VIDEO: Dr Duncan paints grim picture of situation at the hospital


The Medical Director at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre has painted a grim picture of situation at the hospital

Dr. Albert Duncan says the hospital has a bed capacity of 185.

He provided this update on the number of beds presently in use.

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      • Antiguan nearga always ah count people bloodcl**t money! The man is a friggin’ doctor! You want he bring home 62k a year? The man is just talking about how COVID is not only affecting his team but people who also need medical care outside of COVID which is why people need to get vaxxed. Other people’s money ever pan aryu mind.

    • You’re so sick….. you know how much his tuition cost him to become a doctor?
      Why you so badminded? What does his salary has to do with anything here?

      • You just know barely about people,investigate deep and will see the entire frame….poor? Look his healty he look!!!!look many doctors now with nicest house and all commodities people as you will never see .. remember….find the protocol of the medicine ( not the Rockefellers today one) mostly of today specialist not even consult the books and problem arise. Do you forget already the people lost their lives UP THERE?

  1. People, this is very serious. Like MSJMC is a Covid-19 Center and not a General Hospital. Covid patients have taken up all the space and needs more, also all the medical personnel. Persons with general illnesses, what will happen to the them? Surgeries suspended also other ares … this not not good at all. Lord help us.

  2. Ppl dropping like flies and y’all worried about ppl salary…maybe if u didn’t sleep in class, you’d be making 60k+ too. Oh lord Fix it Jesus.

    • I was attentive in class in my st.johns school and paid my way to become a doctor. 58k a year is what government pays and many repairs are needed in the existing buildings used for healthcare during this pandemic.
      The point is there is salary inequity and the result is a healthcare system where certain investments have not produced the commensurate dividends.
      New building and no staff cause buildings dont treat people, humans (with rubbish salaries) do!

  3. If the Hospital is being over run with too many Covid-19 patients. Bring them to the newly opened Hospital east of the Grammar School. They had a ribbon opening this week.Put that damn building into operation,now. Was it just a photo op,coming from your lazy arses?

    • You have to have people to work there first and it is my understanding that medical staff are in short supply and they are trying to train lay persons to work with clicians.

      • There are many retirees in the Medical Profession in Antigua and Barbuda. Invite them all to come back and see how many shows up. Give them short term contracts,just make sure they are paid. Based on the situations you may extend those contracts until COVID-19 is under controlled. If you failed to plan,chances are you would fail.

  4. Folks in my neck of de wood growing up we used call dem “NON-SKULL”. Say no more cause if these Naysayers continue with their foolishness and ignorance it’s same place they will end up and begging the same doctor to save their lives. Please folks find your brains and protect yourself from this deadly Virus.

  5. Look on the situation that Gaston Browne put us in, because he said the economy comes first, so he have to keep the borders open, now he blaming the people for the spreading of the virus, what a jaskass

    • The tourism economy pays the doctors, nurses, technicians in the hospital, the EMS , the police , teachers, the Defence Force, the maintenance men at the hospital.

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