The people of Brown’s Avenue continue to cry out to the authorities for help.
For almost two years now a peaceful and tranquil neighbourhood has been transformed into a loud, messy environment because a business place dubbed bar/restaurant was given license to operate in the area.
Every day and night, the operators of this business play loud music that on many occasions continue until after 2 am. The residents are not able to sleep. The patrons of this business park their vehicles in front of the driveways and pedestrians entrances of residences.
The residents are unable to clean the drain ways (sidewalks) and public front of their yards because patrons always have their vehicles parked.
The patrons of this bar drive on the road at excessive speeds sometimes and with loud, disgusting music blasting from their vehicles with no regard for the time of day or night. The patrons consume food and drinks from this establishment and dump their trash ( disposable plates and cups, etc) on the roads and sidewalks. Into the late hours of the night ( after midnight), music blasts from the establishment and much indecent language is frequently used.
The residents have reached out to the police for help. However, that is not forthcoming seemingly because many of the patrons of this establishment are themselves police officers.
It is quite incomprehensible to accept that the authorities would give permission for a business to operate in an area; knowing the negative effects that would obviously occur.
Noise pollution
Frequent arguments (violence)
Litter pollution that leads to pest infestation
We demand the closure of this bar/restaurant. The only intent is to make money and the comfort and upkeep of the community; are of no concern whatsoever.
Whoever make these decisions in issuing licences for such establishments to operate in certain areas certainly need to conduct investigations. Considerations must be given as to where certain businesses are allowed to operate. It does not take much common sense to figure that out.
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oh dear. This sounds really annoying and frustrating. got to be FED UP!
As with everything else these days, organize a movement. Document the infractions. Research the laws. Join together and hire a lawyer. Perhaps present the bar owner with a list of demands. Be sure to avoid urges to resolve things using violence.
Try living in close proximity to a large hotel in Hodges bay that at times has music blaring to the point that it feels like they are in your home and you can’t sleep. Fireworks being let off from the hotel and the pieces from it end up on your front deck and all over your yard. Absolutely no respect for their neighbors. Yet nothing gets done about it. These sorts of things are being allowed here in Antigua and they get away with it time and time again.
The bar usually closes by 12. There are also neighbors who blast music at all hours of the day and night but yet still there is no complaints about that. Y’all leave the people and they business alone.
Midnight is too late to be blaring music in a residential neighborhood whether a business or not. Browne’s Avenue has had this issue since I was a child. The government needs to stop granting bar licenses in small villages.
Please! This bar MUST BE REMOVED!! What kind of society, would allow such indecent and ungodly behaviour. Put out a petition who ever you are and people will sign it!. The Prime Minister must see this. The Parliament must see this and act on the people’s behalf. Enough is enough!! We are with you!
These people are inconsiderate to the elderly in the neighborhood also. There are a few on retirement that should be enjoying their rest after years of hard work.
PLEASE! The operators and workers of this bar are a bunch of wicked people!! Whoever you are. You need to have a petition so people can sign it! The prime Minister must see this. This need to go to parliament! They need to work on behalf of the suffering people. The ministry of health should remove this bar ASAP. What ministry of health would allow this to happen especially when the people are crying out!
The Love of money is the root of all evil! These people ARE EVIL AND WICKED.
Now me know aryu na like um, we go put Happy hour 10 til midnight FROM TODAY
The residents plays music and stops but the bar causes disturbance!
Molwyn Joseph is the representative for the area and also the minister of health.. call him out people! The people put him there for how many years now for him to represent them!!! It’s time he now work for them!! Call out the minister of health MOLWYN JOSEPH! HE MUST ACT ON THEIR BEHALF! AGAIN HE IS THE MINSTER OF HEALTH!!! And that situation don’t sound healthy AT ALL.
I AM SURE the person saying leave the bar does not live in the area and I am sure they go home to peace . How wicked can that person be . If the bar is so good put it in your yard then! Or on your street!
What you a call Molwyn name fa? He nuh ha no business being minister of health. He would only make a good minister of Lift Rolls Royce over the Port Fence. He only in politics just to practice self enrichment like his pal G-Ass-Ton.
Lol. To money to burn. Karma is not only a circle it has a long tail
People go an protest at the ministry of health and wellness. Call out the minister of health. … and wait is the minister of health not the representative of the area . How bad does it look on him if the residents have been crying out.
Aryu PROTEST. THOSE PEOPLE HAVE THEIR END COMING whatcha an see. It wont last forever they fool themselves into thinking it will but it wont. Yall protest at the ministry of health or at the prime minister office. Let them know you all serious about it !
I bet my life u are going to stand in line put on a mask …. social distance…. check your temperature…. n vote…… Complain about that…..
Say what… wut.. what’s your point. State it and make sense.
Don’t we have a noice act? It need to be enforced.
PPP – Piss Poor Planning, along with PPM – Piss Poor Management by those charged with management, of the Nation’s affairs will always produce these results which are filled with mayhem and confusion.
Change is inevitable, and society, especially those managed by HUEMANITY, must adapt to these changes with systems that are not only fluid with #Time, the #Spaces which we occupy must also be relevant and fluid.
A…30 years ago, electronics which would cause such disturbances were not in each and every household.
B…businesses in these neighborhoods were not patronised on the same scale, as they are today.
C…Neighborhoods were not, and still some are not conceptualised, designed, approved, funded and built with all of the factors which make for stable, safe and productive in the long term in the equation.
In, other words build for #EXPANSION in all aspects, not expansion in some, and restriction in others.
There’s nothing wrong with bars/restaurants playing loud music in their premises, but the owners MUST be given a license to operate based upon parking for patrons and sound proofing of establishment. Of course special events require temporary permits with enforceable regulations with very high fines!
As to locals playing loud music, church or not, the same applies.
Remember, ‘laws’ are not always fair, but they must be applied equitably across all sectors of the community which makes up Our Society!
Good point Ras Smood. I wonder if money to burn can put his money where his mouth is by implementing a sound proof establishment.
Where ever illiteracy is a problem it is fundamental a problem why someone would make this statement .
My beautiful wadadli seemingly will become an understatement if our citizens are rivals against each other. ” The police are patron of the said establishment. ” This statement stands out most to me. If they’re apart problem how will the uniform body be respected.
Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with a police going to a bar but they should up hold the peace and ensure laws are not broken.
I empathize with the residents if it ain’t bringing good to the community it shouldn’t be there.
Antigua is a tourist destination. That statement doesn’t implies to our beaches and historical sites only. It’s the people that makes the difference. We should be building up and not infringe on another person way of life.
What laws are the bar owners breaking?
It’s said a bull stands where it shits. I guess you’re a bull cause shit is coming from your mouth.
Then again a bull is better off cause it shits from it’s bottom.
Not every tourist is a druken a-hole. Many don’t even drink. Molywn, do something. Shut the damn place down.
Dear Writer,
You have taken the time to share legitimate concerns, the main being noise pollution. As a resident of this area known to gang violence, illicit drug trade, frequent break ins among other things allow me to point out my observations as well as findings from speaking with follow residents of the area.
You have stated that the bars are frequents to law enforcement, in this case I find it highly unlikely that the police being in this environment would uphold violence in their presence.
Police are regular patrons
In my opening statement I highlighted some of the stigmas attached to this area. Don’t you think that the frequency of the police in the area have been to the benefit of the constituents including yourself ? Kindly share the last time this area has been in the media about any such activities.
Based on feedback from other residents, the proprietors of the establishments have been very accommodating to your request. The music cannot be heard for 2 houses away on most days and at the stroke of midnight the music is lowered out of respect for the neighbors and the law ! The crowd that these establishments attract are more mature in age and Outlook. Many of whom ensure that the conduct they display is in keeping with the titles they hold.
Consider that these establishments have brought much benefit to the area. Consider that prior to their establishment, over grown empty plots existed and served as the villagers infested rubbish heap! Consider the existence of outdoor latrines that severely impacted your desire for fresh air on a windy afternoon. The proprietors took it upon themselves to clean the rat infested land around your beloved properties, demolished and covered smelly latrines, cleared the clogged drains that ran under the window of near by homes…. should I go on about the filled potholes? The proprietors have offered near by residents to fence the front yard so that patrons would not set foot on their property. The proprietors have even offered to fund the upgrade from louver windows, to pull down windows that might decrease the sound of chatter arising from educational debates. Residences like yourself have refused and would rather write exaggerated letters that mislead the public. I would expect this post from someone who dwells on tindale road or Johnsons! Full stop!
Unable to clean sidewalks.
These establishments open from around 11 am onward, are you saying that the sidewalks are cleaned in the middle of the Day ? As a resident, from top street, many clean their sidewalks between 5 and 7 am!
Demand closure
Before you Demand closure in the name of noise, here are a few things to consider.
Socioeconomic impact
The establishments provides full time and part time employment to 4-8 individuals, All of whom have responsibilities. Now to Demand closure would be taking income from a household some of which just might be single parent households. Another hungry child, another family forced into poverty, another contemplating suicide because of the inabilityto provide ! Some of these establishments have provided training and mentoring to employees which led them to undertake entrepreneural activities and even reported career upgrades!
Consider the size of these establishments and the fact that most items resold are retail purchased items. These items in most cases attract the ABST and other markups, are you demanding closure and stop the contribution to the Governments treasury?
Would you rather they pay taxes to their former slave owners as some in the area rather do? ( dance a yard before you dance abroad)
I will not disagree that establishments of this nature should be limited in tight neighborhoods.
A small sacrifice for the greater good is too much to ask? While I do not disagree with proper planning, consider that you have had proprietors that tried to work with you, limited business activity and hours, they have even gone as far as to inform some in advance when there is a planned event such as a birthday celebration.
To Demand closure is a selfish act! You speak of the elderly but do include in your post that the elderly have been given options and have refused! The establishments exist and are making their contributions and believe it or not have addressed some prominent social ills that exist in this “Tranquill Neighborhood”
The proprietors in this area have sat back and watched you tear them down for too long when they have gone above and beyond to address your concerns…. question though, would the noise pollution you speak of be of such great concern if it was a religious gathering ?
Dear Writer,
You have taken the time to share legitimate concerns, the main being noise pollution. As a resident of this area known to gang violence, illicit drug trade, frequent break ins among other things allow me to point out my observations as well as findings from speaking with follow residents of the area.
You have stated that the bars are frequents to law enforcement, in this case I find it highly unlikely that the police being in this environment would uphold violence in their presence.
Police are regular patrons
In my opening statement I highlighted some of the stigmas attached to this area. Don’t you think that the frequency of the police in the area have been to the benefit of the constituents including yourself ? Kindly share the last time this area has been in the media about any such activities.
Based on feedback from other residents, the proprietors of the establishments have been very accommodating to your request. The music cannot be heard for 2 houses away on most days and at the stroke of midnight the music is lowered out of respect for the neighbors and the law ! The crowd that these establishments attract are more mature in age and Outlook. Many of whom ensure that the conduct they display is in keeping with the titles they hold.
Consider that these establishments have brought much benefit to the area. Consider that prior to their establishment, over grown empty plots existed and served as the villagers infested rubbish heap! Consider the existence of outdoor latrines that severely impacted your desire for fresh air on a windy afternoon. The proprietors took it upon themselves to clean the rat infested land around your beloved properties, demolished and covered smelly latrines, cleared the clogged drains that ran under the window of near by homes…. should I go on about the filled potholes? The proprietors have offered near by residents to fence the front yard so that patrons would not set foot on their property. The proprietors have even offered to fund the upgrade from louver windows, to pull down windows that might decrease the sound of chatter arising from educational debates. Residences like yourself have refused and would rather write exaggerated letters that mislead the public. I would expect this post from someone who dwells on tindale road or Johnsons! Full stop!
Unable to clean sidewalks.
These establishments open from around 11 am onward, are you saying that the sidewalks are cleaned in the middle of the Day ? As a resident, from top street, many clean their sidewalks between 5 and 7 am!
Demand closure
Before you Demand closure in the name of noise, here are a few things to consider.
Socioeconomic impact
The establishments provides full time and part time employment to 4-8 individuals, All of whom have responsibilities. Now to Demand closure would be taking income from a household some of which just might be single parent households. Another hungry child, another family forced into poverty, another contemplating suicide because of the inabilityto provide ! Some of these establishments have provided training and mentoring to employees which led them to undertake entrepreneural activities and even reported career upgrades!
Consider the size of these establishments and the fact that most items resold are retail purchased items. These items in most cases attract the ABST and other markups, are you demanding closure and stop the contribution to the Governments treasury?
Would you rather they pay taxes to their former slave owners as some in the area rather do? ( dance a yard before you dance abroad)
I will not disagree that establishments of this nature should be limited in tight neighborhoods.
A small sacrifice for the greater good is too much to ask? While I do not disagree with proper planning, consider that you have had proprietors that tried to work with you, limited business activity and hours, they have even gone as far as to inform some in advance when there is a planned event such as a birthday celebration.
To Demand closure is a selfish act! You speak of the elderly but do include in your post that the elderly have been given options and have refused! The establishments exist and are making their contributions and believe it or not have addressed some prominent social ills that exist in this “Tranquil Neighborhood”
The proprietors in this area have sat back and watched you tear them down for too long when they have gone above and beyond to address your concerns…. question though, would the noise pollution you speak of be of such great concern if it was a religious gathering ?
Dear Writer,
You have taken the time to share legitimate concerns, the main being noise pollution. As a resident of this area known to gang violence, illicit drug trade, frequent break ins among other things allow me to point out my observations as well as findings from speaking with follow residents of the area.
You have stated that the bars are frequents to law enforcement, in this case I find it highly unlikely that the police being in this environment would uphold violence in their presence.
Police are regular patrons
In my opening statement I highlighted some of the stigmas attached to this area. Don’t you think that the frequency of the police in the area have been to the benefit of the constituents including yourself ? Kindly share the last time this area has been in the media about any such activities.
Based on feedback from other residents, the proprietors of the establishments have been very accommodating to your request. The music cannot be heard for 2 houses away on most days and at the stroke of midnight the music is lowered out of respect for the neighbors and the law ! The crowd that these establishments attract are more mature in age and Outlook. Many of whom ensure that the conduct they display is in keeping with the titles they hold.
How can speeding vehicles with noise be the establishments issue ? Are you really stating facts or merely trying to tear down another ? Keep the lies to a minimum like I said I grew up in the area, I reside in the area.
Consider that these establishments have brought much benefit to the area. Consider that prior to their establishment, over grown empty plots existed and served as the villagers infested rubbish heap! Consider the existence of outdoor latrines that severely impacted your desire for fresh air on a windy afternoon. The proprietors took it upon themselves to clean the rat infested land around your beloved properties, demolished and covered smelly latrines, cleared the clogged drains that ran under the window of near by homes…. should I go on about the filled potholes? The proprietors have offered near by residents to fence the front yard so that patrons would not set foot on their property. The proprietors have even offered to fund the upgrade from louver windows, to pull down windows that might decrease the sound of chatter arising from educational debates. Residences like yourself have refused and would rather write exaggerated letters that mislead the public. I would expect this post from someone who dwells on tindale road, kentish road or Johnsons! Full stop!
Unable to clean sidewalks.
These establishments open from around 11 am onward, are you saying that the sidewalks are cleaned in the middle of the Day ? As a resident, from top street, many clean their sidewalks between 5 and 7 am!
Demand closure
Before you Demand closure in the name of noise, here are a few things to consider.
Socioeconomic impact
The establishments provides full time and part time employment to 4-8 individuals, All of whom have responsibilities. Now to Demand closure would be taking income from a household some of which just might be single parent households. Another hungry child, another family forced into poverty, another contemplating suicide because of the inabilityto provide ! Some of these establishments have provided training and mentoring to employees which led them to undertake entrepreneural activities and even reported career upgrades!
Consider the size of these establishments and the fact that most items resold are retail purchased items. These items in most cases attract the ABST and other markups, are you demanding closure and stop the contribution to the Governments treasury?
Would you rather they pay taxes to their former slave owners as some in the area rather do? ( dance a yard before you dance abroad)
I will not disagree that establishments of this nature should be limited in tight neighborhoods.
A small sacrifice for the greater good is too much to ask? While I do not disagree with proper planning, consider that you have had proprietors that tried to work with you, limited business activity and hours, they have even gone as far as to inform some in advance when there is a planned event such as a birthday celebration.
To Demand closure is a selfish act! You speak of the elderly but do include in your post that the elderly have been given options and have refused! The establishments exist and are making their contributions and believe it or not have addressed some prominent social ills that exist in this “Tranquill Neighborhood”
I urge all to randomly visit these spots on at least two occasions and report on your experience.
The proprietors in this area have sat back and watched you tear them down for too long when they have gone above and beyond to address your concerns…. question though, would the noise pollution you speak of be of such great concern if it was a religious gathering ?
People who work in your bar say you all dont like to pay and pay when you feel like. That say why you have such a high turn over rate.. as soon as you look you see another new worker because somebody else quit . Lol! It’s amazing these bar owners say they clean up the people place but its the people always cleaning.
Plus we know the people not say turn off your music they say turn it down.
So who misleading Antigua people. It must be you and the people you say always begging you for food and you tired of them. Remember you bar owners talk the same people who you say not complaining about noise saying all they do is beg you. Why some people so dangerous 😳 and lie! And most of your patrons gossip so I guess that’s the educated talk lol ROFDWL
You a special kind of dunce don’t? Who work there that has never been paid ? People Who steal and destroy company property? Fix ya English then comment
You a special kind of dunce don’t? Who work there that has never been paid ? People Who steal and destroy company property? Fix ya English then comment
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