LETTER: They Almost Killed My Uncle In Bolans Village + Part 2

Hezekiah Thomas of Bolans


Antigua’s skyrocketing inherently-dangerous-crimes crime rate and the incompetent folks in charge.

The victimization of the man (my uncle) and his wife, and other family members that include their US citizen visiting family was horrific, evil, and avoidable. 


They tied-up, taped up their mouth, beat them until eyes was damaged, head swollen, neck damage, in their own home in Bolans Village, Antigua and Barbuda, near a main road, at the house they broke into numerous times before and you are telling me a competent law enforcement department would not have that data to utilize strategies taking this into consideration? Like my crime prediction formula developed specifically for Antigua. 

The blame should be on Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister, Antigua and Barbuda Attorney General, Antigua Police Commissioner and his deputies.

Even the fire-arms commission is to be blamed, show me 1 person on that commission with an advance degree in social and behavioral science and national security so they are able to determine risk or low risk in an applicant?

Behavior in an applicant, national security risk and benefit in an applicant.


It is just a place of constant and continuous incompetence. It is time to advance the departments with those with developed education and experience. You are putting people’s life at abnormally and ultra-high risk of danger and death. 

All they had to do was used my Antigua research that provides policing tactics and techniques (specifically made for Antigua) and the crime prediction formula in which clearly provided notice of such crime. 

My uncle and family were tied-up in their home in Bolans at gun point and beat until his head was swollen, neck damage, mouth taped up, and suffered severe physical and mental damage. 


I must say, the first suspect that came to mind, is the same guy and group he is in that attempted to burglarize their home but was stopped by a super former officer who was charged with defending himself from serious and deadly attack.

But you know the incompetent folks charge this former officer (all the incompetent fools know who they are). 

Now, my uncle and family are severely injured, in Bolans Village, Antigua and Barbuda, while ABLP brought in security force for SIDS dignitaries.

Also, my uncle’s family and guest from the US are going back to the US with hatred and or horrible feelings towards the tourist country of Antigua and Barbuda because this country is the most backward place in the Caribbean.

Ran by the most incompetent people in every aspect and corner, who literally cannot see they are not competent in the position. There are severely untrained people deciding whether trained, highly experienced and educated people do what they have advance degrees and experience in.


Yeah, untrained and uneducated is determining and deciding whether you do what you have been doing for over a decade with advance knowledge, experience and degrees they, adjudicators, in positions by politicians, do not have. 

There are going to idiot bloggers blogging, those ones that are sucker’s that do all the immoral and deceptive things for their political party only so they can get benefits and never in the interest of the people in the country. Do not listen to those idiots. They are dunces and immortals.

Those government officials that includes tourism directors saying Antigua is safe, it is not safe.

You are not in reality but in your government, bubble doing a job you probably do not adequately qualify for, just like those at the helm of public safety talking about a constant and increasing trend with no change in frequency of BARRK CRIME (inherently dangerous crimes) is not a sign of the country’s crime rate being horrifically bad and the country being unsafe.

You guys are incompetent but only learned folks knows this and not the incompetent fools locally that hates the other parties so much, they do not care how incompetent their party and those their party assigned positions are. 

My uncle is a good man.


A hardworking man and look at what criminals, and incompetent and corrupted-minded people caused to my uncle. Even when I offered them the solution to this frequent and escalating inherently dangerous crime problem that they keep ignoring. 

The country is also to be blamed because you can demand change and make changes that you fail to do.

You personally have competent people in your family that is experienced and educated enough to be in the positions that untrained and uneducated people are concurrently in because they are family and friends to that political group and politician. 

Do not tell me politicians are not responsible for taking the crime rate seriously and they should continue saying that place I visited and as an expert in this field saw horrific safety issues that made me skeptical of literally going outside during the day and night in Antigua without a firearm. 

You are all to blame for the aggravated assault, aggravated battery (with a deadly weapon, a gun), false Imprisonment, kidnapping, mayhem, attempted murder, solicitation, conspiracy etcetera) that my Bolans Village uncle and family is now suffering from. 

I must tell you; I know where my investigation will begin. I know who you are, and we will find you and bring you to the Antigua quasi-criminal-justice or whatever you call that system. All those responsible. 



One perpetrator in the Bolans Village Burglary, robbery, false imprisonment, attempted murder etcetera of my uncle was shot by the other perpetrator when he shot to kill my uncle, victim, when he was fighting back.

This means that at this time there is someone in your community with injuries sustained from the shooting. Blood was left in various area, substantial amount, that does not belong to any family members of mine. Be on the lookout and notify law enforcement of any injured MEN. 

Victims confirmed a shot was fired at him, the male, my uncle (attempted murder) but this bullet seems to have entered the other perpetrator/criminal. CONTACT LAW ENFORCEMENT AND OR ME FOR THOSE WHO KNOWS MY CONTACT. 

The perpetrator has the bullet in him or was grazed by the bullet. All medical providers should be on notice of anyone coming in with any kind of injuries in which there was blood loss. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY CONTACT THE POLICE and or me.



AGAIN, contact the police, if you find or know of any injured men in Antigua and Barbuda. We would be able to rule that person out. Even if it is your family member. 

At this time focus on this information and not the incompetence of the Antigua police force AND THE HELM for not releasing this urgent information to medical professionals and the public. This information, at least this section of information, should have been released in the first 48 hours but immediately upon learning to all medical professionals in Antigua and Barbuda and then to the public. The police did neither, not up to this moment. Yes, this is perfect sign of the incompetence I expressed but let us focus on catching these criminals. 






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  1. I’m truly sorry for what happened to your uncle and his family and wish them a speedy recovery.

  2. Wow! I guess all of us in Antigua in this backward country, are just dunce and foolish. It also does not seem as if crime happens in America, “the capital of crime” where there are so many unsolved mysteries.
    Also, the UN brought their security for SIDS.
    What happened to your family is unfortunate and terrible. I pray that regardless of how long it takes, the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

  3. Didn’t you see that your uncle yard was bushy? about blaming government. Some a ar u family member sick stomach. The fact that my cousin was a target was due to how his yard is hidden, as cleary the scumbags who perpetrated the crime knew they had an easy target. Government is not perfect but blaming this on the government is utter ignorance. I pass by there and no one from above him could see anything. that no one can see anything, America is worse than Antigua where crime is concerned. Tap run off you mouth and go cut the man yard or pay someone to cut it and them run off you mouth as clearly your uncle’s safety wasn’t your priority until after the incident. Uncle me foot. Smh

  4. @… You think it is about comparing other countries to another? It is about looking at what you could deter and avoid but failed to take reasonable, competent, prudent, and professional actions to eliminate such opportunity. There is literally a predictable frequency of inherently dangerous crimes. It literally happens so often that you now know it will happen in a very small island on specific days and we are not able to stop it? Honestly? Really? With government officials saying there is practically no crimes and the country is safe? Really?

    I want to be wrong about how ignorant and dunce the folks are but why provide me with evidence proving my words?

    Always comparing their curtains to the neighbour’s curtain. Instead them looking at their own curtains alone and see how they could make it prettier and better.

  5. I am so deeply saddened by this attack. This is my village, and these are my people. This couple work so hard and are one of the most selfless couples in the village. I have personally benefited on numerous occasions from their love. I have dined in their home. I pray that justice is served. They are not deserving of this. The criminals must be sought and an example should be made of them. We cry down vigilante justice, but when folks can so boldly and heartlessly commit a crime such as this on the innocent and vulnerable citizens in their own communities, then whatever is done to them mercilessly in my opinion, they deserve it. This may sound sinister, but cut off their hands and or mame them publicly. Show them no mercy, make examples out of them and see if others are not deterred. Those that make the laws are part of the problem. Where is the Attorney General who is elected and sits in parliament. He is a part of the problem. Some of these same criminals probably report back to him. How then can he be a part of a solution, when he too benefits from and orchestrate the madness?
    The acts committed towards this family, is not by strangers, but by people who are well aware of who they are, and for that they deserve the ultimate punishment.
    Dear God, help them to heal physically, because mental healing may never come for this family.
    God Help us to bring Justice upon all those responsible for this reprehensible act by these lawless, heartless evil people. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🇦🇬🇦🇬🇦🇬

  6. First, I’m sorry for the unfortunate situation that happened to your family,but criminals activities happen every where even in my own country Jamaica 🇯🇲,but please don’t wait until things happen to your beloved family,then you come out and display your displeasure for antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬.

    Honestly speaking as i non National living here Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 is one of the safest place in the Caribbean regions,and the world…

    The only way we can protect ourselves is when we start to be one another keeper,and show brotherly love…

  7. You can tell how dunce people are when they say, why is your uncle in a picture after a crime, in which records and pictures must be taken of his injuries, for criminal investigative purposes and legal, criminal justice, reasons.

    To find how backwards the people and system is, please read most of the blogs daily on this site by bloggers.

    What hurts more, it is regular bloggers who changed their blogging names when they know what they are saying is completely idiotic, dunce, inhumane and deceptive. However, intelligent people can detect their writing style.

  8. Sorry to hear about your uncle.
    Speedy recovery to him..
    Antigua, is out of control with crime!
    What is the police doing about it?
    We don’t feel safe in our own

  9. “It is about looking at what you could deter and avoid but failed to take reasonable, competent, prudent, and professional actions to eliminate such opportunity. There is literally a predictable frequency of inherently dangerous crimes. It literally happens so often that you now know it will happen…”

    Question: Did you not advise your uncle in your tried-and-true method of crime prevention? It is always best to sweep around one’s own front door first and foremost. Perhaps the criminals mistook your uncle for you and were searching for the millions in US currency that you have stated you keep at your residence.

  10. @I know I know nothing. You are exactly the kind of regular bloggers I spoke of who change their blogging names to convey the dunces, irrelevant, inhumane, deceptive and in this case, solicitation and perhaps, conspiracy to commit larceny, assault, battery, robbery, and even murder.

    The statement made by @i know I know nothing, could only be interpreted to encourage, request, and facilitate criminal acts against people, including the specific person subject to this criminal comment.


  11. Crime is now organized and appears to be functioning like a business and the region is now infested with it. Our police force now has to study these developments and assemble the necessary equipment and strategies to fight this evil in our midst. Our communities must be involved too and so we also have to provide more opportunities also. This problem has to be tackled on all sides.

  12. So let me understand! Uncle got beat up and the Prime Minister and the GG are the ones responsible? Make it make sense.

  13. @my way of helping, you provide me with entertainment and humor. You have been crying on this news forum for the better part of a year and have consistently made braggadocios comments which I find rather amusing. I have only quoted your statements my good sir, and name calling speaks volumes of your intellect.

    Additionally, you are not a prime physical specimen and posing in an ill fitted suit is not becoming. I suggest you focus on your physical and mental wellbeing, shedding a couple of pounds will do you well for it appears as though you are touching three hundred pounds. Wealth without health is saddening.

  14. @Sharon Patriot, brilliantly said. It is what some idiots do not understand. Crime prevention requires numerous strategies and not people saying it is not the government’s fault, when they do have a legal and moral duty to take all reasonable and prudent actions which I have seen they are not doing. Always an excuse for the government not taking basic actions or victim blaming or denying that a crime problem exist. Again, it is a new era, advance knowledge, training, education, experience and tactic is needed to advance the crime fighting in Antigua and Barbuda. Which will mean most of those people at the helm of law enforcement, sadly, but rightfully must go, or at minimum, start listening to expertise that is advanced in the field.

    We are now in the era where some people from the local population has these advance knowledge, education and experience. We no longer have to say, let us take anyone to fill the position because we do not have internationally and advanced educated folks. We have that now. This is no longer 1980, 1990 and 2000 where there was practically no advanced educated person with intense and in depth experience in research in whatever field is vitally important nationally and internationally for the country.

  15. @ Just a socialist

    Just shut the hell up.
    Which one of the safest- you can tell when it’s you minions writing these blogs.
    Must be election time.

  16. Crime in Antigua has spiraled out of control. I actually feel safer walking around in Los Angeles than in Antigua (when it comes to percentage of Crime per 1,000 people). The island needs st least 100 more police officers. How about the government hiring 100 more police officers, how about every single village create a neighborhood watch program, how about instituting stop and frisk, much harsher penalties etc. Finally BRING BACK THE CAT O NINE TAIL AND HANGING!!!

  17. 😓 its so sad what they did to Hezzy, we have a seious crime issue! what is Shugs and Dwaynie doing for the community in that regard other than being womanizers 🔭🧐

  18. @I know I know nothing, I would prefer those qualities you alleged in me than the one you have posting about a person’s wealth on an article pertaining aggravated assault and battery, robbery, burglary in an attempt to guide, solicit, and assist criminals to find a specific person to be a better target for them, you idiot. You deserve name calling and actually more. Idiot, criminal, dunce.

    Your party is not the right party. They do not care about the wellbeing of the people. I have learned that and now expressing it. Take it.

  19. Sorry this happened to your family . You mentioned that the home has been burglarized sver times .. please invest in your home and protects your family … maybe burglar bars maybe a more secure lock double locks .. security camera system you can buys these on Amazon at a reasonable price .. maybe the family from the US can brings some down for you

  20. @ my way of helping I did not know who you were until you posted your uncle’s picture. I had my suspicions and you confirmed it.

    You need not worry about not being granted a license to own a firearm, you simply only need to sit on them, that’s of course if you can catch them.

    I have time today for the likes of you.

  21. @ my way of helping… I’m sure you would have read and saw they brought down my country first… There were no names we were not called… So it was about comparing… I guess Merica is void of crime! Me gorn dis side… Ya’ll to one-sided in a dis place yah!

  22. I know I know nothing by the likes of him.

    We have time for you to you stupid, idiot. Don’t worry about it they will be caught, wicked people.

  23. Election Coming,

    Try go and shut him up if you can idiot. Yes? The government share some blame.

  24. We are backward and ignorant in Antigua. Only wicked and dunce people blame a victim because his grass is high in his own yrad for covetous, evil and cowardly criminals to almost kill a person in his own private home living with his wife whom he worked hard for to break in and almost kill, tape up their mouth, and take their keys. This act is cruel and appalling. Be careful what you say, things will backfire on you all dumb, stupid talking seriously.

  25. *Important bulletin*

    One of the perpetrators was seriously injured in the vicious attack, robbery, burglary, in Bolans Village, Antigua on 05/29/2024.

    If you see anyone injured, when the gun went off, the perpetrators fired shots, it may have injured the other perpetrator leaving substantial blood in the house.

    Promptly contact the police, and me, if you notice anyone injured or not out and about as they usually are on the block.

    Perpetrators described as one tall and slender and the other short.

    Let me help you and secure the safety of Bolans Village and Antigua and Barbuda. Post your comment below.

    This information should have already been released by the police to medical institutions and a few hours after, by today, to the public.

    The perpetrator may have just be grazed by the bullet or bullet is in him.

    Please immediately post your responses below. This is something the police should have revealed to the public but incompetence again, at least 24 hours after to the public but immediately to all health care providers. I feel sorry for Antigua

    Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
    Get Outlook for Android

  26. Just wished ,he had a gun.To defend himself,family,guest and property.The criminals could go on the corners and buy a gun.However,a law abiding home owner in Antigua. He/she has to go through hell to get a gun license in Antigua and Barbuda.

  27. These criminals need to be taken off the street for good. It is time for us to fight back and only way that this can be done is via neighborhood watch. We now have technology on our side

  28. @Tuna and @Antiguanman8, WE must use every technique and strategy available, with whatever resource we have.

  29. Am sorry to hear about your unle and family antigua was nice not sny more cannot sleep comfotable in our bed at nights it is sad the country is so small and cannot get them people doing that .

  30. A few facts:

    A…@my way of helping, [degrees] from learned institutions, do not solve crimes, criminal behavior(s) and or criminality; as, a matter of fact, they’re(the ones PhD’s, MBA’s, MMA’s etc.) are more criminals, than those #street_thugs now well established, organized and funded, in Antigua.
    As a matter of fact, the educated ones designed(still designing) criminal system(weapons to communities to orders) to control, HUEmanity and its behaviour(s).
    It’s unfortunate what has happened, to your family is unfortunate, unfortunately it’s gonna get worst because the culture is fertile and has being intentionally made so, therefore, criminals of ALL PERSUASIONS, those in the purported upper echelons and the street thugs will continue to thrive, survive and live in Antigua.

    B…to those who’ve commented about…
    (i)…crimes are everywhere, total fuckery. Example crimes such as these would not go on for as long as they’ve being happening in communities such as Mill Reef, Browne’s Bay, English Harbour, Crosbies and the likes without law enforcement taking serious and decisive ACTIONS to curtail these heinous crimes which Antigua is NOT accustomed to on a daily basis.

    C…the SIDS 4 UN International, if such crimes were committed, against any member, of any visiting attendees the governor, the prime minister, the attorney general to charles_de_adulter would be on INTERNATIONAL Media houses condemning these attacks IMMEDIATELY.

    D…Let such crimes happen to any visitor to the ICC World Cup Tournament and see what the comments will be or #WHO’RE the officials that will IMMEDIATELY condemn these vulgar, vicious and violent acts on local citizens and their families.

    D…FIGHT FIRE ☄️WID BLURNCLATH FIRE☄️. Do these thugs on the street the same goddamn way. It’s A COSA NOSTRA, POSSEE STYLE WAR NOW.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  31. @Ras smood, I respect you.

    The degrees provide other avenues that can be used to deter crimes. It provides knowledge that a lot of time cannot be had without that kind of teaching and sharing of information.

    So, a reasonable and prudent person must value such information sharing, research and dedication to accomplish that kind of focused data.

  32. @Just a Socialist…

    I’m a #realist; fuck the other titles or associations. The present REALITY of the escalating CRIMES in Antigua is foreign to Antigua, in the first place. Did we have crimes prior to this present crime_tsunami, fuck yes; but, it wasn’t as prevalent and on a daily basis.

    Next, as to crime is everywhere, even in Jamaica, hey more power to those regions or communities world wide, that tolerates such, but I guarantee you, NOT ALL OF JAMAICA is CRIME RIDDEN. We don’t and should not accept this kind of blurnclath, blouse_n_skirt, street thugs, POSSEE, STREET GANG behavior and NORMALISE it in Antigua because it’s the norm elsewhere. #fuck_dat! Caulk dat wid de same venom, dat dem bring, dey a U doh.

    As to this #ONE_LOVE, #ONE_HEART, #ONE_DESTINY to help solve the issues of negativity, in Our Community’s; being a Jamaican you would know, that the Pan African to the RASTAFARI Community have being preaching, teaching and advocating for this for over 100 plus years; yet, these types of anti-social behaviours have not abated in your Sweet_Sweet Jamaica. Therefore, we can do without such asinine thoughts, as in “crime is everywhere!” This is true, however, we in Antigua need to burn this type of behavior to ashes, cast it in the wind, saying “dust to dust, ashes to ashes,” blow these thugs away like their dust in the wind MUST be.

    There’s a saying now, which elders like myself have adopted, and it is, “I’D RATHER BE JUDGED, BY TWELVE or ONE(as in the case, of Trial by Judge Only) RATHER, THAN TO BE CARRIED BY SIX, BURNT IN A OVEN AND EMTIED AT SEA, FROM AN URN.”

    Gangsters bleed and dead the same way like me.
    Start maiming, murdering, slaughter these goddamn thugs once, they enter your private spaces with the intent to do harm.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  33. @My way of Helping…

    A…Community’s, of which law enforcement is an intricate part of, curtail and solve crimes, not law enforcement by themselves, degreed or not.

    B…if, degrees from institutions were able to solve crimes and curtail the behavior of criminals, this would have being accomplished, since, they stole all of the knowledge(books to tablets to parchments) from the Library of Alexandria, transferred them to the Library of Congress and burnt the empty buildings which housed the Library of Alexandria, as a distortion and distraction.

    C…The fact, that you’re [learned], through these overpriced, institutions of indoctrinations, you would be familiar with such terms as:
    (i)…the Pipeline of #From The Womb To The Tomb; where poorly designed, implemented and non productive school systems keep this pipeline flowing with customers, clients which feeds the penal system, keeps attorneys bank accounts loaded, and is the biggest employer in many American Jurisdictions.


    The day there is little to no crime(wishful thoughts), the Legal Industry would implode. It would crumble. It would be a relic fossilized like a petrified forest!
    There is no system of government today, that will allow the Legal Industry to collapse. It’s one pillar on which they stand.

    The degrees of which you speak of for the most part, comes after the fact; as in, the crimes have being committed, now they’re racing beat the clock before, the crime turns cold, as they analyse, the why, how, when, where through critical analysis.

    Again, Community’s with a commitment to civil order curtails and solve crimes.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

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