Get ready for intensity.
A partial lunar eclipse is coming — and it will be the longest one of this century! Keep your eyes to the sky from Nov. 18 to Nov. 21, 2021!
How will the lunar eclipse affect us astrologically?
A storm is approaching. Destiny is calling your name — forever ready to redirect and change your life. Lunar eclipses are one of the most intense tools that the universe uses to shift our paths and force us to evolve. Each day that we march closer to Nov. 21, 2021, we will notice a crackle electrify the air. People will be on edge, as if they sense that something major is just about to happen.
Lunar eclipses bring massive endings, turning points and revelations to our lives. They often trigger destined or fated events to occur, depending on one’s zodiac sign.
Read how your zodiac sign will be affected here! For more information on the eclipse, check out the information after the horoscopes.
Prepare for a major turning point in your financial life, Aries. The lunar eclipse could bring a huge opportunity around your income, assets or investments. Many Aries will find out that a payout is set to arrive or receive news of a raise, lucrative client interested in hiring them, or even a new job. If for some reason you lose a stream of income at this time, you’re being redirected to pursue more stable sources of money. Search for ways to make your life prosper and, before you know it, you’ll be sitting on a throne of gold.
One of the most important turning points in your life has come, Taurus. You are stepping into your power more authentically and vividly than ever before and shaking off the chains of who you once were. Now is a time not to settle and to aim high for your most significant hopes and ambitions — while understanding that you need to begin a whole new chapter of your life. A major, heartfelt goal or project may now be within reach. While you could see a shift around a significant partnership near this time, too, you will feel more fired up than you have in years about living purely in alignment with the vision you have set for yourself. Destiny is propelling you rapidly on this new journey — open your wings and soar without looking back. You are the master of your universe. Create it unapologetically.
Rest is calling out to you, Gemini. The lunar eclipse will activate the most hidden and private part of your chart, encouraging you to recharge your mental and physical batteries. Some Geminis could realize they’re due for a new check-up at the doctor or sense that there’s something from the past that has come back for them to face. Connecting with the perfect specialist, therapist, dentist or doctor would be ideal at this time. They may recognize that something is a bit off and quickly swoop in to help you heal yourself going forward. While you could also be feeling the need to lie low, meditate or tap into your intuition near this time, listen to your dreams and the whispers of the universe. Your creative and spiritual energy will also intensify at this time.
Prepare for a monumental personal breakthrough, Cancer! The lunar eclipse highlights a very special place in your sky, energizing your social life and friendships. You could attend a major event near this time that connects you to people who may open doors to your most heartfelt hopes and dreams. While a friend or acquaintance may leave your life near this time, especially a woman, you may find that a platonic soulmate now enters, too. This coming and going of connections will expand your life going forward, and soon you could wonder how you ever lived without this person! Someone in your network could step in to provide a vital introduction for you, too, opening your horizons in ways you have prayed for. Above all, have fun near this time and live passionately. People will be attracted to your vibrant spirit.
Professional glory could now be calling your name, Leo! The lunar eclipse spotlights your career, ambitions and public recognition. That may bring mighty news of a promotion, award, favorable publicity or even a chance at fame. The world will likely be applauding you for previous hard work — that is, if you’re in the right professional lane. If so, a new job or opportunity to show your skills could be exactly what you’ve hoped for. However, if you are not in the right job, you could be contemplating an entirely new career direction and decide it’s time to embark on that path. You’ve been testing out new professional waters in recent years. This may finally be the time you decide to take the leap!
New horizons are calling your name, Virgo! The lunar eclipse activates your sector of expansion, encouraging you to spread your wings and soar into vast, uncharted territory. For some Virgos, you’ll be focusing on long-distance travel or immersing yourself in new cultures, lifestyles, philosophies or spiritualities. Wisdom is here for you to take — all you have to do is put yourself out there! If you deal with international markets or people, you could find that you have a major turning point around these matters. Some Virgos will decide to relocate or apply for a visa. Another way that could manifest is around academics, especially if you’ve considered going back to school or focusing more extensively on a thesis project. Lastly, if you are involved in the media or have sought to be, you could now find that an opportunity around publishing, television or radio appears. Want to write that book or screenplay you’ve always dreamed of but put off? Dust it off and see if you can approach it in a new light.
The universe is focusing you extensively on how you combine and share with others at this time, Libra. On one hand, this can reveal that established partnerships are growing stronger — especially financially. A partner may now bring in more income that improves your lifestyle. If you have assets, investments or stocks, you may also notice a big shift around these areas — or even decide to make your first dive into them! For those who are employed, a change around insurance, benefits or packages could also be at hand. Some Libras may instead focus on applying for a scholarship, loan, credit line or venture capital. Yet another way this could manifest is that a settlement or bonus may now appear for you, especially if you are separating from a partner. Others will embark upon surgery to heal a very important karmic health situation. Last, and certainly not least, you will be feeling especially sensual and sexual at this time, likely reflecting on how you’ve approached relationships in recent years. Happier unions could enjoy some deep passion, whereas single Libras could be facing how to heal trauma from the past.
Destiny is calling out about your partnerships, Scorpio. A fated turning point has now arrived! The lunar eclipse highlights how you unite with other people, whether in the form of a romantic, business or collaborative relationship. Some Scorpios will grow closer and make long-term plans — moving in, making promises, getting engaged or even being wed. However, if you are not with the right mirror to you, prepare to draw attention to the imbalance and go your separate ways. If that is to occur, it is actually to redirect you to better connections going forward. Single Scorpios can enjoy this energy, too, by putting themselves out there to meet someone new. You may cross paths with a soulmate who was destined to be yours. Don’t hold yourself back — circulate and look for someone who sets your soul ablaze.
Prepare to get extremely busy, Sagittarius! The new cycle that has begun highlights your productivity and daily routine. You may now be juggling more projects and responsibilities than ever, but it is important to also watch and prioritize your health. On one hand, you could be debuting a major work-related project that may become a jewel in your crown and give you a major leg up for more opportunities down the line. However, some Sagittarians may leave a job near this time — especially unexpectedly. That would be redirecting you to a much better position elsewhere that suits your time and talents. If on the lookout for another job, search rapidly and something could emerge that seems like a dream role! Another way this lunar eclipse could affect you is specifically highlighting your health, diet and exercise routine. You may decide it’s time to make a big shift and, if you do so, you could find yourself having more energy than in recent years. One last thing to mention is that this eclipse could cause a shift around a pet, as well — perhaps the acquisition or passing of one. If the latter is the case, my heart goes out to you.
Celebration is coming for you, Capricorn! Of all the zodiac signs, you could enjoy this lunar eclipse most of all as it highlights your sector of passion. This could be the major breakthrough that you’ve been looking for around true love, romance, fertility or creativity. If single, you could cross paths with a soulmate — perhaps someone who changes your life forever. If already dating, you could find that you are suddenly deeply in love — perhaps more than ever before. Do not waste this energy if you’re looking because it could ignite your heart and sex life in vivid and electric ways. Capricorns already coupled can share in this fire, too, as you may reignite the spark with your partner in vibrant ways — plan something special, romantic and sexy! If you’ve been hoping for news of a child, you could also be in luck. For those who are already parents, you will notice that one of your children steps up and has a monumental victory, something likely to make you feel especially proud. Last to mention is that this very happy eclipse could provide more time for creativity, hobbies, sports or recreation — dive right in!
A powerful turning point around your domestic life is upon you, Aquarius. Some of you will be moving, renovating, relocating or redecorating your home significantly. Others may decide to pursue real estate affairs and see a shift around the markets. Another way this could affect you is that you are required to step up to handle a family situation rapidly, especially in regards to your parents or parental figures. Others could be having a significant gathering at their home — one that likely becomes especially memorable and sweet. A final way this could shift your path is that if you have roommates or tenants, you may find that one leaves, causing you to quickly handle the situation in order to find another. No matter what, you’ll likely feel a bit emotional or shaken at this time, and probably especially nostalgic. Reflect on your heritage and past.
Let your mind open to infinite possibilities, Pisces! The lunar eclipse spotlights an area of your chart that focuses on communication, intellect, knowledge and ideas. Some Pisceans could be pursuing studies or instead working on a milestone writing or speaking endeavor. Others could be in the process of launching a significant advertising, social media or marketing project to great effect. You have some very important messages reverberating in your soul and mind, and it is crucial for you to launch them to the world. Contracts, negotiations and legalities may appear near this time, too, likely favoring you. Yet another way that could affect you is that you may embark upon some exciting short-distance travel, whether it’s by plane, train or car. If you venture upon the trip, you’ll find yourself inspired and rejuvenated. This trip could be with friends or even to connect with a sibling, if you have one.
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