Unvaccinated public officers put on notice


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has put unvaccinated public officers on notice.

He says Cabinet is close to making a decision that those who choose not to vaccinate against COVID-19 will be subject to regular testing at their own cost.

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  1. Mr? Do not force things on people. We aren’t your children where you take away our privileges to conform.
    Some made a choice to be vaccinated, others made a choice to not be vaccinated for various reasons; doctors advice, family, health, etc.
    Vaccinated or not you’ll still get the virus. This only give you a chance to help fight it off and even then you can still die.



    THIS IS OUR CHOICE TO MAKE. I’M FED UP OF YOUR THREATS and I’m sure others are too.

    Find another way. We’re adults and I’m sure as you claim; you’re an educated man, you can find an alternative to to force. Pproactively educate and let it be. In a few years once we see the benefits of it etc. Some will get it done.

  2. With all due respect can you please protect yourself from pilfering the public purse? That seems to be your weakness.

    Stop taking the public lands by white colour crimes and the monitory resources.

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