officers and ABLP who are we to behave in this manner. Such donkey fools. I’m not sorry I’m very disappointed in big men who just wants to use their toys that they received for Christmas.

  16. And every September the same police asking citizens to celebrate police week with these thugs, who carry out the bidding of politicians

  17. All of the UPP nearga wit dem extraness better realize that all they’re doing is forcing ABLP supporters underground. So Tabor and Knight in Shining Armour, you all can go ahead. Continue carrying on as if people should just vote out ABLP and because of the vitriol spurred by people like you especially Knight, people many not be willing to respond honestly. But when election time comes and you all realize that the people of A&B still are backing Labour Party, you all gonna feel it.

  18. The interjection of politics in this matter is really disturbing, so Sideline and Tenman, please answer these questions for me.
    Are all antiwaxxers in opposition ?
    Were Syrians, Chinese and white people in the march?
    Are all of them prowaxxers?
    Who are the people most likely to suffer if unvaccinated workers have to stay home without pay?
    How many people adhere to social gatherings at the vegetable market in Saturdays?
    Is Saturday market shopping a super spreader event?
    Do black lives really matter?

  19. Not surprised at this and it was in the making. When members of a govt only serve to enrich themselves at any and all costs, the people will do what they have to do. Dictator traitor tyrant liar HT Gaston Browne blatantly told his cesspool gang members to practice creative enrichment. I am not his financial slave. I know there are some on this forum who are.

    All this govt has done is to enrich themselves from our tax money, live duty free, fly free, steal crown lands, compete against local businesses and the small man, take bribes, bribe people for their votes, bring vaccines in illegally, kidnapping, murder and everything else but represent we the people.

    Gaston takes Moderna while he gets AstraZenica for us. What kind of leader is that?

    The same dictator traitor tyrant liar HT Gaston Browne say he ready for them. How did he get ready? He run his coward ass to St. Lucia leaving his peons to fight his battle.

    Gaston Browne and his cesspool gang need to be brought to justice for all his crimes especially and including the incidents of Mehul Choksi and Nigel Christian.

  20. @ UPP
    Election is TWO YEARS away. No need to encourage Persons to break the LAW. UPP will be FINISHED before next election.

    • So true. They want others to do their dirty work for them. because they cannot win any other way.

    • Tell it like it is RUPERT MANN. Another Scrotum Sack Member. The more members the bigger his scotum

  21. ERIC (THE RED) why don’t you ask the Commissioner of Police to arrest me for inviting violence. No I was not present since I had a meeting with a client at Jolly Harbour. On my way home at about 5:30 pm I was confronted by tear gas on Kentish Road. You need permission for a march. Permission for the march was denied and the protestors gathered for a picket. The naked and brutal force used by the police was criminal. Looks like Antigua is becoming a Police State under the direction of Gaston and Cutie. Barbados and Antigua have similar Public Order Acts and in Barbados the people were given permission to march. You go and think about that. The power of the people will prevail.

  22. You a DAMN COWARD TABOR. Always hiding behind something. You know how it feels to be arrested. You have been.there before Tabor.

    • You getting desperate ERIC ( THE RED )
      Don’t worry, you are protected being a Scrotum Sack Member.

    I can tell that you’re an illiterate Person. You just spew STUPIDNESS. You’re a CLOWN. You cannot even put two sentences together. UPP CLOWN.

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