UPP announces week of events for its 12th Biennial Convention, starting April 14


*UPP announces week of events for its 12th Biennial Convention, starting April 14*

The United Progressive Party (UPP) has laid out plans for its 12th Biennial Convention, which will see activities spread across the course of one week.

The theme for the event is “Together in Unity: Forward to Victory,” and its aim is for the Party to emerge from the Convention even stronger than before.

According to the chair of the Convention Planning Committee, Harold Lovell, a Thanksgiving Service to bless the event will be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, at the Christian Assembly Ministries in Paynters, the church of its chaplain, Pastor Paul Andrew.

Monday, April 15, is Media Day, he says, and the Party intends to have its representatives and spokespersons on most of the radio stations and across the social-media platforms.

They will recount and celebrate the UPP’s accomplishments during its 10-year tenure and discuss the economic and governance issues now wracking the Nation.

All work and no play would not be appropriate, Lovell says, and so, on Tuesday evening, April 16, the constituency branches and the Executive will gather for a night of karaoke and games at the Barefoot Bar at Pensioners Beach.

An appreciation day follows on Wednesday, when the Party will undertake its “Outreach to Our Stalwarts,” an exercise of recognition and appreciation for retired supporters who helped blaze the trail.

Then the Party’s youth will connect on Thursday, April 18, for an evening of fraternity and discussion after hearing from a dynamic young politician from Jamaica.

The Convention opens officially with a grand ceremony of speeches by overseas guests, entertainment, and recommitment on Saturday night, April 20, at the Multi-Purpose Centre, and is expected to attract hundreds of supporters.

Its business session takes place on Sunday, April 21, and will culminate in the election of a new Central Executive Committee, which will run the UPP’s affairs for the next two years.

More details, particularly on the guest speakers, will be shared over the coming weeks, Lovell assures.


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  1. Looks like a well planned UPP Convention with more events and more publicly available information than typical.

    It’s also a good move to give the youth their own night and guest speaker. Should be inspirational. And remembering the stalwarts is always critical, and expected from our African traditions of respecting the wisdom and contribution of the elders. Sankofa.

    But the most interesting thing I’ve heard all day is that Hon. Anthony Smith is running for Chairman.

    Anthony is a very likeable person both inside and outside the party and can easily draw new voters to the party. He is a youth, a businessman and from what we can observe, very polite, balanced and humble. Not at all abrasive and he actually cares what he says to people who are on the fence. As the UPP Chairman he would be powerful tool to win over various voting communities and independent voters, if the Convention delegates care about that.

    This is no brainer. This is more of a no brainer than the race for Leader… but lets see what happens.

    And Gaston must be making chocolate in his pants!

    All of a sudden we will hear on Point FM how Gisele Isaac is being “blindsided and badplayed” She will now be the best thing ever and Gaston’s favorite, just like Hon. Jamale Pringle now is.

    Smart politics.

    Watch and see….

  2. When is the ALP Leadership Convention, are we going to witness a Russian/Iranian style or there will not be any? Chet might get a Knighthood, come November because in the ALP, Knights don’t fight.

  3. Pringle its your time, go knock them out, bring back the crown you have earned. No lazy attention seeking upstart should take it away. Show him you are not like Gayle.

  4. I notice that they finally edited the dates in this press release as opposed to the one posted on their own 14 Antigua Breaking News portal.
    Didn’t anyone proofread before submitting it for posting? Please remember that leadership matters.

    • Dave Ray is that it? Pluuueeezzzeee go grab your dildo and sit on it so that it can force some more shit out of your mouth

  5. I just hope that the UPP comes out stronger out of this convention. Nothing is wrong with people challenging for leadership positions. However one has to me mindful of who will better serve the organization. Example -?Anthony Smith has not been seen in his constituency as he should. Yes he goes on the radio station and on Facebook/ social media and gives the impression that he has been concretizing is position in All Saints West. This is furthest from the truth. Without the resources of the state there is much more can be done as an opposition with some innovation and planning. He did not beat Michael Brown, Michael Brown beat himself. He won by default. This has been a swing constituency. Smith you need to work more in your constituency. Don’t get too swell headed this fast. Learn to creep before you walk.
    So with this said I would continue with the powerful and dynamic D. Gisele Isaac. She has far more management skills, more experience and the fortitude to carry the fight to the likes of Gaston Brown and ABLP. He is out of league !
    For the political leadership- I prefer Richard Lewis. He is by far a more educated guy and more fitting to represent Antigua regionally and internationally. Not taking anything away from Pringle. Pringle has grown significantly but in my book not there as yet. Don’t think he will be able to command the respect of all his parliamentarians and Antiguans. To win the elections you need a leader that the people will respect. I think the more fitting person at this stage will be Richard Lewis. His constituency as in most took a big swing in 2014. I am totally confident that he will win that seat even more convincingly and with confidence will grow charismatically.
    What I am simply saying is don’t do like the time with Joanne Messiah/ Harold saga. Let everything be done in fairness. Let democracy prevail. There is still time yet before a general elections. Don’t come out divided. Unity is power. Don’t let power take precedence over democracy. Follow the UPP construction !!!!!! . Let the chip fall where it may.
    We need a strong opposition as you have been this time around. Just with a bit of tweaking and letting common sense prevail will take you across the finish line.
    God bless!

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