Ten Dominicans to receive scholarships to UWI Antigua Campus



Ten Dominicans are expected to benefit from scholarships to study at the fourth landed Campus of the University of the West Indies in Five Islands thanks to the government of Antigua and Barbuda.

The offer was made over the weekend by Antiguan Prime Minister Gaston Browne.
He made his intention known during his weekly radio program.
He said the scholarships will be offered based on need.
The vision for the University is to serve Antiguans and Barbudans and the sub region offering affordable tuition to a people, who Browne believes, have been deprived for decades.
Last week, Professor, Sir Hillary Beckles announced the formal approval of the establishment of a campus of the UWI in the twin island state within the wider context of the country’s membership of the OECS.

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  1. I am wondering how many Jamaicans, Guyanese, and Spanish or foreign-nationals will receive scholarships over Antiguans and Barbudans native… America and Canada will always open their university/college doors for ANU.

  2. I like PM Browne but giving away our Antigua national money to other OECS countries like this is not a good idea. These countries like Dominica should be paying Antigua to send their students to UWI-Antigua. Why are we paying for them? Shouldn’t we give these 10 scholarships to Antiguan’s?

    The UWI-Antigua campus is designed to serve all OECS, therefore, all those countries should be financially supporting this campus, not just us. So please PM Browne, let’s call these other countries ASAP to pay their fair share of UWI-Antigua operating costs.

    • I agree with your comment. There are so much Antiguans and Barbudans who are waiting for a scholarship. These are bright intelligent young people whose parents cannot affordable give their children a university education.

      • I guess when China or Venezuela, Cuba and other countries give our citizens scholarships their citizens should reject that, because of the same principle that they should take care of their own people. Well if that was so we would be in shit street today. Cause the the enormous number of scholarships that has been given to Antiguans and Barbardans cannot be repaid. Life is not only about receiving, but also about giving. And the saying is give and it shall be given unto you.

  3. How many Nationals would be given deserved Scholarships.I were of the opinion that charity begins in Antigua and Barbuda first.Then you would give to others after.This is the Antigua Campus of UWI.To be financed by Antigua and Barbuda tax payers,not Dominicans.So in my opinion the people living in Antigua and Barbuda should be first to get those scholarships.

  4. Utter fuckery. That’s Roosevelt’s job. It’s like the PM of Antigua& Barbuda forgot where his primary interests are supposed to lie. Unless every Antiguan who wants a scholarship gets one, there is no room for a non- national to be given a scholarship. There are older Antiguans who want to study and have difficulty securing scholarships but you going to educate Dominicans? How many Antiguans were given scholarships by Roosevelt to study at Ross University when Dominica had it? Utter buffoonery. We say we don’t have enough Antiguans to fill places of esteem yet you are going to educate more non- Antiguans????!!!!!!! Make it make sense! I guess he is investing in the next Commissioner of Police or Port Manager. It’s official. I give up on Antigua. We don’t love and protect our own. Antigua is not a real goddamn place.

  5. The ALP is campaigning for the Dominica Labour Party. That’s what this is all about.

    We have Antiguans on the PM scholarship that haven’t received any funds for almost a year now. Running behind Merchant and given the run around

    But we finding money for Do I cans just so Skerritt can win election in DA.

    That choir singer that’s comparing broke ass Antigua to Cuba and China, well they put their citizens first. You never see any Chinese or Cubans begging scholarship or running behind their leaders for outstanding monies.

  6. It seems that some people have forgotten, that outside the 3 longstanding share holding government, that Dominica was the first to invest in LIAT and hence preserving jobs for Antiguan.

  7. Nothing against giving scholarships to Dominicans but shouldn’t the PM be first announcing scholarships for needy Antiguans? Roosevelt came to campaign in Antigua because of the thousands of Dominicans in Antigua. We know that the PM cares more about re-election than he cares about Antiguans. He has deliberately brought in non nationals to make Antiguans a minority in their own country and by pandering to them he hopes to secure their votes in elections. This is how he plans to stay in power. Poor Antiguans.

  8. Let the records reflect that the first set of scholarships to UWI Antigua Campus was given to Dominicans.

    This is a selfless act. Usually the first set of scholarships would be awarded to Nationals to get the ball rolling.

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