Teenager in critical condition after attack


OBSERVER Newsco: A 16-year-old boy is in a comatose state at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre after a vicious attack by three other boys. CLICK HERE TO JOIN WHAT’S APP GROUP

After several surgeries for bleeding on the brain and a cracked skull, Jerkeem Jackson’s health is apparently not improving.

His mother Kerima Joseph said she arrived home at about 12.20pm on April 29 to see her son lying motionless at the side of All Saints Road.

“As I drove closer to my home, I saw my son laying at the side of the road unconscious. He had blood pouring from his head into the gutter.

“The neighbour said he saw some guys walking behind my son, they took up stones and bottles…they hit him in his head with a piece of asphalt. He was knocked unconscious and they continued to kick him about the face and head while he was on the ground,” she told Observer.

The neighbour said he tried to intervene but the assailants ran off. They stole Jackson’s phone and some money.

Footage from the neighbour’s surveillance camera confirmed the story.

“I looked at the video. We saw what happened. We know the boys who did it. Two of them have been held by police but not the other boy,” Joseph told Observer.

She also shared details of her son’s condition.

“He got an emergency craniectomy [a type of surgery to remove a portion of the skull], they brought him to ICU where he is currently. His condition is very critical and the prognosis is that he may have right side paralysis,” the distraught woman said.

A neurologist is expected to perform another craniectomy but he must be paid before that surgery is conducted.

Jackson is currently breathing on a ventilator. He attended the Jennings Secondary School but left to learn specialised plumbing at the Antigua and Barbuda Institute of Continuing Education.

Police spokesman Inspector Frankie Thomas told Observer two suspects had been taken into custody and questioned. They were subsequently released pending further investigations, he added.

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    • Is this what doctors come to … money b4 life? Did they not make the ” Hypocratic Oath ” ?

  1. I am told that one of the ‘youngsters’ who damaged this child was also involved in the brutal beating of a Dominican young man in the Grays Farm area a year or so ago.

    If this is true, I can remember the public outcry when bail was offered to this ‘known person to the police’ because it was said that ‘the law called for a detention centre for youths’ but there was none.

    If it is true that a ‘repeat offender’ was involved in brutally beating this child, when will this ‘repeat offender’ be taken off this earth?

    When will it end? I do not advocate violence but if any of them do anything to anyone for me, I will go sit down east of the Antigua Recreation Grounds.

    This is bull-shit now.

  2. He is in not critical but very critical condition and Camatose state and the animal I mean Doctor has to be paid before they touch him. He is in not critical but very critical condition and Camatose state and the animal I mean Doctor has to be paid before they touch him.

    And God should show you compassion ?
    How do some people sleep at night 🙆

  3. The AUDACITY of the police to release the losers who did this …they should be IMMEDIATELY BE CHARGE FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER……WHEN WILL THE POLICE DO THEIR JOB….HE WAS RELEASED WHAT FCKKERY IS THIS….AS A MATTER OF FACT BOTH SHOULD BE KILLED…..bible say an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth…

    Can you believe this is antiguan wicked youths and HES A KNOWN OFFENDER …CAN SNADY DO ANTIGUANS A FAVIR AND KILL THIS BITCH ASS.

  4. OMG there are no words. I have always bragged about how safe it was there when I lived there and for my family not to sorry. WTF???? I am without words at this time. ONLY prayers. Only prayers…

  5. Why were they released??? That was clearly attempted murder…Why isn’t the son of Police officer Darren Giddings found as yet?…..My prayers are with the mother and family I really hope Lil Boss recovers well..

  6. I hope he pulls through 🙏🏿
    TESSA BARTHLEY was also admitted to the hospital after SHERFIELD BOWEN used a GUN to SHOOT her, but sadly she didn’t make it.

    I hope the youngman pulls through.

  7. Jail them for life or apply the death penalty. These are wild animals. I don’t care how old they are. If a dog did this it would be put down immediately.

  8. WTF!!!!! What is that doctor???? Paid before saving someone’s life???? I really hope nothing of the sort would happen to one of his family!!!!
    I would sur that “doctor” for not saving someone’s life!!!!
    What the does the police do???? Nothing!!! As usual!!!!

  9. Why he dont go fight an adult man instead of some kid? If he love beating ppl, take on a real challenge… an adult man

  10. All three(3) of the accused perps MUST be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER, and tried as ADULTS.

    The authorities are slacking on these types of behaviors.

  11. Effective conflict resolution skills desperately needed.

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