United Progressive Party Christmas Message 2021


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  1. UPP just fulla dog shit, not even one Ham are one Turkey ? Pure chatta box ppl work a UPP office
    Talk talk talk, wtf? Just give out something jack and tap chat yo coocoohole

    • Quann, What’s wrong with you. Members of Parliament are to represent you in Parliament, not feed you….with ham or turkey. That’s old time politics, and it was stupid.

  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pringle sitting right next to the whimp that he and Richard Lewis can’t wait to see the back of.

    @Lovell King Lyadd Limpy Joe – stop taking the medication to try and spring up Limpy Joe because it has serious cardiac side effects. You already know the condition of your heart. Don’t fatten up your cardiologist pockets for the new year. Limpy Joe may bruise, batter and shipwreck your ego, but it won’t kill you jack. Live and let live and let Limpy Joe be for the sake of your cardiac health.

    Happy Holidays to Single Pringle and Richard Lewis who is married to a lovely Jamaican lady (who UPP rejects since they loathe “foreigners”)

  3. CONFUSED, QUANN and SMH greetings to you all. This is a time when we can put the politicking and partisanship aside. I hope 2022 will be a better year for us all.

  4. Smh, smfh. Can’t find another one like you. You’re not only dumb but also shameless. Anyway, I am still hoping that you can make a sensible contribution before 2022.

  5. It’s nice to hear from the one and only Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, the Honourable Jamal Pringle. He “Deputy” nothing. He IS the LEADER of the Opposition and holds an elected seat in Parliament. What Lovell doing there? He talking about Jesus Christ, but wasn’t he in the leadership of a small Antiguan Marxist-Leninist party, a philosophy that actually is steeped in anti-religion and atheism. Just read the works of Karl Marx, not to mention Lenin or Trotsky. What happened to this guy. Has he change or is he something other than he appears to be??? I’m not convinced, but I’m open to being enlightened.

  6. Sorry, UPP. This one falls flat. Which one of the women came up with this shitty idea? All you need now is the “Do the Robot Dance” playing in the background.

    PS: Why do you think you have to make the candidates put out a message for every holiday? Familiarity breeds contempt. They are BORING and STUPID sounding.

    • That Harry sure is aging out, isn’t he? Is he healthy? Meh feel sorry for the old guy. He from another time. Jamal will likely be his replacement.

    • This is the brainchild of none other than the top hag political strategist commander-in-chief extraordinaire Gisele Isaac-Arrindell the 🐖🐷🐽💄

      Lovell stands at her beckon call. But she can’t tek Pringle tarl tarl. Arl she good fah a fu carry the title of PAID Research Officer, but as you can see from Pringle’s embarrassing performance in the Parliament, she is NOT doing what she is PAID to do.

  7. Summary. As unstintingly irreligious as he was, Karl Marx was not an atheist. He was a staunch opponent of supernatural belief, yet neither did he embrace agnosticism as the position of claiming no answer to the question whether or not God exists.4 Apr 2019
    https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com › abs
    Marx – A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy – Wiley Online Library.

    Sekunda X please note that Marxism is not antithetical to God or Christianity. Yes, Karl Marx has said that religion is the opiate of the people. However, that is because religion puts the focus on the afterlife and not on the present struggles and problems of the masses. Your comment reminds me of the old communist arguments that were used against the ACLM by Papa Bird. People are more enlightened now and your marxist-leninist and anti-God characterization of Harold Lovell will not work.

    • He can believe whatever he wants to believe, BUT the question remains….is he or is he not a Marxist? Or Marxist-Leninist.? Perhaps he has matured and dumped that whole philosophy. Just askin’.

        • UPP and the Candidates are all messed up. I am a new voter and I could not vote UPP. When I matched up the Candidates against the ABLP Candidates there is NO WAY I can trust my vote to UPP. The UPP Candidates DO NOT have the EXPERIENCE , EDUCATION , KNOWLEDGE to run ANTIGUA and BARBUDA. UPP Candidates are bunch noise makers. When you listen to FRANZ , KNIGHT , SERPENT , JAMAL PRINGLE etc. these Guys just curse Gaston Browne during Their entire program. UPP cannot win election with these Guys. UPP needs an entire new DIRECTION.

    • Which Bible Tabor that puts God in the after life and not on the present life? The entire book is referred to as the Book of Life!!! If you were thought the scripture through a particular lense that were tainted whether intentional or otherwise I can understand how you come up with that. But the very law that you practice has basis in scripture. All of us need to read the Book and realize how applicable it is to day to day living. I really don’t care how many degrees one has granted I have a few as well but they do not replace scripture. I challenge Harold if he wants to be leader to pay attention to scripture. There is nothing new under the sun brother man!!!..

      • Well said 👏 ” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

        “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”

  8. UPP and the Candidates are all messed up. I am a new voter and I could not vote UPP. When I matched up the Candidates against the ABLP Candidates there is NO WAY I can trust my vote to UPP. The UPP Candidates DO NOT have the EXPERIENCE , EDUCATION , KNOWLEDGE to run ANTIGUA and BARBUDA. UPP Candidates are bunch noise makers. When you listen to FRANZ , KNIGHT , SERPENT , JAMAL PRINGLE etc. these Guys just curse Gaston Browne during Their entire program. UPP cannot win election with these Guys. UPP needs an entire new DIRECTION.

    • SIM I read your comment and will just make the simple proposition to refute your argument. You have contended that the UPP candidates do not have the EXPERIENCE, KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION to run Antigua and you have singled out FRANZ, SERPENT and JAMAL PRINGLE. Now SIM, please consider the fact that if the little, young lady MARIA BROWNE can be running a Ministry of Government any of the candidates of the UPP are far more qualified to be in government and functioning at the highest level.

    • Hichy it is amazing that SIM makes his comment at 5:15 pm and your comment is made at 5:19 agreeing with him. Given the fact that comments must await moderation before being posted, it is likely that SIM and Hichy are one and the same person and Hichy knowing what SIM wrote made his comment a few minutes after. SIM and Hichy that is the only explanation and it just exposes all of you ALP minions, apologists and propagandists operating under many aliases. The people of Antigua and Barbuda will soon see through all of your false narratives.

  9. we in Antigua only received the Bible in 1833… guess it wasn’t for us. Oh forgot, only a few mullatoes could read or write.

    KEEP HOPE ALIVE…We have taken the big portrait of the white man (suppose to be jesus) out of our houses. Time has a way of resolving all issues.

      • REAL TALK so all the Caucasian images that we were bombarded with as kids which were supposed to be pictures of Jesus, what were they pictures of Santa Claus. Even the stained glass windows in some of our churches are still decorated with such pictures. REAL TALK please go and smell the coffee or the bush tea.

  10. accept for being the illegitimate son of pope Alexander VI… and his murderous fight for power‽???????

  11. The “pictures” are NOT pictures of Jesus Christ. They might be someone’s “idea/interpretation/agenda” of Jesus Christ, but certainly not what he would look like based on location, ethnicity, people of that time.

    “He hath no form nor comeliness, and when we shall see Him, there is NO BEAUTY that we should desire Him.” ~ Isaiah 53:2 In other words, He was not so distinctive, so different from others that people would recognize Him as the Son of God. He appeared as a mortal man.

    But it matters not what He looked like, but WHO He is and what He did and is doing right now for you and me.

      • REAL TALK the fundamental issue is that growing up as innocent children (with our minds tabula rasa – a blank slate), we were socialized and bombarded with pictures of a white man with white beard (my mother had a large Bible with pictures and that is the picture I saw) and was told that he is JESUS. Today that false and eurocentric view is still being promulgated. REAL TALK can I be any clearer? Any clearer than that is to be pellucidly clear as your late hero Sir Lester would say.

        • That is the issue addressed. Those were fake pictures we saw growing up because somebody had an agenda. We are on the same page.

          • REAL TALK since those pictures were fake perhaps you can provide a picture of Jesus Christ from your research. The point is not whether the pictures were fake or not, the point is we were presented those pictures as children and told that the pictures were that of Jesus Christ. Do you know the impact of that kind of indoctrination on the young minds of children. Your are really arguing a non-point and I should stop wasting time with you.

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