Vere Bird III awarded $150,000 in police brutality case

Attorney at law Vere Bird III being arrested outside of Shoul's Toys and Gifts on Newgate Street back in 2013

Vere Bird III has finally been awarded damages of EC $150,000 for his accusation of police brutality following his arrest back in January, 2013.

Bird, an attorney, alleged that police officers beat, cursed, abused and falsely imprisoned him along with co-claimant Jim Galloway (now deceased), following picket he staged outside Shoul’s Toys Gifts and Housewares store nearby the St John’s Police Station.

Bird stated that he and Galloway were unlawfully detained at the St. John’s Police Station for approximately 30 hours.

The issue of liability was concluded when the matter came up for trial on 26th March, 2018 upon the primary witness for the Defendant namely Superintendent Alvin Thomas and former Commissioner of Police Vere Brown failed to appear and the Court entered judgment for the Claimant for damages to be assessed. The Court further ordered the following:

  • The witness statements of Superintendent Alvin Thomas and Former Commissioner of Police Vere Browne are struck out.
  • Judgment is entered for the Claimant.
  • The Parties are to file submissions on damages on or before April 30th 2018.
  • The Registrar is to fix a hearing date for the assessment of damages after the submissions have been filed.
  • The Claimant is to draw, file and serve this Order.

On his victory, Bird said, “There are some fine men and women in the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda attempting to do a dangerous job for little pay and even less thanks from the public. However, the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda as an Institution is a corrupt organization starting from the senior officers.”

“I made a criminal complaint at the Police Headquarters on American road of his conduct towards me on the 15th and 25th January, 2013,” said Bird of officer Thomas.

“To date the police have not investigated the matter even with video and photographic evidence of the Assault and Battery. I won the Civil Suit with damages, interest and cost amounting to $150,000.00, but the ultimate victory is that I will not be oppressed in my country by anyone.”

Bird’s claim of injuries suffered by the hands of Thomas was corroborated by Dr. Robertson Thomas and included painful distress cervical spine tenderness, neck tenderness (post cervical Spine), hyper pigmented area in left scapular and base of neck.

As to whether this victory by Bird has closed the chapter between him and the police, Bird said, “It’s not over as yet, Alvin. Wet your hand and wait on me!!!”

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  1. Now he’s out the force even dog better than them. By the way can someone mount a serious investigation into that former officer. Wasnt he the one that beat and injured a fellow female officer for cheating on him with another high ranking officer who’s now retired. I wonder if and burnette would have investigated him if he was given the task to do so.

  2. Congratulations to Vere Bird III. Finally, someone won a lawsuit against the police force of Antigua and Barbuda. Yes there are some very good police officers in the force but the corrupted ones need to be weed out.

  3. I thought our justice system was broken. It seem to take a hell of a long time though. Very sad that Jim didn’t live to see this and enjoy some of the money. Vote CCJ

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