UK rapist serving time in Antigua “May Have To Return” To Serve Out Rest of His Sentence, AG says

Crump in Court /photo CNN

EX-British Police Officer Convicted of Rape in Antigua May Have to Return to the UK To Serve Out Rest of His Sentence

Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin discussed the complex case of Lee Martin-Cramp, a former Metropolitan Police officer serving a 15-year sentence in Antigua for raping an AUA student. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATS APP GROUP

Speaking in Parliament today Benjamin highlighted the government’s stance on not granting preferential treatment despite the delicate diplomatic circumstances surrounding Martin-Cramp’s incarceration.

Lee Martin-Cramp, who was sentenced in 2019, had been found guilty of raping a foreign student in May 2015 while attending a family wedding in Antigua.

The court heard how Martin-Cramp exploited his position as a police officer to gain the trust of his victim before committing the crime.

The Attorney General expressed concerns over the optics of Martin-Cramp receiving special treatment due to his background and the nature of his crime.


Crump is housed at the former US Naval base as per the terms of his extradition to Antigua and not at His Majesty’s Prison with other inmates.

Benjamin stated, “We cannot be seen to have reached the terms upon which he was returned. We cannot be seen, despite the agreement, to give him preferential treatment.”

He emphasized that although there are legal provisions for Martin-Cramp to serve his sentence in England, the decision ultimately rests with the convict, who seems reluctant to transfer.


Benjamin’s remarks also shed light on Martin-Cramp’s hesitance to return to the UK, likely due to the uncomfortable prospect of being alongside former colleagues from the police force.

“In England, he’d be meeting his own police friends, those people with whom he worked, and he doesn’t really want to pursue it and go back to England,” explained Benjamin.

The Attorney General also indicated that if Martin-Cramp unreasonably withholds his consent to return to the UK, he may have no choice but to enforce the transfer, despite his personal reservations about violating the terms of any agreement.

“I shouldn’t be saying this because I’m the AG and I must honor the agreement to be made, but we cannot be seen to be preferential,” Benjamin stated, highlighting the delicate balance of justice and diplomatic relations involved.

“He may have to return,” Benjamin told parliament.

Martin-Cramp had previously claimed being sent to the Caribbean would breach his human rights. He tried to block an extradition request to the island, claiming detention in its notorious 18th century prison would be inhumane. 

But in a legal first, West Indian authorities convinced a London judge to sign off his extradition with an extraordinary accommodation deal.

Former PC Lee Martin-Cramp (pictured at a passing out ceremony) was sentenced at Antigua's High court yesterday for raping a foreign student while attending a family wedding three years ago

They agreed to house Martin-Cramp on a former US airbase with air-conditioning, a fridge and an en-suite bathroom.

The set-up is a far cry from the squalid interior of 1735, Antigua and Barbuda’s national prison, named after the year it was built.

Its harsh conditions, appalling overcrowding and corruption among guards has drawn criticism from the United Nations and US State Department.  





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  1. The initial decision to allow him to come back to Antigua under conditions that he would be housed in luxury at the former US Base was flawed in itself and a very costly undertaking for the taxpayers of this country. It was also an admission by the government that the condition that His Majesty Prison is inhumane and unfit for housing anyone, including our incarcerated black brothers and sisters.
    This man is living in luxury and wants to continue serving out his time in what one can call his luxurious Air B and B facilities at our expense. It is disgraceful to say the least.

    • Not only disgraceful ɓut a slap and spit in the face of Antiguans and Barbudans. But a so a we lub um. No way in hell this would’ve happened if it was the other way around. Me too shame a ar we.

  2. But the local prisoner who had only months to go in his sentencing being paralyzed wasn’t given the kind of treatment even to stay at Fiennes to do.out his time spent on prison….wat a dam shame

  3. The fact that Cutie can actually want to send him back reeks to high hell of bs! 1735 is a total disgrace and he as AG is one as well for never taking any kind of revamping of 1735 into any consideration. Shame on Cutie, world boss, the government and Antigua

  4. Damn disgraceful. Black people don’t give a f about black people and that’s a fact. All the inmates that ever serve time at his majesty prison should sue the Government for violating their constitutional and human rights. His majesty prison should be locked down a long long long long long long ago.

  5. The AG in making this statement in Parliament diminished the laws of an independent country. He also diminishes his office and the rule of law. The prisoner committed a crime in Antigua and should serve his prison sentence there. The thought of serving his sentence in another country seriously deminishes the law of the land. If an Antiguan committed a crime in England or elsewhere, there would be no such consideration on the table. It’s preferential treatment and blatant disrespect for the law of the country. It’s also disrespectful to the AG and government of Antigua. Terrible optics and president being set for future international criminals. 🤔🧐🤨

  6. Boy boy,I wonder what it takes Antiguans eyes to open,can’t we see these politicians is taking us for fools is this country?cutie if we don’t get to put you in jail for misconduct in government office, your kids or grandkids must reach there one day……..It is a shame how this country has fallen after PAPA BIRD didn’t have no education but certainly had put this country on a good path and now it’s a shit hole

  7. So this guy decided to rape a girl while in Antigua and gets better treatment than Antiguans convicted for petty crime. That’s the land of sun and sea for you. The guy is still on vacation.

  8. Sandals would be a more decent place to house this rapist, after all he comes from the lines of kings and must be afforded befitting accommodation What i can advise the AG seeing that he is confused and embarrassed, cancel the agreement by giving any BS excuse and send the rapist to serve the rest of his sentence at 1735! IS ANTIGUA NOW PROMOTING CRIMINAL TOURISM!!??

  9. We are truly living in slavery days ! A white prisoner is living in luxury for rape ,but black born antiguans in filthy cells for marijuana . When will our people wake up and realize these so call political leaders are just opportunist for themselves and family ,plus a few minions getting the crumbs? Our police ,nurses,teachers and public servants can’t even get a proper working space. SMDH.

  10. I can bet my life ,he is eating much more healthier than our black prisoners . Shame on our so call black leaders! While he lives in air condition,workers at our hospital going home after four hours of work, because the AC not working .

  11. Cutie Benjamin is a total disgrace! How the hell does people keep putting this smooth talking clown back into office? What for a few trinkets, a favor here, a few dollars there? Look, the fault falls squarely on the voters. Antigua and Barbuda has never been so bad. Smh.

  12. Cutie tricksy is is implying this fairy tale that the white privilege that this man has he is refusing, when it’s he cutie with their institutionalized colonial mind these old guys grow up with is to treat whitey special, you know how much white man cutie let go in the dead of night? The texan with the bullet, the white man that killed his wife in woods parking lot, the Chinese that set fire, these old guys are taught to love white people, so his mind must be restless about the UK police criminal and want to set him free, they are hoping that been nice to these countries they might have to seek asylum for their crimes when investigated would be fruitful. Just disgusting the way our black people romanticize white people, given buffer zone, best lands and tax concessions.

  13. Cutie tricksy is is implying this fairy tale that the white privilege that this man has he is refusing, when it’s he cutie with their institutionalized colonial mind that these old guys grow up with, is to treat whitey special, you know how much white man cutie let go in the dead of night? The texan with the bullet, the white man that killed his wife in woods parking lot, the Chinese that set fire, these old guys are taught to love white people, so his mind must be restless about the UK police criminal and want to set him free, they are hoping that been nice to these countries where they might have to seek asylum for their crimes when investigated would be fruitful. Just disgusting the way our black people romanticize white people, give them buffer zone lands, best lands and tax concessions.

  14. He Rape someone. What do you care let Him pay at 1735.wen his sentance finished send him hm… that why so much crime in this land bc we have too much partiality certain ppl do very bad crime…the law is set.send him at 1735.

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