Taxi Operators Trained on Passenger Safety and Minimizing Occupational Risks


The Ministry of Tourism and Investment in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment began training sessions yesterday (Tues) for taxi operators within the tourism industry focused passenger safety and minimizing occupational health risks while transporting passengers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The training program will see taxi operators being provided with key information about the Corona Virus and how it is transmitted, what is expected of the operators to minimize their risk of infection, and protocols they are expected to follow to protect their passengers.

Sustainable Tourism Officer within the Ministry of Tourism and Investment and Liaison Officer for the National Office of Disaster Services in the tourism ministry, Dr. Adelle Blaire said the initial focus was on cleaning and disinfecting of vehicles and the use of personal protective equipment.

“The taxi operators and their passengers are required to wear masks at all times and we are insisting that the operators clean and disinfect their vehicles as often as possible especially after dropping off passengers and we want them to pay close attention to surfaces that are touched often by passengers and sanitize after each trip in preparation for the next passenger”.

Dr. Blair said at the end of every session there is a short quiz which seeks to ensure the operators fully understood what was taught in the training. Once successful, a certificate will be issued to participants as well as a sticker to be placed on their vehicles to highlight they have received training on the protocols to follow wile transporting passengers during the pandemic.

“We want our guests to feel comfortable and at ease knowing protocols are being followed while they are being transported”, Dr. Blair Said

Dr. Blair said over the next two days some 280 taxi operators who operate at the airport and hotels will be trained ahead of the reopening of the airport next week.

The training program will continue next week where the focus will be on hotel workers from properties that have confirmed bookings such as Sandals and Hammock Cove and smaller properties like Tamarind Hills and Hodges Bay Resort and Spa.

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  1. What about the taxi operators that are not members of any of the associations?

    • Chalky will train them. He and George Ryan were used as pawns by Lovell in recent times. Surely he picked up some transferable skills in the process.

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