UPP against shortening time for “dollar-barrell”


Tabor chides Administration for shortening the period of the holiday barrel initiative

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  1. Why is it that the government with the strongest and fast growing economy gives the least economic relief to its citizens?

    • They are crooked people that don’t love nobody but themselves, a country that is doing so good but they keep trying to squeeze and offer no relief , only election there is relief.

  2. The Dollar Barrel initiative became the Ten Dollar Barrel initiative back in 2011 when the UPP was in power. It has remained at $10 since that time. Trying to make it sound like it was increased by the ABLP is disingenuous. But I do not expect any better.

  3. Can Tabor list the islands with same initiative and cost per barrel?

    He also made it sound that it was ABLP who increased the cost to 10.00

  4. Tell me one thing that the UPP is not against? They don’t run the affairs of the country anymore. They have no financial responsibility to remit payment to any segment of the public service.

    They want to demand higher wages to public servant without any method of supplemental income to the treasury. If this administration says it’s yellow, the opposition would say it’s violet. What a set of bachanalians, all for relevance.

    While in office, they increased it from $1 – $10 in 2011. It has remain the same for past 12 years. We have since experienced a world crisis for almost 2 years, yet still they believe that things ought to remain the same.
    They are unique, to put it mildly.

    I can only give my unsolicited advice to the cabinet, and that is to continue to do the best it can to meet its financial obligations without entertaining the noises that have no skin in the game.
    God bless Antigua and Barbuda.

  5. $10!! Is $50 -$100 to clear a Christmas barrel long gone are the days of $10 barrel. A question
    Who really benefitting from this 8% economic increase? People still struggling, supermarket prices go up every day. At least extend until January knowing that shipments sometimes get delayed at this busy time of the year. Stop all you wickedness to Antigua and Barbuda people oh Lord 🙏

    • This is a form of social program. That doesn’t benefit the public purse. You can’t always want to stretch your hand. Pay some taxes a well. The country still has to be run. Stop complaining about everything. Gosh, man!

  6. Dave Rae you Lib in Merica and wasted most of your Time. Its ok for you to benefit from the American Free Hiv medication but people here in antigua must get get squeeze from the uncaring Government. You always Running your mouth I hope you find Time to Fumigate the Bedbedbug infestetd apt. Ah na me say do. Them Sisa say so when you hosted the Girls party

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