Two Jamaicans, One Wanted For Murder In His Country


Watch the video below from the 6:30 minute mark.

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  1. how come he pass airport wasn’t his face up????
    I dnt understand how a person wanted for murder pass airport they need to start doing finger print on everyone going thru airport or persons who are wanted for murder there pictures need to be up

  2. Some people just comment without thought. Have you never heard about illegal entry? I swear… every thing is political or police fault. In this case immigration slack. Some individuals really have noodles for brains. Josh!

  3. It underscores the importance for us to upgrade the immigration system. We need to get fingerprints, retina scan and facial image of persons (especially non-nationals) entering Antigua.

    Let us protect our borders.

  4. Even gangsters in Jamaica know how to protect dem barda, so the unwanted criminals stay out of their place, and “big,powerhouse Antigua Government” can’t even protect dem likkle space.

    What a ting.

    For the record, Clarendon is the 3rd largest parish is Jamaica (over 4 times the size of Antigua) and the gangs there knows everything that goes on in their parish, and you mean to tell me this big bad powerhouse Government we have here in Antiguan doesn’t know a damn thing about who is bringing in the guns and drugs?

    Give me a bloody break. These politicians are in lock stock and barrel with these gun traffickers, that’s the only logical conclusion left.

  5. It is incomprehensible, the magistrates place this criminal in custody when the right and proper thing was to finger print and photographed and put him on the immigration data base and shipped him out to Jamaica.

    In addition, Antiguans should stop renting their properties to Jamacians and those that are renting should be given notice to quit and employers should stop employing them. Them and the Nigerians are menaces.

    Antigua should take a leaf out of the UK immigration policy and applied it to Antigua.

    There Antiguans living overseas who are terrified and are reframing from returning home because of the state that Antigua is in today, all because we have a PM who is playing lip service and allowing criminal elements to destroy our once safe country.

  6. @Antiguan4ever… You sound like a German politician in the late 1930’s! Did you read Mein Kampf recently? This is probably the stupidest comment I have read all month, suggesting discrimination and bigotry against all Jamaicans. Where do you live? I have a years supply of dunce caps that I will send you so can wear a new one everyday for twelve months.

  7. I am an Antiguan by birth. As antiguans we must remember that we also travel and live in other Countries. Jamaica is a paradise like Antigua, however its a handful of bad seeds that tarnish the name of the country. I have known Jamaicans who dispise the handful because of this bad reputation that they have brought upon their people. Let us stay vigilant and respectful of each other. The real question is ” where are all these guns coming from?” Can the police comment as to if the guns recovered has serial numbers, or are they been 3D printed there in Antigua. If the guns have a serial number then they should be traceable. I realize that several years ago Antigua had given refuge to some middle eastern, and since then there was a crate of guns found off on one of our little islands. Remember that in the far east gun running is a lucrative market. Don’t think for 1 min that a guy who sells guns in his country, is going to sell fruits in yours. Gun running is what he knows.

  8. We need to clamp down on some of the artist coming here they don’t bring anything positive to the youth pure violence Mr prime Minister

  9. I don’t agree with anyone who says to deport all Jamaicans from the island. Is just the eyesoars you need to deport. There are good and bad people where ever you go. And the UK is no exception, what about the USA. Both places are full of crime every given day. And you can compare our little island to those countries. We have to make and stand by our own policies and laws. We are our own people and we have our own culture. Too many times, I hear folks comment and say, look at Canada, look at The U.S., look at the U.K. we need to stop this type of talk. We are our own, alot of us are very well educated persons, who went to the different educational institutions and received a great education and know how to apply it to society. Let us make our own laws and stand by them. And we should not be labeling and one group of people to be bad. They are our brothers and sisters, Nigerians and Jamaicans. We need to stop it, it’s not good. I have met good Jamaicans and good Nigerians. Everyone is not the same. I suggest that those who are bent on breaking our laws send them back to their country of origin to the authorities there. And leave people in peace. Immigration and police, I believe is doing their best at their jobs. And I don’t believe we are even paying them, when the go above and beyond to get their jobs done right. They are human they will make mistakes. Come on, we all are. And most times, I’m sure they are doing a better job than we could ever do. Do your best Police and immigration authorities. Send the perpetrators back to their country. Let them handle them there.

  10. I don’t agree with anyone who says to deport all Jamaicans from the island. Is just the eyesoars you need to deport. There are good and bad people where ever you go. And the UK is no exception, what about the USA. Both places are full of crime every given day. And you can’t compare our little island to those countries. We have to make and stand by our own policies and laws. We are our own people and we have our own culture. Too many times, I hear folks comment and say, look at Canada, look at The U.S., look at the U.K. we need to stop this type of talk. We are our own, alot of us are very well educated persons, who went to the different educational institutions and received a great education and know how to apply it to society. Let us make our own laws and stand by them. And we should not be labeling any one group of people to be bad. They are our brothers and sisters, Nigerians and Jamaicans. We need to stop it, it’s not good. I have met good Jamaicans and good Nigerians. Everyone is not the same. I suggest that those who are bent on breaking our laws send them back to their country of origin to the authorities there. And leave people in peace. Immigration and police, I believe is doing their best at their jobs. And I don’t believe we are even paying them, when the go above and beyond to get their jobs done right. They are human they will make mistakes. Come on, we all are. And most times, I’m sure they are doing a better job than we could ever do. Do your best Police and immigration authorities. Send the perpetrators back to their country. Let them handle them there.

  11. I am not saying much here because as one who has for years warn about the ABLP open door policy, I feel vindicated. Yet I don’t want anyone to think it’s just Jamaicans. As a student in Barbados, I lived with Jamaican students and most of them are my friends forty plus years on; I simply love them. But the problems we are seeing here is because we don’t care about allowing only those into our country who can positively contribute to it. We do the same with: Spanish people, Arab people, Guyanese, White people, simply everyone. How no one realize that this would be the problem of the future, is beyond me! I recall posters accusing me of not liking foreigners, Caribbean brothers and sisters etc, when my concern was for us not to reach this stage.
    Unfortunately, we are here because our govt is ” harden” and so love power that they were willing to destroy the country for it. Let’s hope we can find a way back

  12. We need visa restrictions on all Jamaicans. They need to be vetted before they can get on a plane to Antigua. We must end free movement now; we can’t survive much longer. Where is the UPP and the leader of the opposition?

  13. the entire Police Force, Army, Customs, Treasury and ONDCP need to be investigated pure corruption and sin correcting sin 😑

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