UPP’s Biennial Convention Will Focus on Unity and Strengthening the Party’s Path to Victory


The United Progressive Party (UPP) is gearing up to launch its 12th Biennial Convention, its first since 2019. Convention Week will feature a range of activities under the theme “Together in Unity: Forward to Victory.”  It will run from April 14 through April 24 and the Party will aim to emerge from the Convention more united, stronger than before and poised to retake government.

Chair of the Convention Planning Committee, Harold Lovell, indicates that everything is in place for an effective and rewarding week of activities.

“This will be our first convention since the general election and the celebration of our 30th Anniversary in 2023. We are extremely excited about the opportunity to share our vision with members and supporters who are the heart of our Party. A team that works together finds greatness together and this promises to be an unforgettable event. It will focus on unity, as we work together to create a future built on policies and programs that will uplift all Antiguans and Barbudans,” Lovell said.

Convention week will begin with a Thanksgiving Service at the Christian Assembly Ministries in Paynters on Sunday April 14 at 4 p.m.  It will be officiated by Pastor Paul Andrew and the UPP’s Choir will be featured on the exciting line-up of performances.

Monday April 15, is Media Day, and Party representatives and spokespersons will be featured on various radio stations and on social-media platforms.  They will recount and celebrate the UPP’s accomplishments during its 10-year tenure and discuss economic and governance issues currently affecting the Nation.

On Tuesday April 16, constituency branches and the Executive will gather for a night of karaoke and games at the Barefoot Bar at Pensioner’s Beach. On Wednesday, will be the “Outreach to Our Stalwarts,” an initiative that will honor retired supporters who helped to blaze a trail throughout the Party’s 31 year history.

On Thursday April 18 will be “Youth Connect,” an activity designed to inspire, educate and empower the youth. The event will be held at Freedom Hall, under the theme “The Contributions of Youth Talent to Socio-economic Development.”  Senator Damion Crawford, Shadow Minister of the PNP in Jamaica will deliver the keynote address. A panel of experts will address the topic “How is Today’s Economy Affecting the Youth: The Disparity Between Economic Growth and Their Pockets.”

The Convention opens officially with a grand ceremony on Saturday April 20, at 6 p.m. at the Multi-Purpose Centre. It will feature three guest speakers: Antiguan, Commissioner Dion Irish, Chief of Operations for the City of Boston, Ms. Mickela Panday, former M.P. from Trinidad and Tobago and Dr. Thomson Fontaine, Political Leader of the UWP in Dominica. The event will feature entertainment and Party affirmations and is expected to attract hundreds of supporters.

The business session takes place on Saturday, April 21, and will culminate in the election of a new Central Executive Committee, which will run the UPP’s affairs for the next two years.

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  1. Happy to know you all are looking forward to build unity within the party.For there to have unity, leave the present leader and work with him.
    I don’t care whether or not you all are organized, but if you all change him, then you all going to see the party break up. Mr Lovely was there so long and never win anything, you all did not vote against him. Just leave that Grace Farm gentleman alone. He is working so hard. I love him. People must give to Ceacer what is due to Ceacer.
    NB, I don’t know why you all invited Mr Crawford here to speak , when you all don’t love Jamaicans. I have to get a message down to him. You all should look in your UPP path. Leave Jamaican out of your thing.
    Everything you all cuss and find fault about us. Mr Crawford is not a labourite. He is a comrade, so I don’t see. why you invite him.
    I have to defend my Jamacian comrade. He not coming here to boost no jamacian to support you all party.
    Long live the party leader. Anyway you all could change leader , one thing I know Antiguan have a prime minister that is not going anywhere. Long live Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party under the leadership of the Honourable Gaston Brown and his government.
    May God guide and protect. Antigua and Barbuda communities

    • go advise Gaston about the state of Antigua:roads, no water, hunger, cost of living and crime, then come back go advise Gaston about the state of Antigua:roads, no water, hunger, cost of living and crime, then come back

      @ Margaret

      STFU, you pretender.
      Advice from people like you are redundant: GO AWAY AND HIDE

      • @ Margaret,
        Semi illiterate migrants like you who left the various hell holes of Jamaica that are controlled by Garrison politicians and drug lords fits right in with ALBP agenda.
        Use every corruptive means to stay in power

  2. When a political party’s theme for its convention is theme “Together in Unity: Forward to Victory” It highlight the disunity in the Party. That is not a winning strategy.

    The sense of chaos that has recently engulfed the Party- or at best woefully lacking communications management-appears to be enveloping the UPP a oppposition and as an institution.

    The UPP Party needs someone who can speak directly to female voters, the business community, young voters, non-national voters, the working poor, the disenfranchised -and the disatisfied.

    Being reactionary to a con-man with petty arguments does not provide hope for the future.
    Achievable tour de force policy proposals are what’s needed now.

    This is not time to party but it’s time for the UPP Party to demonstrate it has what it takes to lead this country.
    Patting yourselves on the back and barefoot at pensioner’s corner is not what voters are looking for. They are looking for and alternative with Sound ideas and leadership.

    • @ We the People

      go advise Gaston about the state of Antigua:roads, no water, hunger, cost of living and crime, then come back

      • @I would rather a dunce and honest MP than a ” PM,
        I’m with you; we are in the same political side. I’m prepared to criticize the UPP hoping that it will bring about a small measure of change that leads to a winning formula.

  3. We the people stupps speak for your self dont speak for us, we need a government that will look out for Antiguans abd Barbudans and not for themselves, so go take many seat

    • @A real Antiguan,
      I think we have the same goals snd aspersions. A more equitable country.
      My concern is that the ABLP’s propaganda machine can’t be ignored; so the UPP can not just be reactionary.
      Conventions are the place to formulate the Party’s plank that it will put before the people on how to make their lives better in a more equitable and less corrupt society.
      Sure there should and will be I hope be some housekeeping done at the Convention such as elections of officers and leaders; but Antiguans and Barbudans want to know what is the UPP policy proposals and the way it will affect their lives.

      Having a Religious Minister who is in the pocket of the ABLP praying, and partying on the beach is not a formula for success when the decks are stacked against the UPP
      I want change no less than you.

  4. What fantastic news! The UPP (which should stand for Unity Perfection and Prominence 😉) , are going to show the self-enriched and out of touch ABLP how to conduct themselves in the application at this convention.

    Leading from behind, and running the country shouldn’t be done by a “do as I say” manner, as it is at present. Tarl!

    Bringing the country together in unity and harmony is the UPP’S current theme. Many Antiguans welcome this symmetrical approach among its members.

    Furthermore, once the ‘penny cent’ drops amongst the ABLP, they’ll realise there is a clearer and cleaner way of doing politics and appealing to the electorate in this great country of ours.

    Hopefully, the members of the ABLP cabinet will pay attention, and watch and learn from this UPP convention; and in return congratulate them on trying to conduct politics and leadership in a more pleasant and harmonious way.


    UPP, a new dawn and a new horizon.

    Hip hip … 🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦

  5. … I might also apply to become the UPP’S campaign manager in the run-up to the 2028 General Election


  6. All the dunce elements pretending to be advising the UPP why don’t u idiots tell gaston clown to call an ablp convention, there we will see who united.

  7. Accomplishments of the UPP could fit in a post it note. What did they accomplish in their ten years of governance? IMF, can’t park, failed uniform project, Yasco incompetence, buying property from their supporters at above market value, failed housing scheme, sale of Royal Antiguan for 4 million when the property was bought for 27 million with zero improvements? Idiotic government and the only two people who benefited in City West was Baldwin Spencer and Richard Lewis with their huge properties.
    No one else.
    Curse on the UPP. Sending home 98 Antiguans from the port.
    Failure is rampant and they will continue to fail. Changing leaders, keeping them, no difference they will remain losers and failures forever.
    The party was built on sinking sand.

    • And @ Coming Down, you talk about ten years of UPP governance. Please do tell the country about the wasteful 40-odd years of Birdism and Browneism that made promises – and didn’t complete them.

      Let me jog your “selective” memory:

      1. The road infrastructure.
      2. The island wide water system
      3. A manufacturing base
      4. A banking system to be proud of
      5. Affordable housing for all
      6. Better Investment in education
      7. A police to protect us
      8. Better hospital facilities
      9. Life-saving drugs for all
      10. Transparency and accountability

      If you require me to highlight anything more @ Coming Down, under the tutelage of Birdism and Browneism, please let Brixtonian know, I can find plenty plenty more … 👍🏾

    • Go baby! Go baby! Oops! There was no 98 people working at the port been sent home, bill Abbott had some made up names he sent in weekly and collected there cheque and cash them at Hadeed or Percival gas station, and no police was ever called over 27 years he was doing that, the then minister of finance molwyn and then John st Louis were complicit.

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