Teenagers Charged with Building Breaking & Larceny
On Tuesday 31st January, the police arrested and jointly charged two 14-year-old boys of Bendals for allegedly breaking into an electronic store in St. Johns.
It is alleged that sometime between June 8 and September 12, 2022, the duo illegaly gained entry into the store and stole several mobile phones, laptop computers, headphones, printers, speakers, and other electronic items all to the value of EC $119,595.91.
The matter is being referred to the Child Justice Board.
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Where are the parents of these said individuals. Did they not see them with said products in their person. Some of these are hard to find and conceal. The parents should be held accountable for their actions. Not saying that they should not have to pay for what they have done. Some form of punishment must and should be put to them. Now some of you are going to say send them to jail. What that would is make criminals out of them upon their release. There has to be an avenue for rehabilitation for minor children than to have them amongst hardened criminals cohabitating in a penal facility. I implore the powers that be to immediately bring the boys training school back in line to house kids and teenage kids in a controlled environment. Where they may be rehabilitated. Also have Mr. Philmore Mullin drill them in the art of becoming members of an arm of the National Cadet Corps. It will instill discipline and a strong sense of being in them.
Yea blame the parents…… now when the parents try to correct and kill them with licks yall call the same said police for the parents. Children will do what they want to do regardless of what background or up bringing. Probably when they get older and it’s not too late they’ll learn because they wanna learn the hard way. Something like this needs punishment. Not prison. Not boys home. Punishment. Community service until they’ve reached 18yrs sounds good to me. Take away their leisure and grant the government rights over them from 3pm to 6pm on weekdays and 7am to 4pm on the weekends. This will be the right rehabilitation. Let qualified professionals along with past prisoners who have rehabilitated their lives receive this job to help them. The counselors can’t do it without the rehabilitated prisoners and vice-versa. We need to start taking a different approach with our next generation.
check disco dumpling for 2 laptop and tap teef
Big people crime here.
They should be tried as adults. Juvenile justice is not working. Big man crime big man time. Business people might have to start to take the law into their own hands and deal with anybody who invade their property and steal. Sick and fed up
Putting them in jail for stealing laptops at 14yrs will only worsen the matter because I guarantee you by the age of 18yrs or 21yrs they will be coming into your home and shooting you pointless for $5. Our prison is not a rehabilitation centre for anyone, much less our youths. Locking them up and throwing away the key isn’t always the right choice. These kids just need a role model. Someone to believe in them even tho everyone else is throwing them under the bus.
Between the 8th of June and the 12th of September! That’s a pretty large time frame. Do these people not lock their doors!
It’s obvious, that there are intricate and interwoven Criminal Enterprises operating in that Nation.
Criminal Enterprise…
A… White_Collar Criminals(Fences to other business operators who purchase the stolen goods).
B…Blue_Collar Criminals(street thugs/gangs doing the leg work to collect easy money).
Age does not make a #Career_Criminal. These 14year olds are already indoctrinated, into the Crime Family’s, and are simply performing their task.
The chickens are coming home to roost, and from all observations, CRIMES are not only on the rise, the methodology of performing these crimes are becoming more and more sophisticated.
What’s around the corner…
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De ‘ole Dutty Peg_Foot Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
@ANR – Editor(s)…this is related to the post by Franscesca Sterling…I know the difference between Vere Bird Jr.(II) and Vere Bird Jr.(III). Editing much….?
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