The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has issued a warning to treasure hunters who are moving historical artifacts from the country for personal gain.
The government said in a brief statement today that the unauthorized use of metal detectors, by tourists and nationals alike, “to unearth artifacts buried under the sand and on shorelines, is contrary to law and is to be discontinued.”
The state is of the belief that important historical and cultural heritage items, found by strangers and others, are being exported from Antigua contrary to the law.
“There is to be no use of metal detectors on Antigua and Barbuda’s beaches and shorelines, or other places where objects from the past may be buried, for personal gain,” the government warns.
It is expected that hotels and cruise-liners will alert their customers to this prohibition.
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Most of Antigua & Barbuda rich history had already leaved the island. Every pieces of history have passed through the security check point at the airport and other port of embarked. Notifying the hotels and cruise-liners are a good idea but what happens to the port of embarked shouldn’t there be on alert to?
What law does this contravene? Finding a few dollar coins and pieces of jewelry breaks no law, I have searched the laws of Antigua & Barbuda online and found nothing to prevent metal detectors on the beach. I can understand if you find something of archaeological value you cannot just take it away but if I lose my ring and need to look for it, I am contravening a law?????
Wonderful . A hobby is now illegal . What can a person do for fun now . Oh ! I know ! How about lighting up a spliff . That’s legal now .
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