Twenty thousand dollars missing from police HQ

Police Headquarters on American Road

A criminal investigation has been launched into the disappearance of over 20 thousand dollars from the Criminal Records Office of the police force.

Police Commissioner Wendell Robinson confirmed the probe.

According to reports, the cash was seized from a local contractor after the authorities suspected that it was the proceeds of money laundering.

A police investigation apparently vindicated the individual and the cash was to be returned to him.

However, according to our well-placed police source, the money disappeared and has not been seen since.

Robinson told Antigua News Room that he will accept the findings of the investigation.

The top cop says it is his hope that the cash is simply “missing having regard to the wide quantity of various exhibits” stored there.

Robinson says an audit will also be conducted on the items inside the police Criminal Records Office.

He said the probe is conducted out of an abundance of caution because the initial report is that the money is “missing.”

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  1. hey these police officers are nothing but a bunch of criminals, that are probably waiting for u to make a report to see how your house looks so the can tell them criminal friends. …….dont trust them police …the top cop also should not be in that position they like them na know what he do

  2. Something else to worry about besides “SWAT” people in mas, camouflage and arresting cannabis plants Mr. Commissioner…

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