VIDEO: Nurses Protest Health Minister’s Appointment Decision


Nurses staged a protest this morning at the Ministry of Health against Sir Molwyn Joseph’s decision to appoint a new Principal Nurse Officer, allegedly ignoring the established selection process for the head of the board regulating midwives.

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  1. Nice to see the PNO whom I recognized from my years of service at Holberton. They’ve been hurting since then because they have failed to organize and let their voices be heard. Better late than never. There’s strength in numbers so they need to stand together, and don’t let politicians divide them. They are doing an invaluable service to the Nation, and the nation owes them much. We are having politicians acting like gods, and are an authority in every subject area. The Minister of Health must listen, must consult with those who know their jobs best. Best wishes to the Nurses.

  2. The Doctors & Nurses need to be insured, unionized, have a thrift fund and get a salary increase. They also need concessions on vehicles & housing…

    It is extremely unfair that their lives and families are at risk to infectious diseases just to keep us well and they are not being properly remunerated….

  3. I pray for the day that molwyn is no longer minister of health. Elevate him to president of the commonwealth of Antigua if needs be. Just get him outta the health ministry

  4. They ought to be ashamed to be walking with the lady that did all that shenanigan with the vaccine. Look at her no in the pic.

  5. How on earth can a Health Minister (without any known medical degree) Molwyn ‘AstraZeneca’ Joseph remove a fully qualified Principal Nursing Officer by circumventing the traditional selection process.

    Is this another case of cronyism?

    This Health Minister should not only be drummed out of office after his disastrous Covid-19 mandates to the innocent citizens/victims of this great country, but also this unqualified man must be held accountable for NOT holding an open enquiry into Teargas Sunday and the serious adverse effects – and sudden deaths – that’s being covered up and ignored by this government.

    Other countries are looking into the pharmaceutical cover-ups, why not Antigua & Barbuda also?


  6. The shame is on you with your political vaccine agenda, and have no clue of what Nurses, and other health professionals have to go through each day on their job especially in a place like SLMBC.

  7. People miss Smith.and mrs Williams.are a bunch of Liars they need too go home they done 65 and fighting too stay there ..Ladies you all must goo a you yard and let young people continue…stop putting Politics in it it has nothing too do with all making up all should be Ashame of your selves fighting down young people so you all can stay there in Office until you all cant walk…the Lady have more too her name than who the both of you want too put there …PENSONERS you all gooooo HOME AND LEAVE THE POSITION.FOR THE YOUNG WOMAN …PLEEEEASE SPEAK THE TRUUUUTH.

  8. Mr. Joseph needs to resign. How can you request nurses be transferred all over the health department because they refuse to carry out your revenge plots for you. I once thought you were a reasonable man but now I now realize I was wrong. You take someone from under the PNO. Created a whole secretariat for her and her friends. Then you award her. Now you are illegally giving her positions that she is not qualified to fill. This needs a private investigator. We need to dig deep into this situationship. Mr. Molyn Joseph you need to resign. Stop victimizing persons who stand up to you. Wrong is wrong and can never be right.

    Telling lies about the PNO was never on the Midwifery Board. Who sign all then midwives license since 10 years ago. You are a big man, speak the truth. The truth shall set you free.

  9. Some people like to put their politics in everything they do. They strike for better working conditions. They get it. They strike for better pay. They get that too. They want special Covid Pay. They get that too. And now they strike for something totally out of their league. Doing the oppositions work. As Gaston say he is watching them like a hawk at the port. Let them try striking there too and all of them will go home. Back up plan is already in place. They will not frustrate the country and topple the main revenue source of the country. Our Port.

  10. Get back to work! There was no needle strike when half or more than half had to be injected with the blood clotting vax, they participated in the wrong now seeking justice. Only when it affects us we want to fight but refuse to be our brothers keepers when it’s injustice. Get back to work!

  11. This jackass has no business being minister of health. He has no degree in health, never studied anything health and yet has been appointed minister of health. Antigua allows nepotism to happen every day all day and this is the result. All Antiguans do is bitch and moan, get a little some some under the table and they happy until the next time.

    Now you have no right to complain about this useful as tits on a bull idiot Molwyn Joseph. All he knows to do is lift Rolls-Royce over the Port fence and he even gets knighted. Crime does pay here in Antigua.

    You now deserve what you get.

  12. @ms labor, anybody more Ole than molwyn. Did you hear him in the cemetery today, sounding so Ole and decrepit.
    IF A WOMAN IS NOT PREPARED TO EITHER LIE ON HER BACK OR LIE with her mouth OR CARRY NEWS OR SIGN OFF ON EVERYTHING HE PLOT (he always has personal vendettas), she will be tossed aside in that ministry . . .

  13. When narcissistic unfeeling people get power, they use that power to do what they want. Sometimes they do good, sometimes bad. It seems like our country then turns a blind eye.
    However, my antiguan people, I would be afraid, actually I would be very very terrified if I have to go to slbmc and the nurse who has to deliver my baby got registered because Sir Monster of Health instructed the acting CMO to register her as a midwife.
    Someone mentioned private investigator earlier, I say have a public inquiry into the behavior and work of Sir Monster!

  14. When have any person in the history of Antigua and Barbuda been selected based on merit? In recent times, I am practically sure it is never.

    I do not know the full story, but I can tell you what the pattern is, you will not be selected on the merit and their suckers will attempt to stain your name, if you speak up against the wrongs.

  15. @Brixtonian,
    Why when I was saying, “people with the appropriate advance degree should be placed in the appropriate position”, you did not support me. Now you are saying it.

    We are at an era where the government can get experts now with the appropriate advance degrees to be at the helm and to be advisers in critical Government administrative agencies/departments/endeavors.

    I have been saying that for years and not for my benefit, as I will say you need not hire me, but hire others with the appropriate degree.

    For the ministry of finance, this department needs an advance degree holder in economics, business, accounting, even other social sciences.

    Something with the ministry of foreign affairs, this department needs advance degree holders in international relationship, social science, etcetera.

    The ministry of tourism, this also need an advance degree holder in marketing, social science, business, etcetera, especially because it is about 60% of the GDP.

    It is time better qualified are used, imagine how better these ministries would be. Imagine how better the country would be with new, innovative, advanced and well researched methods and tools would be in existence right now to advance the country.

    Did you not see how that one sucker try to abuse me for pushing for those qualified to be in the critical roles for the betterment of the country.

    Do you not see decisions are not based on the betterment of the country but intended to win an election.

    The people suffering enough and your conscience should say, let us advance ourself to better serve these people, even though their self-esteem is low and they are not even demanding progress.

  16. @ Curious George, I’m just dealing with FACTS, pure FACTS, because our Health Minister just follows in lockstep with an agenda of control instead of doing due diligence to protect Antiguans and the country as a whole.

    Try critical thinking sometimes @ Curious George … there’s not enough of us here in the country – that’s if you live yah!!!

  17. I trust that this issue is resolved amicably for all the parties involved. The two sides need to sit down with an objective moderator and come to some reasonable terms to satisfy both sides. Our health services professionals should always be respected.

    I have made it my business to reach out to the minister myself.

    We must have calm heads on all sides to make the best decisions for our country’s future

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