The Lasting Impact of a Financial Eclipse


Only seven years after the last solar eclipse, America will get a glimpse of another total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Although Antigua and Barbuda will miss out on the adventure, Dominica and some other Caribbean islands will witness a partial eclipse.

At SamuelFields Consulting, we recognize that while solar eclipses are a thing of beauty, a business eclipse can be a nightmare. They occur when events in the business universe make it impossible for business leaders to see clearly what’s happening from a financial standpoint. And while the darkness from a solar eclipse may only last a few minutes, the darkness that occurs with a “financial eclipse” lasts much longer.

Whether it is from a lack of “high flying” accounting expertise, a cosmic combination of factors, a financial eclipse can be scary.

As we celebrate Financial Literacy Month throughout the month of April, there are many lessons to be learned from today’s celestial event. We encourage you to take the test below to determine whether you are experiencing a financial eclipse. In addition to knowing your financial numbers, it’s important to take action by meeting with your financial advisor.

To understand your financial outlook, a business leader needs visibility to 6 key indicators. If you can’t see all six, you are operating in a Financial Eclipse. How many of the following numbers do you know for the past month (no guessing. If it is not an accurate value it doesn’t count.)

  1. Cash Flow: Your cash flow number provides you with an overview of the financial state of your business. When your cash flow is in alignment, you are making money. Your cash flow is calculated by subtracting your operating expenses from the money your company generates during normal business activities (including depreciation to your net income and adjustments for working capital).
  2. Net Income: Net Income is the amount of earnings remaining after all expenses have been deducted from sales. Net Income is calculated by subtracting all of your expenses, including taxes, from your income. If your net income is a positive number you are heading in the right direction, if not a change of course may be required.
  3. Profit / Loss: Your Profit/Loss figure is found on your Profit and Loss Statement. The profit/loss reflects your company’s position in terms of income (sales and revenue) minus expenses for a specific period of time. In many ways, your Profit/Loss statement provides a snapshot of your company’s financial performance as your company moves through the financial universe. Keeping a close eye on your company’s profit and loss over time allows you to project earnings and make realistic plans/budgets for the future.
  4. Price Point: Once a business owner understands all of the costs required to create their goods as well as the associated costs required to sell those goods and/or services in order to make a profit, they can determine the “go to market” Price Point for their goods and services. Note, for the costs side of the equation to be accurate, overhead and other expenses, such as utilities, payroll and sales tax must also be factored into the equation.
  5. Sales: If you have no sales, you have no business. As such, it is important to keep a close eye on them at all times. Whether they are up or down, the savvy business owner is able to take away insights from them, which are then used to make tweaks in other areas.
  6. Gross Margin: (AKA gross profit) This figure reflects the difference between your selling price and the cost of your merchandise. If you do not have sufficient margin to cover your operating costs such as salaries, rent, marketing and utilities, then you’re likely not charging enough for your products and services.

Here is the scorecard that can help you determine if your business is experiencing a financial eclipse:

To discuss how you can restructure your business to avoid a financial eclipse, contact us at

About SamuelFields Consulting Group (SFCG)

SFCG’s dedicated network of experts provides a range of professional services, including financial planning, accounting, auditing, financial coaching and education, management and marketing. We help our clients maintain financial security through sound investing, saving and lifestyle choices to achieve financial independence. As a Community eLearning Partner, we believe in “financial democracy” and that there should be universal access to basic financial education.  We are committed to “turning learning into action.”


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