A man, who confessed to chopping his woman with a machete will be sentenced later this month.
Conroy James pleaded guilty to wounding with intent after the start of his trial in the High Court yesterday.
The victim had already testified that the man chopped her in her face and other parts of her body after a dispute at their home in 2017.
She said the man showed no signs of stopping even though her their two young sons were watching and one pleaded with him not to kill her.
The woman managed to run passed the man and was able to get a passing vehicle to take her to a hospital.
A doctor testified the woman came in with multiple injuries including a broken tooth and fractured bones in her face and hands.
He said while the injuries were not life-threatening the woman was in danger of losing her limbs.
The woman said in court that she still loves the man and forgives him.
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Love has nothing to do with it.
God loves us all but some will be going to hell to meet some horrifying conditions according to the Bible and Christian minister.
Men who beats women rarely do it once, even if they are rich and famous. So if you’re in a relationship with a guy who has pushed, hit, or slapped you once, take it as a warning sign. You can expect him to do it again and again. The biggest misconception about these guys is that they have “anger management” issues. They don’t. They don’t blow up at work or at a driver who cuts into their lane. Instead, they have an overwhelming need to control their loved one — how she dresses, where she goes, and whom she talks to.
That’s why, before they actually start using physical violence to stay in control, they are often constantly phoning and text messaging the object of their affections so they know exactly what she’s doing at all times. In fact, they are often obsessively in love with their girlfriends or wives, which makes them even more jealous and controlling — they just don’t know the proper way to express it. They most likely grew up in a home where there was violence. Guys who beat up their girlfriends can be dramatically remorseful — crying, begging for forgiveness and promising to never become violent again. Flowers and gifts can be typical. The apologies can seem so genuine that a battered girlfriend gets completely seduced back into continuing the relationship.
With all this domestic violence taking place these days , some of which have ended in fatality, dear lady, you better leave this man and let him get some rest and relaxation at Her Majesty’s Palace and at her pleasure. Sadly, this might not be the end of this episode so my caution to you lady is to seek help and leave him instantly.
Hope she dont go back with him because he will kill her
You can’t say that because he’s a good nigga only if you did know what really happened make him do such thing
“Good nigga” you say? So good that he exhibited this “Good nigga” behaviour in the presence of the children? Poor child had to beg him not to kill his mother. What kinda “good nigga” would do such jacked up, crazy shit yo? U fo rizzeal now nigga jigga?
What is wrong with you Tajay??? NOTHING justifies something like this. NOTHINHG!!!! You need to do some research.
you think it’s ok to chop someone in the face or for that sake anywhere on anyone’s body with a cutlass?? you must be crazy then and probably should go madhouse with this guy too… Unless the woman had a gun to his head, which i believe was not the case and might still not even be a solid reason for one to chop another, repeatedly, to near death.
huh??? please define “good”!!!!
Seriously good nigga don’t chop up a person because they were provoke none sense .
Lady I hope you find the strength to walk away. If not for you, then for the sake of your children. You may “love” him, but he does NOT love you.
I was married to a antiguian man in the 80s and lived in Antigua from 85 till 89 he was verbally and physically abusive and used to threaten me about using a cutlass and there was one in the house. One day when he was at work I got our two kids and went to the airport and came home to Canada!!
God bless you Sarah. You did the right thing. Where is this abuser now? He is obviously in need of help. Jail time would have been a starter.
Good job
Chups…some arwe handicap and don’t even know….perfect example here
Missy, yes you love him but love do not mean accept verbal, emotional and physical abuse. Too many partners, wives and husbands that are receiving such actions think it’s ok to receive it because they paying for this and that… stop using that fear to keep you bondage to killers silent and loud…u see what happen to the girl Chandler?
You need to focus putting your love to your 2 little boys and not a waste man. Those poor children had to witness this barbaric behaviour , i would be damn ashamed to say i still hold love for a man that not only tried to kill me but more importantly made my children suffer wether it be mentally or emotionally. U need to refocus your love onto the children they should be your concern not him.
She still loves him.Really? She needs to seek professional help.Because the next time we could be reading about man killed girlfriend.This time you are lucky.The next time chances are you would not be so lucky.
Why ? Why does a seemingly random person goes to such extremes ? Chop ? Your 👧..? There is always at least 2 versions to a story ! All I have to say is…this young lady shouldn’t stay with him !! Love ❤️ ? ( him give she carrot 🥕 juice with the special brew !!??)
I’m just here to see how long it takes before Harold Lovell gets blamed for this like everything else.
But… but…. but …. Lovell
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