Tshawn Lewis responds to critics: “nothing you say can break me”


Democratic National Alliance candidate Tshawn Lewis has taken to his social media in an apparent response to critics.

The St. Phillip North candidate is in the spotlight after his first political outing earlier this week.

Here is his full presentation:

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  1. All the best to you young man 👏 You did wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than the one single Pringle.

    Your hands are clean.

    You did not use a GUN TO SHOOT TESSA BARTHLEY.

  2. “Ms. BARTHLEY was SHOT in her neck on 16th December 2003 outside BOWEN’s office”


    • 16 December 2022 is when he is expected to hold a big political rally. I found it strange but you have placed it in proper context. He is really a heartless man.

      • He has to consult his Jumby Pots first 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 a very “dark” man. He and Wilmoth Daniel can “obeah out” each other with the calabash at the crossroads

    • What about her unborn child she was carrying? He never got charged with that murder as well.
      That man murdered her in broad daylight.

  3. Dont let that pull you down. Being on a political podium is not an easy task for new comers even for the older ones. There are giant butterflies following you while you are on stage. Just master the art. Go in your backyard and practice. Next speach will be better trust me

  4. Welcome to the race. I don’t know you and never heard of you, but I like your spirit. I don’t know what your philosophy is or your values, but I’m hoping for the best. Hopefully you are in the democratic socialist stream. Congratulations. (Do we have a “city” named St. Philip’s North?? I don’t think so.) Best wishes, and I mean that sincerely.

  5. “YA LIKKLE BWOY JUST GWAN GO SIDDUNG AND STUDY YA SCHOOL WORK AND KEEP OUT OF BIG PPL SUMN” is what my granny would say, but in all seriousness, I am glad to see young people throwing their hats in the ring and getting involved in politics, it’s high time now for newer and fresher minds to take over the affairs of this country.

  6. Keep you head up tshawn lewis they cant keep a good man down the sky is the limited critic make you stronger keep press on and dont give up

  7. Thank you for stepping up and joining the race. With all due respect, you cannot take out the ABLP candidate, who is much loved, BUT you can sure give the UPP candidate one hell of a run. The Spirits be with you.

  8. Avid listener I agree with you 100%. Politics is serious business, especially around elections. Johann has no right in taking people children and make fools out of them and their families. Also taking our electoral process for a comedy show .

  9. This young man has a relatively clean slate so hardly anything real can be said to attack his character. Just like a newborn lamb, what charges can be brought against it?

    At this point he can’t be broken with words, however does it really matter?

  10. Happy to see young people step up to the plate. I believe you will conquer even tho I’m red all the way but it’s time for the political arena hear the voice of our youths. As I young person myself I strongly back you📌

  11. To go on stage to represent a community and seeking to run this country is a completely different issue on letting the voice of the youth be heard.
    Public speaking require training and Within the DNA you have people that carry out such training. I will say that politics is rough and to go on stage and comedy yourself , your family and young people is no laughing matter.
    You are not going to get a handful of votes anyhow. So don’t even bother to go forward as a candidate but take time to further your education and if you are really interested in politics. Take public speaking courses and join organizations that will help you to development.

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