Trinidad govt not selling water to Antigua


The government of Antigua and Barbuda is in talks with a desalination business based in Trinidad and Tobago to provide water as it works to alleviate the shortage, but it is not purchasing water from Trinidad and Tobago, as some media headlines claim.

When Guardian Media contacted Antiguan government authorities yesterday, a senior official said, “Governments sell water?”

Two Antiguan government officials revealed to Guardian Media that they are now in contact with desalination company Seven Seas Water Group, which is located in the United States but operates a plant near Point Fortin, to address their water issues.

Kennedy Lord, the local plant manager, did not respond to Guardian Media’s request for comment.

Because the transaction is private, the T&T government is not involved.

During a radio interview, Prime Minister Gaston Browne stated that his government was considering purchasing water from the Antiguan company Caribbean Water Treatment.

However, the announcement sparked headlines such as “Antigua hints at purchasing water from Trinidad,” which raised eyebrows in Antigua, Trinidad and Tobago, which has its own water issues, and even Dominica, where residents expressed confusion about why Browne would bypass the island’s resources and look elsewhere, according to local media.

According to the United Nations, Antigua and Barbuda is one of the Caribbean’s most water-stressed countries.

Browne, on the other hand, has been outspoken about his dissatisfaction with the operation of the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA).

Ambassador Lionel Hurst, Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister’s Office, revealed a change in management at yesterday’s post-Cabinet media briefing.

“In Antigua and Barbuda, we’ve had a lot of trouble getting enough water to our clients, our customers,” Hurst said.

“The Cabinet is of the view that the same high standard to which our elected members and the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda are held that it ought to apply to management of the APUA so it has instructed the Cabinet secretary to write to the general manager of APUA instructing him to go on pre-retirement leave and to continue to make himself available to the APUA at some point,” he said.

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  1. Montserrat got plenty natural spring water over here flowing straight to the sea and wasting…. tell uncle gasy to link out gvmt anx work out somethimg

  2. I’m glad this was clarified because when I saw the headline a week ago, all I could think is here go the lies again. Trinidad does indeed have its own water issues. APUA needs to start building tanks not to plants. We get a significant amount of rain round south for example that could be stored properly for later use. We have a management problem and it seems a lack of common sense. Replace the rusted pipes which should have been the first step. Then we will be in a better position.

  3. Damage control. The Dawg gets on his Rumshop and just spews garbage and someone has to play clean-up. In this case Hurst. This man is as believable as Donald Trump, so the mess just got worse.
    “The Cabinet is of the view that the same high standard to which our elected members and the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda are held” This must be some kind of joke. If such was the case all of you would be long gone.

  4. Antigua is a joke !!!! Big clown ass joke country !!! Power house my ass … Antigua looks so jokey to the rest of the Caribbean and the world for that matter.

    Ofcourse Trinidad isn’t going to sell Antigua water . These countries protect and take care of their citizens first.

    Is only Antigua government and politician whore out and sell out Antigua for any time and dollar to put in their pockets .. can you imagine Maria brown and all other MPs get paid over 10,000 a month and never do a Thing … just collect money and sit down …. Meanwhile the country has poor medical, high crime .. ilegal immigration and the villages have no water and no roads and the drains aren’t cleaned … the country is in poor condition

  5. Another Gaston Browne pie dream. It’s just another headline to distract the people. This Trinidad water story will not go anywhere.

    What about the Barbados based company that was supposed to replace all of the pipes? Big Cabinet announcement and 1 year later, nothing happen. ABLP said UPP was the worse government and Gaston Browne claimed he could fix the water problem in 14 days. We’ve given him 10?years and he still can’t fix it. It’s time for him to go!
    Tell Robin Granny died waiting to bade!

  6. Well..more money down the drain..when will this incompetent Government understand that Antigua’s water problems cannot and will not be solved by simply investing more and more in RO plants. And it does not matter whether the RO plants are run by APUA..or Seven Seas ..or Caribbean Water Treatment. The entire water system is dysfunctioanl. It needs The system cannot deliver water to matter how many new RO plants they build…

  7. Trinidad and Tobago has faced challenges with their water system, experiencing ongoing water issues. On the other hand, based on my observations from traveling around the Caribbean, Aruba is known for having one of the most effective desalination systems in the region.

  8. All of you have it wrong.
    This is not about not being able to fix the problems. We all know what the problems are and how to fix them.

    First, Potswork Dam. That will not be fixed because there is no will to fix it. If it was fixed, then our water situation will greatly improve. But if it is fixed, then the water trucks will not be as busy, which means that some bank accounts will not grow larger.

    Second, fill the tanks in Buckley, Patterson, and wherever else. But that will not be done. Again the water trucks will not be rolling out as fast and as furious.

    There are other ways. Check the experts. HERE.

    One thing we must do assiduously is to follow the money to see who and where the partnership for getting the new TnT water fix up deals lead.

    Greed is a ravenous monster. It will prey on your physical and mental soul without you even knowing. It is worse when all are afraid to tell the emperor his exposed parts look funny and people are laughing silently. All too afraid to muzzle that Dog?

    Who ever said the more you have the more you want, knew what they were saying. We are all fallible. We all, rich or poor, put our pants on one leg at a time. We all will get gout, or bloated, or sugar, or pressure if we eat all that sugar, salt, or lobster, or steak, or shrimp too often.

    We all sleep the same way, with our eyes close.

    We all go the way of all flesh. And the only way we can take it all with us is in photographs or a certified check.

  9. So the Cabinet secretary is to “write to the general manager of APUA instructing him to go on pre-retirement leave and to continue to MAKE HIMSELF AVAILABLE to the APUA at some point?” Ok.

  10. Look…Most of those who responded to this article have stated exactly what went through my mind when I saw the original article. Then I heard the clown-ass PM on a program with that nasty woman who he just gave a big job…and I thought…WTF!!!
    So I’ll try to be brief with this…
    1. Circus clown is the laughing-stock of the CARICOM. They barely tolerate him…claim he and his cronies always begging!
    2. Trinidad PM Rowley…would never deal with this clown. Bad blood there!
    3. Any business done with this corrupt government comes with a big ‘premium’ that goes directly into the bank accounts of the clown and whoever negotiates the deal….his new junior Finance minister will be groomed accordingly! So keep an eye on the junior circus clown!
    4. In order for anything to start righting itself in AB…this CORRUPT GOVERNMENT HAS TO GO!

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