Trade war between United States & China is senseless, Antigua and Barbuda PM says

The spiraling conflict between the world’s two largest economies, China and the US, is undermining global trade and development, the premier of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, told RT, at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.

Prices globally could increase on a number of products if the two countries continue to hike tariffs, he said, noting that this will hamper world growth.

“So, I believe that potentially we may see a reduction in GDP to a tune of about $500 billion. And that… will literally impact all countries,” Browne warned.

According to him, Beijing and Washington should understand that they have an “obligation to collaborate” for the benefit of free trade and peace among nations.“So, we think [the trade war] is senseless and hope it will come to an end very soon.” Such “muscular rhetoric” as is being used in the trade spat is unhelpful to the whole world, said the prime minister, adding that the two global powers need to act together and understand that “ordinary people in China, the US, the Caribbean and Russia will suffer as a result of this senseless trade war.”

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  1. What appears to be senseless to one is an absolute necessity to the other.

    The US is fighting to maintain their global position while China’s belt and road program is solidifying their world dominance.

    The trampled grass is collateral damage.

    • Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock! “When elephants fight the grass gets hurt!”

      In the 1970s Julius Nyerere, the President of Tanzania, used that proverb in a speech at the United Nations in New York! Choose Good Venues!

      The meaning then is the same today! In the Cold War then, between the two great super powers, the United States and Russia, and now The USA and China, it was and will be the poor developing countries in Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, South East Asia and the Pacific who suffered and will be the same victims again!

      Not only should we see this for it’s Geopolitical outcomes but much closer to home as an important aspect of African proverbs to our participatory nature and entrepreneurial socialism as against our political party relationships, village and national community values!

  2. Is that what you consider yourself to be ” trampled grass” which ultimately withers and die. Don’t you have more self worth than that!!

  3. You say “senseless” Gaston Browne.Are you therefore saying.It is lacking in common sense,foolish.If that was your intent.You would need to look at your History.Since you became leader of the Government Business in Antigua and Barbuda.How many nonsensical and foolish decisions you have made,on behalf of the people.That have cost the people millions of dollars.And not a darn thing to show for your foolish decisions.

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