The United Progressive Party (UPP) strongly denies statements made by Prime Minister Gaston Browne, over the past weekend, in which he claims to have undertaken fundraising efforts on behalf of our Party.
These egregious lies were uttered with one aim in view: To undermine the
credibility and integrity of the UPP by associating us with the Prime Minister and
his organization.
“The Leadership of the UPP has held no discussions with Browne; asked for no
intercessions with any corporate entity by Browne; accepted no donations from
Browne; and would not accept any such gesture made by Browne,” says Political
Leader Harold Lovell.
Rather, the Party would encourage the Prime Minister to stop politicizing the
distribution of care packages to persons and families in need, since the
Government has a financial and moral obligation to assist those who are most
“We find it distasteful that PM Browne would seek to gain political mileage out
of something as basic as food in what is clearly a looming crisis. We call on him
to take the higher ground, for once, and simply do his duty – just like thousands of
other political, religious and civic leaders are doing right now across the globe,”
Lovell says.
Any efforts by the UPP to assist persons in need will be strictly that: Party efforts.
We neither want nor welcome the assistance, the endorsement, or the direction of
Prime Minister Browne in such undertakings, Lovell states.
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Come on Lovell be a Man!!!!!! . The Prime Minister said that He called a few People to assist the other Political Organizations with food distributions. What is wrong with that ? You Politicize everything. Stop campaigning …Wait for 2023 when You will be OUSTED AGAIN.
“OUSTED” you say?? That’s putting it oh so nicely. Sounds like a strong euphemism for “get wan rar-yal RAR-SIN”
This spineless political deadbeat has LOST MORE ELECTIONS than he has won. His problem is that he allowed Mrs. ARRINDELL to hijack his mind.
Where is Richard Lewis?
Harold Lovell cannot be ousted because he is not even “in” to begin with.
He is NOT an MP
He is NOT a senator
He is NOT relevant
He is NOT the next PM
He is Mr. IMF
He is Mr. Romantic Rhythms
He is ABST giveaway
He is Wadadli Power Plant
He is Worst Finance Minister
He is Melford Punching Bag
He is Joanne Massiah’s backstabber
He is UPP friggup-er
He is King Lyadd
Why would the Prime Minister go out there.And speak for and or on behalf of an Opposition Political Party.If that really makes sense to you guys.Then something really wrong with are you brains.Too much intake of liquor,weed and or red kool-aid.So the brains are fried.
@on the move
Gaston Browne is the prime minister of all Antiguans and not just labour supporters. He is the one politicizing food distribution. It is an attempt by him to show he can get food to his supporters and the UPP can’t. I am surprised that so many individuals on this are supporting this political nonsense by the PM.
He was elected leader of the country and not Lovell. I wish he would just do his job and stop looking for political mileage when Antiguans are suffering. Shame on GB and his supporters on this page.
Same thing am saying it’s not about about whose party your in right now. Everyone needs to come together put ya damn pride to the side and help each other no matter your color
Wait he till ah campaign? Harry man we are living in the era of COVID-19 elections is still 3 YEARS away.
Take off your blindfold and see who is campaigning. Your big boss Gaston should just do his job as the prime minister of all Antiguans.
Is that you Harold Lovell?👀
Is that you Harold Lovell? 👀
D.GISEL ISAAC runs the UPP. She dictates that Jamal Pringle should not attend the Economic Meeting . Also D.Gisel Isaac gets rid of Richard Lewis . She runs the UPP. UPP finished. UPP tell too many LIES. Look at this BIG lie He just tell on this Page. UPP done.
This man’s supporters call OMG day and night and complain about things hard. The PM show him some options he could utilize to help them and he essentially tears his bottom figuratively on his own party supporters. Pride, also does also stay after a fall
lol long time I haven’t heard that expression “tear he battum” lol. I guess the voters will “tear dem battum” to Lovell next election (as they have done for the past 3 elections). Allowing the HAG WITH LIPSTICK to control you shows that you have no balls. Someone is “wearing the pants” and it is not Lovell.
UPP members are calling for PEARL QUINN – WILLIAMS to lead the UPP into the 2023 General Election but D.GISEL ISAAC is working very hard to keep out PEARL out of the UPP.They know that UPP does not have a chance with Harold so the next best Person is Pearl. UPP is in total disarray. Prime Minister please call election in 2021.
Jamal Pringle just threw the UPP under the bus. Jamal Pringle said that He does NOT listen to Harold or Gisel.He is His own Man.If that is really true I applaud Jamal Pringle because Harold and Gisel do not wish Jamal any good. BRAVO Jamal.
They will soon cut him loose next election.
You are correct. Jamal needs help.Very thin skin. The Prime Minister apologized on His Facebook page. Now what ???? Will Jamal join the Economic Team ? Let’s wait and see. BIG JOKE.
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