The Federal Aviation Administration said Friday it had downgraded the safety rating for the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), a move that means carriers from those island nations cannot start new service.
The “Category 2” rating covers Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, as well as St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The FAA said the group did not comply with international safety standards.
Previously Antigua & Barbuda enjoyed category one status which is obtained in 2006. The Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority said then that it marked the culmination of almost 10 long years of tough assiduous work.
We reached out to the head of ECCAA for a comment but he did not answer his phone.
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That’s ok we still have Category 1 Sun and beach. F dem.
They have been downgraded from above. Their economy will take decades to recover.
We are going backwards contrary to what the alp choir singers the side and the tin man are singing.
All the hard work the UPP put in 2006 to upgrade our ratings are now in the hands of robin and the alp so we know how that go. He busy a fatten he Bank book.
Can’t hear from JFII either cause he done fled the scene on an airplane from a FAA level 1 airport.
Kudos to the UPP for the work they did in St. Kitts, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent also in making their Airports Category 1 and shame on the horrible, terrible ALP to cause all of them to lose their status. The UPP are truly sorely missed by all an sundry not just in the OECS but thought the world!
“The “Category 2” rating covers Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, as well as St. Vincent and the Grenadines”. It seems you miss that part in the post. Or is it that you just looking for a reason to cuss alp.
Pure nonsense. How can we be compared to St. Lucia that doesn’t have an international airport??? Pure sabotage and you all better stand up for Antigua and Barbuda and stop this political ignorance. Bashing the present government. We all have to travel
SLU has an International Airport
It shows how little you know. St Lucia has two international airports and combined has more flights than Antigua.
St.lucia has an international airport…we have 2 airports
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “The Afrocentric paradigm is a revolutionary shift in thinking proposed as a constructural adjustment to black disorientation, decenteredness, and lack of agency.” For those people of African descent living in the Caribbean and the Diaspora who have been totally dislocated and filled with xenophobia and bitterness, “Afrocentricity is a paradigm based on the idea that African people should reassert a sense of agency in order to achieve sanity.” – Dr. Molefi Asante, Afrocentricity: The Theory of Social Change!
Mi Gud Fren, Why leave your Citadel of Bitterness and like Deimos venture out to spew your bile and sad disinformation! Clearly your twin brother Phobos even in his attempts to spread some doubt through the Colonial Rag is much more measured! It would behoove you to learn from him!
Once More Mi Gud Fren, The Haitian Hero, The Fates and Muses demand that you apologize to the Good Doctor, Madame Rhonda Sealey-Thomas, CMO!
“Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions. (The Ravages of the Pandemic on African Americans and Hispanic People attest), … Come, then, comrades; it would be as well to decide at once to change our ways. We must shake off the heavy darkness in which we were plunged, and leave it behind. The new day which is already at hand must find us firm, prudent and resolute.” – Frantz Fanon, The Wretched Of The Earth!
For The Haitian Hero to crow about this OECS setback, only highlights a neglected education and xenophobia gone absolutely mad!
To not see this for what it is, shows, complete with the resultant trauma and pathologies which haunt and confound such “supercilious sophisticates” yearning for the good old days of the colonial administration, how damaging has been the educational process! Clearly such seeming eccentricities and dysfunctional behaviour of our very own who exhibit the banality of the evil and destabilizing actions taken by The DON, highlight the lack of creative and strategic thinking, not only to be found in the “hysterical hypochondriacs of history” but also of many in the political leadership class!
This mere voice in the wilderness has been for decades suggesting that the OECS, as Independent Nations, need to collectively revisit the International and Territorial Aviation Agreements which were negotiated by the North Atlantics! American, British, Dutch, and French Airlines never ceded the rights which they had negotiated prior to when these SIDS became Independent! Many of us fly on LIAT in the Sunny Caribbean Skies from Island to Island! Contrary to Popular Thinking, LIAT has no monopoly here! There are some international carriers on which you can travel the Caribbean Highway!
In one bold and crass action the DON has eliminated any incursions by the OECS and LIAT into the existing Aviation Logistics Arrangements! There will be no new normal after “Rona!” The US Airlines will retain unfettered access and no competition along the Caribbean Highway from LIAT or any OECS upstart carrier either by a wet lease or other airline alliance! If anyone had any doubts as to “Ham’s Redemption”, the wanton devastation by “Covid” in African American ranks has exposed the lie!
Grantley Adams International Airport, Bridgetown, Barbados is a FAA Category II Airport!
Boeing completed FAA certification (hot and humid conditions), on B767, B747-8 aircraft and the B787 Dreamliner at the Grantley Adams International Airport, which has been listed as a Boeing test site for future variance! Why would the Haitian Hero and the “nattering nabobs of negativity” not know those facts!
Yes Sir, Mr. Prime Minister, leave this Europe and her kith and kin behind! In this the International Decade For People of African descent, 2015 – 2024, Ethiopian Airlines Strategic Plan beckons! Abandon Morocco, this usurper of Sahrawi lands and “Johnny come lately to the AU”, and make common cause with our Brothers and Sisters! As Garvey said many moons ago “Africa for the Africans” should be our cry as we engage with People of African Descent on the Motherland! GoAB must build Solid National Institutions for a Caribbean Civilization!
The “Belt and Road,” Strategic Imperative, which probably could be a a boon to Developing Countries, sends fear and dread throughout the North Atlantics as “Covid n Rona” has shown that China is, by some measures, already the world’s largest economy and within ten to 15 years, it will probably take this spot by all metrics!
If MAGA and BREXIT did not expose the North Atlantics’ drift, then “Covid n Rona” must have opened some eyes!
“Today, we are present at the stasis of Europe. Comrades, let us flee from this motionless movement where gradually dialectic is changing into the logic of equilibrium. Let us reconsider the question of mankind. Let us reconsider the question of cerebral reality and of the cerebral mass of all humanity, whose connections must be increased, whose channels must be diversified and whose messages must be re-humanized. … Come, brothers, we have far too much work to do for us to play the game of rear-guard. … But let us be clear: what matters is to stop talking about output, and intensification, and the rhythm of work. … What we want to do is to go forward all the time, night and day, … we must invent and we must make discoveries. … If we wish to live up to our peoples’ expectations, we must seek the response elsewhere than in Europe. … for ourselves and for humanity, comrades, we must turn over a new leaf, we must work out new concepts, and try to set afoot a new man.” Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of The Earth!
Sentiments fully endorsed, Chubblesum.
With the rush to reopen VC Bird Airport, how does that affect international flights when airlines resumes flying??
I’m wondering the same thing as well. What about people who need to fly back to their respective islands??
It only affects airlines based in the OECS flying to the US. So basically, just LIAT.
Ok, but my brother is in Antigua and needs to fly to Dominica and the only airline that flies straight is LIAT 🤦🏾♂️
Barbados is Category 2 (been so since 2011) Hey don’t get me wrong, we (OECS region) need to work on getting back cat 1. The future option for LIAT included having it bring passengers from MIami FL. For this to happen we need back that cat 1 status
Our airport is unsafe….. plenty people fell and hurt themselves up there
From reports.. The breach did not happen in Antigua.
What reports and where would they be found to read, thanks
Don’t worry im mad about it, we know better but our CAA will foc this crap
People with years of Facilities Maintenance skills and knowledge had applied for employment at this airport on serveral occasions but keep being rejected.
The airport need a good management team not someone who are political brain wash and jump when the politicians say to and hire who they send. (whoever government in power).
Pure nonsense. How can we be compared to St. Lucia that doesn’t have an international airport??? Pure sabotage and you all better stand up for Antigua and Barbuda and stop this political ignorance. Bashing the present government. We all have to travel
@ A Patriotic Citizen….Look you people crack me up when you speak errors which one is lead to think is factual. What you mean St Lucia does not have an international airport. St Lucia for your information has two airports IACAO codes SLU and UVF (Hewanorra International airport). Google yourself
Really St. Lucia do not have an international airport!
Correction St Lucia has two airports! Sometimes we need to read and stay quiet, but because of social media, smart devices anyone can stay behind a screen and voice there option. Which is fine but not when it’s incorrect and some innocent person will take it and run with it.
That’s all Antigua and the other islands need at this time. Did the FAA list the deficiencies so they can be correct? Does this mean no American carrier will come to Antigua? This is serious.
This does not affect current routes established
I agree with u @maryland is pure drama going on at that airport
@ A patriotic citizen (A jingoistic citizen?)
When did St. LuciA stop having an International Airport?
There are two paragraphs in this item that are important and warrant serious critical discussion – the first one which states the penalty and the second which identifies the penalized. The other two paragraphs are of absolutely no importance to the story or how the imposed penalty might be addressed…….Let’s attempt to critically discuss the second……pay special attention to CRITICALLY children……..
……meant to include the third paragraph also which states the actual ” crime committed”……..
See how easy it is to control a country from the outside and not even the PM can do anything about it…..
Pay attention people. Supporting Venezuela comes with a cost.
It’s time to down size the country until it is manageable and sustainable to the point that their sanctions will have little effect.
This is about Venezuela. Not petite politics. This is the big leagues…..
@ A patriotic citizen (A jingoistic citizen?)
When did St. LuciA stop having an International Airport?
There are two paragraphs in this item that are important and warrant serious critical discussion – the first one which states the penalty and the second which identifies the penalized. The other two paragraphs are of absolutely no importance to the story or how the imposed penalty might be addressed…….Let’s attempt to critically discuss the second……pay special attention to CRITICALLY children……..
Questions is American Airlines going to be able to land at VC bird intl. still and are the taxes payers of Antigua and Barbuda still paying for empty seats on that carrier since the COVID-19 pandemic
Just another episode of As The World Turns…
Produced by: Capitaline Hill
Written by: The Congress
Directed by: The FAA
Starring: Mr. Dick ‘Mac’ Morph
Co Staring: ChinnyMan
Special Guest Appearance by: Ms. Antigua, Barbuda & Redonda Tourism – portraying a young sexy, voluptuous, phat Azz Island prostitute.
…take 1! Take 2! Let’s Roll, and ACTION…
BODOG…how can they do this?what does this mean?
…”a move that means carriers from these island nations cannot start new service.”
I was about, to launch my new carrier BOSSDAWG AIRWAYS…
FAA Spokes person…Mr. Dick Will Have…
“The FAA will have none of this, this nonsense of supporting Venezuela, because she[Ms. Tourism] got grease up her Azz from all those barrels of free oil; she’s just like most those, one Lycra Dress Prostitute!
She dosen’t fit, conform nor comply with international safety standards!
I’ll just send, my Shark Harpoon up her rear end, to let her know, that my Bosses on Capitaline Hill means business!
Are the Extras ready to be shot…
Ok folks, remember; fight like you never fought before, your life is on the line. You MUST get out, of the Crab Barrel first…
Take 1…take 2…let’s ROLL and ACTION…
Above the fray of the finger pointing political comrades, party well wishers, and the likes; say what you’ll want, about each other; talk, gossip about each other like a bunch of Anteemen or Dykestazz, the Tourism Industry, which is being screwed royally by COVID-19(weapon of war), and Law Enforcement(governments lockdown via, curfews, guns and batons), is just trying to raise her head, from off the rock bed; still haven’t even taken a good bath, from COVID-19’s stentch and strength screwing her relentlessly; now, in walk SANCTIONS into the room smiling, dangling his American Federal Reserve Crypto Wallet, backed by the Flavians Gold, and housed & secured, by jewish Connection; and, he refers to and describe his sidekick, Mr. Dick Will Have, as his Whale Harpoon!
Damn, thinking Ms. Tourism, doped up, strung out, hanged over from all of those trial drugs she took, from not feeling COVID-19, pain.
Now, she has to take this Shark Harpoon up her, entrails.
As, she sets herself to take the pain from the FAA, she quickly remembers, if her new, sexy voluptuous, airport cloned and made by the Chinese cannot make, no money by showing off her nakedness, on Da Beach to repay, those Hundreds of Millions, which they loaned me, to look pretty, I’m afraid, only my mouth on my body will be able to accommodate, the Chinese’s Mr. Dick Free Lance and his entourage, and from International reports, this Mr. Dick Free Lance is cloned after, a Stingray Lance. It won’t come out, the way it goes in, not even with me being greased up, by barrel’s upon barrels, of Venezuela’s Vasiline, tar & oil.
Now? During covid-19?, these world powers are really out to destroy us.
The Art Of War, is always shadowed by, #The Art Of Deception!
The #TrojannHorse enters as Missionaries, yet once hitched at the rails, out pour the Mercenaries, already drunk, now begin to behave disorderly, and mercilessly!
When North America sneezes, the Caribbean catches such things as a COVFEFE, and COVID-19…#Economic # Virus.
It’s interesting, that the US Congress, allegedly, just past a bipartisan Law, Titled HR – 6666…interesting Title in these times(numbers and power$, run for the same family); and, also provisions, as they pertain to FUNDING, and ENTITIES to be funded by this.
I real-eyes that most persons either they did not read the article or they did not understand what was written.
1 ECCA was down graded.
2 Which means they cannot issue any new license to a new carrier that may enter any USA ports.
3 All existing licenses are valid.
4 This down grade affects USA ports only.
5 Seemingly they can issue licenses for regional carriers.
…and, US Ports of call are the Narions largest markets, which supports, Ms. Tourism.
It will be like a living hell, trying to navigate, out of this prism with steamed up mirrored walls, caused by the breathe of confused political leaders.
Don’t worry the PM will fix it in short order.
So what if St Lucia has two or twenty-two airports???? They too have been downgraded!!! Thus is an OECS issue and must be addressed as such. Antiguans, wake up. Stop sleeping with enemy. You are becoming TRUMPets with a penchant for consuming and promoting blue Kool Aid. Sickening.
Yep, this is what bitterness does to those so imbued. At their core they have no true love for country hence have no problem seeing it turn in two or shattered
So because you don’t agree with something someone says or does you say that they don’t love there country? Great analysis (sarcasm)
You really take time to read the comments to this article? You miss the shown need by some to see this country fail? They remind of that lady in the bible who demanded of Solomon that the baby be cut in half https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_az3eNb0fI 1 Kings 3:16–28 Your choice if your prefer to ignore the terrorists
I understand some people may want the ALP government to fail. But how do you know that those posting are even Antiguans? And even if they were, the ALP government failing is certainly not the same as Antigua failing. I can disagree with the policies of a government and still love my country. One party does not have a monopoly on patriotism. And that does not change regardless to what you quote from the Bible or Youtube.
Just saying, clearly there is something wrong with your head. Not sure how you can write such drivel and not see the ridiculousness. Could this be why you label yourself just saying? How about also thinking before you say? Hearing you, one would then think leadership no longer matters since according to you its decisions have no impact on A&B. Even the UPP party leader would tell you verbally his hope is that the government succeeds.. Agree with you that there can be policy differences and debates, but we should all want A&B to succeed no matter the leader else we are akin to that lady who wanted her child cut in half. Anyway responding to the notion in your post, I doubt you are that ignorant and can only conclude that you have created a false idea to justify your ridiculous position. Hopefully our future discourse will find you more sensible
Romans 13:1-14
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment”
Anon, I am glad that you stay anonymous. You accuse people of drinking blue Kool Aid while you are drowning in the red kind. What makes you any different.
The red people don’t drink Kool aide, its wine, the red expensive kind. Actually is good for the heart and helps enable us to not be bitter. Don’t see us busy hoping for bad. We leave things like kool aide to kids or the adults ho are bitter
Bereminded…. red wine also can make you drunk which you appear to be since your spelling leaves much to be desired. The word is Kool Aide…not Kool Aide.
poor you, just like your ilk trying to create a issue when there is none. Watch you try and correct yet show yourself a hypocrite
Everything is Politrics smh!! guess what none of the two parties give a fart about none of us
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