The number of Covid infections is declining weekly, Cabinet says


The number of Covid infections is declining weekly, though the latest number is still far higher than is acceptable and achievable; in the first week of June 2021, the number of active cases was 00.


In the month of January 2022, a weekly high of 751 infections has been recorded; in the last week of January 2022, a reduction to fewer than 50 persons was recorded.


The Minister of Health and Wellness continued to encourage all unvaccinated residents and citizens to protect themselves with the vaccines available, at no cost; and to obey all the protocols when in public.

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  1. It’s time we get back our freedoms and our choice. No more forced vaccine mandates.

    Canada is fired up fighting for their freedoms. We here need to do the same. Govt works for us not the other way around.

    End the mandates and open back up the country. Go Canada. We need to unite against the govt just like the Canadians. The same Canadians this govt is allowing to enter our country. The same thing with Americans. We depend on tourism and all the govt has accomplished is financial suicide.

    Stop listening to the fake news.

    It’s time we follow Canada and the US. End all vaccine mandates.

    • Fake news is saying they’re a menace to society. Meanwhile they’re shoveling snow, feeding the homeless and cleaning up the streets while they protest.

  2. It’s time for the people of Antigua to stand up against our lock down. It’s time we take our freedom back. No more vaccine mandates. We are all going to get COVID-19. We have no choice but to live with it.

    It’s time we all stand together to fight for our freedoms like our brothers and sisters in Canada. Yes the same Canadian folks the government here is allowing in.

    This happened Friday, February 4th, 2022.

    Notice the Canadian citizens are united and standing together to fight for their freedom. Also notice the police are allowing the citizens to protest against all the vaccine mandates. The police are not firing rubber bullets, real bullets, tear gas or water at the protestors. The police are allowing the people to PEACEFULLY protest. No one is destroying any property. Stand up for your rights. Rise up my fellow Antiguans. Enough is enough. It’s time to stand up for our rights.

    Enough of the financial suicide that the government has done to us and our country.

    Go Canada. Let’s go Antigua.

  3. All we need is for someone to lead the charge!!! It’s time to put up or shut up. I for one will follow you with my time and resources.

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