Unicomer Antigua Ltd (Courts) Re-launches Wish-List Initiative to Support Less Fortunate Communities


Unicomer Antigua Ltd, trading as (Courts Antigua Ltd), proudly re-launched its Wish-List initiative in April of this year, which is geared directly towards improving the quality of life of the less fortunate in our communities. 

This program is not just a mere donation towards a cause, but rather a more in-depth approach to reach those persons who are most in need and granting their wishes.

On Sunday June 9th, Unicomer Antigua Ltd (Courts) Wish-List team went to the various communities to deliver items to less fortunate individuals who were nominated by their well-wishers.

We were delighted to have had this great opportunity to make the lives of each recipient more comfortable and manageable in communities such as Yorks, Glanville, Bethesda, Jennings, and Golden Grove, just to name a few. 

Items such as mattresses, stoves, washing machines and living room sets were delivered.  Each recipient expressed their utmost gratitude to Courts for granting their wishes and coming to their aid when no one else did.

At Unicomer, we anticipate that over time, this initiative will grow, allowing us to grant more wishes to those in need.

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  1. Long time courts should have been giving something back, because courts unicomer as it calls itself in antigua is the most expensive in the Caribbean, because courts in all the other Caribbean country is cheaper, and a next thing that British billionaire who own courts seem to have the judiciary as its pet dog, because they over charge you and then the magistrate court is ready take you prison at there command, I remember buying refrigerator in Puerto Rico for $850 usd and it’s a double door whirlpool, I then went to courts to see and they have an immitated look alike unbranded refrigerator that was already repossessed priced at $6000.00 e.c.d that’s how cruel they are, and also a bed frame I bought , which I saw at all of them including Gigi furniture store for a humongous cost when they get them cheap from the Asians who flood California with these furniture and have your choice of name brand stamp on them.courts store and the syrians suck the life blood from this country, and am sure they have a sweet heart tax concession for revenue repatriation from our anti-black government.

  2. A job well done! More private enterprises should be getting into projects like this.

    It would be nice to know what criteria is used to determine that the beneficiaries of these items are really less fortunate?

    Unlike some of the gov’t social programs such as the uniform, petro caribe, housing, car etc, it is those who can afford these items are benefitting more from the program than those who cannot afford the items.

    Such social programs are a great initiative, but a proper feasibility study need to be done and let those who are really in need benefit.

  3. Is this the same Unicomer promoting loans for the less fortunate to borrow money and get drunk during carnival?

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