The Veterinary and Livestock Division will no longer allow for the importation of meat and/or meat products from Brazil


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  1. Here we go! The WEF’s war on meat has reached ANU. This is part of the bigger agenda of the climate change fanatics who claims cow farts are releasing high amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. (Maybe if cows were feed GRASS instead of milo, soybeans meal, corn silage etc their farts would be more environmentally friendly). An increase in the amount of livestock
    diseases will be broadcasted to make their culling less outrageous.
    The push to eat bugs and lab produced meats for protein will be encouraged to save the planet

    • U R very much misinformed.

      Brazil has been known for exporting toxic meat for decades. Especially to third world countries where cost is a major factor. Our supermarkets are selling us toxic meat for years and some even removed the source of the meat so people wont know. We have been warned so many times about Brazilian meat/poultry but U know we cant do without our chicken, even at the expense of our health.

      Thanks to Vet and Livestock Division for this move.

      • Where are all of the outbreaks from the toxic meats? Any illness and deaths occured in ANU from them?
        I’m certainly not misinformed about what the World Economic Forum has planned for meats. That’s what my comment is about.

  2. I’ll have you know I’m a pescatarian — but I don’t have a problem with meat eaters. If pointing out what the WEF has planned for meat eaters is raging in your mind — then you are clearly suffering from prions disease. You do know what they say about assuming? Idiot much?

  3. Every backyard needs a chicken/fowl pen so we can raise our own chickens. I am not a lover of meat like before, so I will settle for the fowl pen. As our Prime Minister did say that we must raise pigs and chickens.

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