Statement on behalf of Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC):
Dr. Albert Duncan,* SLBMC Medical Director said: “We can confirm that sadly, a female patient, age 48, and a male patient age 69, (who had underlying health conditions), have passed away at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre on September 17 and September 18, respectively.
“They had tested positive for COVID-19.
“Our thoughts and condolences remain with the patient’s family and loved ones at this difficult time.”
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the samething all the time change the writing please ohh God, who had underlying health conditions), have passed away at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre
Is that same point of view as you I criticize…the same cliche…copy and paste…this director want all the money in his pocket.. well not matter anyway sir.
Remember,the fish smelling from his head ( you can imagine what’s I refer for )
You think the good doctor should present these deaths in a more entertaining way for you? Maybe he should make some jokes while announcing the deaths? HE IS ANNOUNCING THE DEATHS OF PEOPLE! It is meant to be somber and to the point. It is not meant to be lively and entertaining. Only idiots like you would query the somber way in which deaths are announced. Fool.
People, two people have passed, who cares how it is announced. Show their family and their Antigua brothers and sisters a little respect, so pathetic. Grow up, this is tragic, wither they passed of covid or other things, who cares? They have passed, hopefully to a better place, condolences to their families..
Is underlying medical condition the scapegoat for possible vaccine deaths?
Unvaccinated deaths are from covid.
Possible vaccinated deaths are from underlying conditions.
Works out perfectly for the numbers to be higher in the unvaccinated column.
That logic would indicate that maybe you should consume a little less Cannabis Indica before trying to make sense of the world
You are quite the jackass for assuming that I use cannabis.
Puff puff🌬
This is for the JACKASSES that makes assumptions.
Your brains have endocannabinoid receptors. In other words, you are hard wired for cannabis. The manner in which I CHOOSE to use cannabis, is in medicinal form of CBD OILS. This is by far one of the best pain medicines on earth–without any of the terrible side effects that conventional medicines carries. CBD oils comes in different formulations; such as the ones WITHOUT THC. THC is the psychoactive part of the plant that makes you high. Rick Simpson oil (RSO) is known for its cancer curing abilities. Keep this under your stetson.
Doctor Duncan is playing the same CD over and over which make no scense. He should start by saying at midday today, a 50 year old man was brought to the hospital after testing positive for covid 19. He was immediately placed on medication and kept for observation. His matter became worst and was not responding to medication. He was taken to the ICU and placed on a ventilator where his health began getting worst. The medical team at the hospital do their out most best to revived him but he didnt make it. He was not vaccinated or he had only received the first dose and then he continue with his CD.by doing it so more people would come forward to be vaccinated. As for me I support the vaccination 100%
Good for you that’s your opinion but both can still get it, TRANSMIT IT, be hospitalized and die. Places like Israel might be vaccinating for the 4th time because majority were vaccinated and continue to spread and mutate the virus into different strains. Also Gibraltar fully vaccinated country and HAVE THE MOST CASES IN THE WORLD AND VACCINATED ARE DROPPING DEAD. Now, if the vaccine was as effective as the media portrays, they should only have minimal cases considering that they’re 100+% vaccinated. The vaccine has no benefits and the “immunity” of the vaccine only last approximatly three months and it is PROVEN that you’re better off sticking with natural immunity which means if you’ve had covid you are LESS likely to catch it again than a vaccinated person whose IMMUNE system will be so poorly functioning that they will keep catching And spreading the virus.
Always covid related not once vaccine death. The cover up is tremendous.
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