The owner of Barrow’s Chill Bar says there are efforts to stop him from rebuilding. Video courtesy George Wehner.
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Did PM Browne communicate such to him in writing or verbally (DIRECTLY TO HIM). You all just give me a break. It is ironic that this joker WHINNER is trying to push this narrative when last week it was he who was talking about “jack aint wanting people to have access to beach”.
Lanny Bozo Gaston, came on Facebook and said whoever is buying, he is going to get the DCA to stop it.
@CoolRuler- Why be a pharisee (a self-righteous or hypocritical person)? Its not Whener via his youtube clip who suggested it was a rich hotelier building there? The suggestion was that it was Rob Barrett. The article in ANR was headed “GEORGE WEHNER REPORTS: No space for local man at Long Bay” The PM then responded:
“This was just brought to my attention. If this is Crown land at Long Bay that they are developing; instructions will be given to DCA to have the structure removed. That area of beach has been reserved for use by the people.”
Ok TENMAN HUGHES I accept your explanation. All I need you to do now is to find out from the Prime Minister what “reserved for use by the people” means. I am sure you can recall the project that the UPP had planned for the area i.e., a beach park with restaurants and vending. That project was vehemently objected to and demonstrated against by Robin Yearwood and the ALP. Tell Gaston we need to know the plans for the area since it is Crown land and he should know that it is Crown land and should not be asking such a silly question.
Better if he had taken some flit to the man to stop the mosquito from biting him that to come with this hogwash of a reporting…I really hope the people take note to the spin on all this from what he reported last week. The only correct thing the Honorable PM said was that if there was anything being done illegally it will be stopped. Now it is all twisted that the PM is trying to stop the development. I mean how low can these #UPPNEARGA go with their agenda?
Silly season is really on. The same way he can sit and talk with this person now….why he did not do so before sending false information to public? Now there is a different SPIN on it. For a person who could not run/manage his security firm but for the sake of his affiliation with the previous administration getting a few gigs here and there while employing immigrants and NOT paying/owing them…..no one should take him seriously.
Same can be said about what appears to be a highly paid political prostitute named Brixarse
I am so glad I have found a permanent space living inside of your head 🧠 LOVELY!!! 🤜🤛
Darling u can’t live in my head cause I got a life outside this blog unlike u who appears to be on everything post do the world a favor and go seek an actual job where u can make a valid contribution to society.
This video demonstrates the clown that George Whener is. This idiot (I normally don’t call people idiots, but George deserves this title) made a previous video with all sorts of spurious claims about “people with money” building in the spot where Barrow was located. He now finds out that it is actually Barrow trying to rebuild and acts as if he did nothing wrong by publishing lies and innuendos. THIS is the problem with UPP and its minions. They spread lies to rile up the masses and would never acknowledge their wrong or apologize for spreading lies. Now, how can anyone trust anything that comes from George Wehner’s mouth?
Moreover, most people would know that Wehner was a soldier within the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force. I challenge him to tell people why he was asked to leave. Ask former PM Spencer what Wehner tried to do to Col. Trevor Thomas that caused him to be asked to leave or face arrest. Mutiny is a very serious crime in the military, and I am asking George Wehner to explain what mutiny is and if he was ever a party to any mutinous actions.
Real clown indeed and exposes his agenda. Mind you the said poles and what not remain that he had issues with in his first video. Why? Because he figured Gaston had someone erecting something and blocking people from the beach. In his so called Spinterview he is hell bent in wanting Gaston to be brought into the fray so there is a new spin. I hope Gaston speaks on it next show. #UPPNEARGA
GEORGIE PORJIE PUDDING AND PIE how much more of a 🤡 🤡 🤡 will you continue to prove yourself to be???? You took your camera to police headquarters to film the Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌 as if it’s something good.
You should film the following:
• the 🐍 26 ACRES of land
WATTA BUS!!! Mr. Wenner just used this video to contradict his previous story. Wenner go dig a hole and jump in!
All the best to you Mr. Phillip in rebuilding your restaurant at Long Bay! Your MP Sir Robin continues to support you through the years and more. Willikies people too love them MP jack. ROBIN TO WIN again and again.
Wait the same guy, Wehner, ran a clip where he stated locals can no longer setup on Long Bay. They suggested it was Barrett. Now they ask the right questions and find out they were wrong its a local man. Wehner is akin to Chicken Little, This guy Wehner set a new record now being worse than Percy Simon. His supporter don’t feel insulted?
So I guess in his world it is ok for a black man to keep a black man off the beach but if an outsider does all hell breaks loose. I hope the electorate especially non nationals continue to see the hatred and racist undertones of the UPP. Keep them #UPPNEARGA at bay.
TENMAN HUGHES since when Percy Simon has become such a pariah? Is it because he has now turned against the ALP particularly because of the actions against his daughter. Don’t forget that Percy was once a bigger supporter of the ALP than you. I hope you do not turn to a pariah as well in the fullness of time.
Tenman and all others in Gaston’s Corner. I would bet you some real $$$$$,that too big to fail is going to take over that section of the Beach. Antigua and Barbuda would one day,some day,become an Apartheid Nation. Where those of dark skinned would not be able to access certain areas except for work. Mark my words on 04/14/2022,it is coming to pass.
Our right to beaches is enshrined in Law. It will take us changing our laws.
FROM THE SIDELINE yes our right to access the beaches is enshrined in law. However, isn’t it a fight we are still waging to ensure in some areas that we have access? Also, the point that Tommy John is raising is that “too big to fail” might be given permission to build at the spot where Barrow once operated his restaurant.
What say u about ur big UPP fren JANICE SAMUEL??
WELL well well what do you want to hear? She pleaded guilty to the offences and perhaps should have done that a long time ago so that could be given some weight in her sentencing. She will be sentenced on May 4. Will you be there to gloat and ask for no leniency?
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