Tindale Road youth attacked and beaten by four men on the road, while passenger is injured by object thrown into car


Two people have been injured in separate incidents by unknown assailants.

Reports are that a 19-year-old Tindale Road man was attacked, beaten, and injured by four men while he was walking in the vicinity of the old Bargain Centre building.

Further reports say the teenager was heading north on the said road when a silver Toyota Allion motorcar, traveling in the opposite direction, stopped in front of him.

Reportedly, four unknown males exited the vehicle and the youth attempted to run; but, in doing so, he fell.

Two of the assailants then grabbed him while he was on the ground, while the other two beat him about the body with objects before the four drove off.

The young man was taken to the Emergency Room of the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre, where he was treated for injuries to his head, bruises on both feet, and a swollen right thigh.

Reports say the injuries he sustained are not life-threatening.

The Police conducted a search for the vehicle and the occupants in the surrounding areas, but without success.

It was reportedly a 911 operator who notified the Grays Farm Police Station of the wounding, after taking a report about the incident from an anonymous caller.

Meanwhile, a Paynters woman was injured to her left forearm while traveling on Princess Street, Ottos.

Reports say she was a passenger in a vehicle that was approached by an unknown man, who threw an object through the left rear window, wounding the woman on the arm.

Although the injury is not life-threatening, it required 12 sutures to close.

The victim was subsequently discharged.

SOURCE: Real News

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  1. Oh guide jack Baldwin Spencer. You see what u caused? You tell Antigua people fu


    and then you talk about “BLOOD in hotel lobby”

    No wonder King Lyadd Lovell Limpy Joe IMF Pimp called you “the Tissue Paper PM”

    • @ Smh, how come u nah done get chop up for the chupitness you write everyday under all your different memes.

  2. The incident that involves the young man being beaten by 4 others. Did no one see the number of that car to give to the Police.

    • The victim was there. He knew the vehicle and the persons that is why he tried to run. Think about what happened. This is not a random act. If he does not want to say anything as the victim why should witnesses.

      I remember when I saw a man slapping a girl and told the man to stop. I was attacked and beaten. When I went to the police and reported the situation. The same girl said I am lying that he did not slap her, but they were kissing and I was jealous so I provoked the man that is why the fight started. It was their words against mine so I lost. I lost that day but I learnt that it’s best to observe and not see certain things.

      • @Bilbo from All Saints…

        If, the crime of the man(he’s 19 according to the shoddy reporting) being beaten went as you’re alleging, then, law enforcement should have no problem solving this one.

        However, just from reading the story yesterday, it was obvious that, there were too many inconsistencies, as to what happened.

        Hey…this has being approved behaviour(both the girl getting her ass whopped and the incident of the 4 on 1) in Antigua, as far back, as I can remember. I was a teenager in the 1970’s.
        These type(s) of behaviour have to be dealt with in #Stealth_Mode! Hey….


  3. AH you tell ne wha ah goowan please l leave my birth home nice Antigua when we diden have all dis crime. Now i fraid to come home because of all dem punks foreigners and natives causing all that havoc. Choops

    • @Frankly Speaking…
      @Chris P…

      1…The System knows what’s happening.

      2…The #Systems_Mantra…”out of chaos, comes order” is in full swing.
      The political parties and their fight/war for control of power of the Nation, as they do what they call #campaigning is a prime example of chaos, confusion and mayhem!

      3…Crime and criminality is a very lucrative business.

      Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
      De ‘ole Dutty Peg_Foot Bastard

      Vere C. Edwards

  4. No one person, teen or adult gets a public beating like that and is innocent.
    That youth most likely has no parental guidance and messed with the wrong company, he screwed up somewhere. Just in my neighborhood a young child is stealing from neighbors, jumping fences and sh**t too, this youth goes around begging for food and juice as well and then goes back to steal even though you give him.
    Clearly no parental guidance and he’s hungry, can’t blame him. He should be in school and have adult supervision. Blame the system, the Babylonian system.
    We must remember we will all pay one way or another for the evil that we do.

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