VIDEO: PM Address to the Nation – 10th Anniversary of the ABLP Administration 2024


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  1. Hit me up to write your next speech , Gaston. This speech sold you short. Critical details were missing: the impact of UWI, Global Ports, banning single use plastic bags, elimination of mother to child HIV and syphilis. I could have done a better job at bigging you up.

  2. IDIOT you are so predictable. Not even 1 minute into your speech and I know you would have to mention UPP.
    Tell us about Antigua Airways you flucking failure.
    Tell us about the 1 man investment group that you lied about in Parliament re the property on Friars Hill road.
    Boss man, trust me, the shackles are closer than you think, just cool.

  3. At no time should a PM minister celebrate their political party’s victory in the government’s seat. You celebrated the party’s victory at the party’s building, with the party’s/organisation’s funds and resources.

    This is not a government’s duty. And this statement is not being said in bad faith.

  4. This is one of his accomplishment.He,his family,and concubines got filthy rich in the 10 years of Governance.While that was happening to them.The majority of the Citizenry got poor,poorer,poorest.I say,vote their arses out to include Gasman Stache Browne.

  5. You wrote exactly what I was going to write. U beat me to it.

    How can they be ‘advertising’ their party details on ABS, when this does not relate to the government.
    This darn man does exactly as he please.

  6. @ GASTON you look like 110 YEARS OLD.



  7. Gaston……. APL has been around longer than ur bald plated head …. This is your 10th anniversary / 10 yrs of YOU GASTON being in power of YOU GASTON AT THE HELM

    10 years as the leader of ALP tell and show us what YOU have done for ANTIGUA/ ANTIGUANS since TOU took over here’s what I’ve done ….

    This is MY legacy this is what I did this is how I empowered ANTIGUANS/ANTIGUA

  8. I’m jus here waiting patiently for Dave Ray to comment….. popcorn popping and my can ah coke…. glass ah ice … reddyyyy!!

    Anytime now Dave Ray come eeennnneeee!!!

    Come list Laba long list of accomplishments in 10 yrs unda Gaston Leadership

  9. Seriously, what the hell has this dunce really done but dropped us into debts like 4 billion, borrow money at high interest rates because he lacks credibility, mandated, now defective, vaccines that has killed hundreds,maybe thousands, denied children access to education, parents their jobs, raised taxes to fund parliamentarians 14%raise and backpay in one fell swoop while owing civil servants years of back pay?
    Of what benefit is UWI to the average citizen? Has the port really added to the public purse when the Chinese take most of the money? We damn near lost the same port and our airport.
    What about Antigua Airways? Alpha Nargo? Mold infested government buildings?
    38 failed projects?
    No Gaston Browne, you are slowly but surely destroying this country. Another ten years of you and Antigua and Barbuda done.

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