UPP Salutes The Cuban Medical Brigade


The United Progressive Party (UPP) and the people of Antigua and Barbuda express a warm and fraternal welcome to the Cuban Medical Brigade dispatched by the Government and People of Cuba to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UPP recognizes that in times like these, true friendship manifests itself in what is being done rather than what is being said.

The Party commends the Cuban people and its government for the assistance they extend to Antigua and Barbuda, as well as to other states in the region and beyond.

The Party notes that while developed countries turn inwards to tackle their own COVID-19
challenges, Cuba has so far sent Medical Brigades to seven countries.

The Cuban people continue to give life to one of the ideals of the Cuban Revolution which
is“training doctors to help other nations.”

In this time of local need and global fear, the people and the government of Cuba have stepped forward in a great way and for this the people of Antigua and Barbuda are eternally grateful.

The Party calls on the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to do all that is humanly possible to provide to the Cuban Medical Brigade the resources needed to maximize its effort in assisting us fight this pandemic.

The UPP stands ready to assist in every way it can to ensure a successful battle against this deadly virus.

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  2. Upp so hate the ablp in that hole new mp harold didn’t even say good work pm Browne for inviting the Cubans doctors and nurses to come and help us Antigua is for all of us

    • He got no praise because he didn’t invite them…. my God you ppl crack me up gwan like Gaston is God or something

  3. UPP should negotiate several Agricultural deals with Cuba. Harold do some work! Remember your “roots” from the 1960’s and ’70s down Back Street to Alfred Peter’s Street, and not your stoic, cardboard, massa harris personality, from the halls of windsor!
    There is no way, at this present junction, in the Nation’z Story, that even Point Man, PM Worl Boss Gaston Browne can say, negatively about working with Cuba to develop of Agriculture Industry.
    This is not, the 1970’s when Papa Bird used that communist, socialist crap against any assistance from Cuba. Of course, the halls of windsor was firmly behind those moves, no doubt.

    Anyway, WE need to collaborate with Cuba, on Agriculture and I could careless who gets to it first.
    As, a matter of fact, if I was a person running for political office, and the Go Green Party should do this, as well. Get to Cuba, and negotiate.. negotiate…negotiate. The People in Antigua are mentally ready. COVID-19 is making sure, of that. Food scarce in some ways, and the longer COVID-19 sticks around without being brought under control, even their Spirit will begin, to comply.

    RASpect to all, and as Prophet Robert Nester Marley, said, and we need it now, more than ever GROW HEMP, but in the mean time…One Love, One Heart; Let’s get together, and feel alright!

    Stay safe, build your immune system. Eat to Live…Don’t, Live to Eat.

    • LMAO!!!! Who will do the negotiating???? The One Single Pringle that them a try fu undermine? Cho he ova board.

      • I will…
        so, painting it graphically for you, @Graphics, I will.

        Next up, you can laugh your ASS off, but what that tells me, I’d gave to keep away from you, “JACK…” lard Jack, a wey U, ASS gone, e, he run wey fram U, e, he mussah weary a tek lash to R-Ass!

        Remember, when laugh your ASS off, and it drops, to the ground like jello, HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! Anybody home? Sir, they sent you OVA RideShare to take you, to see your Plastic Surgeon, he said, that he just realized, that the Jello Pack, which he used, was EXPIRED! Do you get that, graphic depiction yet?
        I see your body rejected it, and spit it out, on the curb! No worries, the Sun, and The Birds will clean, that mess up!

        Now, speaking of “mess” which needs to be cleaned up, and the fact, that I mentioned “Birds,” the Bird Family in Antigua, to include Papa, Lester, and Vere Jnr, not the psycho who got dinged by PM Browne, have to still share some of the blame for not being 100 year VISIONARIES, except for Papa the rest were like Mercenaries, for the most part.

  4. Harry is NOT an MP, and has been rejected by the voters again and again. Pringle is the true leader. Let us hear from him, please. Just let the guy speak.

  5. Dear Harry always trying to be relevant. It must hurt that the electorate has rejected him again and again. Meh feel sorry for he, but he is yesterdays news. The Leader of the Opposition is Jamal Pringle. He is the UPP boss now. PM Browne is the one who invited the Cubans and that should be acknowledged. The Cubans have come to our aid once again, standing with us in true socialist solidarity. FIDEL CASTRO LIVES! I do not say this is a political partisan manner, but may the RED FLAG of international labour, social democracy, and democratic socialism fly forever proudly in this Great Land. SOLIDARITY FOREVER. In the words of Maurice BISHOP: “FORWARD EVER! BACKWARD NEVER! Tim Hector would be so proud today. In the midst of adversity, together we going FORWARD. LONG LIVE CUBAN AND ANTIGUAN SOLIDARITY and comradeship.. God bless our lands, and keep our People safe.

  6. Some idiot just posted on Jolly-Wood that the Cubans are here as SPIES! Does he have something to hide or what? Maybe he should be spied on. Then again he may be a spy for the Empire, an expert trained in sowing discord. Such idiocy and such ignorance. GOD BLESS THE CUBANS. The People of this Great Nation say THANK YOU, and welcome you with joy.

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