VIDEO: ‘Comrade Washie’ Worried ABLP Will Lose Rural West Seat


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  1. PM Browne, the comrade is a very sound politician. If I was you I would listen to him, sorry her. Mr Lewis has been making gains in Rural West. He has been quietly going about his business and working with the people and the people are seeing this and approving his efforts. Maybe you and the UPP are the only ones not seeing this because people keep calling for him to go in the rhythm section in the pit or go on radio and say things about other people. Washie sees the merits in the young man. I think the people in the Rural West see that too. A word to the wise is sufficient.

  2. ERIC ( the RED) and Rupert Mann, Woman and Child ( the same person pretending to be two separate people)

    What have you to say to this?

  3. BEG BEG Gaston like a dog have to eat his vomit and beg the IMF.
    Copy cat Gaston, he copy Harold’s arrangement with the IMF of 0 percent interest and no retrenchment.



    ABLP has nothing to fear. ABLP will win all 17 seats.

    ABLP. 17. SEATS

    UPP. ..00. SRAT

    DNA. .. .. 00 SEAT


    DESERT ROSE You will run and hide after election 2023.

    • My grandmother used to say that a conceited man is a foolish man. You are extremely conceited.
      I am concerned about you because you are paid to blog. You will lose your income after the next election. Eric the Red, you will weep. You will hide. You will be filled with grief and disbelief.

      This is because you are a foolish and conceited man

        • LOL LOL LOL
          The paid blogger who was against the IMF on Friday but for it on Sunday.
          The man who have no conviction.
          He have the nerve to tell me Tek dat

          LOL LOL LOL

          By the way how is BEG BEG Gaston. He cuss the IMF and have to Beg Beg
          By the way, how is copy cat Gaston. He copy Harold work sheet. Harold got a bespoke arrangement with 1 per cent interest rate and no retrenchment.
          Gaston beg for the arrangement that Harold got. Copy cat Gaston.

          Gaston cuss and then beg beg
          Gaston cuss and then copy.

          Eric the Red and Gaston the fool have no principle.

          TEK DAT

          • You do get that you you are describing Tabor? He changes positions more than persons with a sick bottom eg diarrhea changes draws

  5. Mr Tabor, you are the authority on everything UPP. So, is it allowed politically for candidates to interview other candidates in the media? I hear Sean Bird and Alister Thomas do it. And now I hear Frans doing it. Serpent sometimes too.
    Isn’t that kinda dumb? I just listened to a good outing by Senator Lewis on Observer and heard Frans asking him questions. Is that OK? That is not OK. That don’t make no sense.
    My party is supposed to be the one with the dunce elements as you blue people say, but I never hear any one of them interviewing each other.
    That is not good sense, you UPP guys. Mr Tabor, what say you?

  6. 100% support for Richard Lewis. This man is working hard. Tell Benjie, please don’t go in front of anyone’s door I only voted him because Cambel Jackson ask me to.


    We would never vote for an UPP Candidate. For Richard Lewis to win in our Constituency He has to change and become an ABLP . Desert Rose don’t care how you cut it the results for 2023 election remain ABLP ALL 17 SEATS. Desert Rose go and wipe your tears.


    I do not believe that DESERT ROSE is from ANTIGUA / BARDUDA. DESERT ROSE is from REDONDA. She is too DUMB to come from ANTIGUA / BARBUDA.

  9. I wonder what happened to my comment. Was it not appreciated by the editor? You either stand for Free Speech or you don’t.

    • I tried it twice, but I guess certain comments are not appreciated by the editor who reigns supreme. The king doesn’t have to explain his reasons to anyone.

      Long live the King. And the hell with Free Speech.

  10. Huh please stop dealing with trivia since there are very serious issues facing our country. Alister, Franz and Serpent are radio hosts so if they interview one of their fellow candidates what is bad sense about that? I did not hear it myself but was told that Michael Browne is now a host of a show on radio ZDK and his first interviewee was Sir Lester. Personally, I do not see anything dumb about it.

  11. World dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne days are numbered. People seeing the nasty dog that you are. He and the rest of the creative enrichment party must be removed from representing our nation.

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