Taxi drivers to wear pins to show they have been vaccinated

St. John's Taxi Association members at their dispatch location in Heritage Quay/ 2018 photo

Cabinet Notes: Three leadership representatives of Taxi Organizations from the Airport, Heritage Quay, and St. John’s were invited to Cabinet.


They all reported that, upon entering their vehicles, visitors asked if they were vaccinated.


In order to forestall that questioning and to bring credibility to the answer, these pins and lapel identification plates will identify the person wearing such a device as a person who has been vaccinated.


These steps are being taken to stop the spread of the virus, to get Antigua and Barbuda into the green zone (as described by the British Government) with other Caribbean countries competing for tourists, and to ensure that the state can be moved to a safe place (Category 1 on the US-CDC list of countries), and to meet reasonable criteria for passengers when returning to their home countries after a leisure visit to Antigua and Barbuda.


Herd immunity is being sought and will be achieved by Antigua and Barbuda without compulsion, although that remains an option if a sufficient number of resident adults do not come forward voluntarily to take the vaccine

Meantime, The Taxi Organizations representatives enquired about a rate change that has

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    • The medical personnel have long indicated that the vaccine does NOT stop you from getting the virus. It reduces the intensity and length of illness.

      Whether a person gets vaccinated or not is their choice, but don’t suggest that it was stated that you can’t still get the virus once you get the vaccine.

      Condoms + other contraceptives reduces the chance of pregnancy; but it doesn’t mean just cause you use them you are 100% protected.

      • Well Said… Unfortunately some of us listen to what we want to hear and read what we want to understand. There is a old saying, Fool’s Ah Talk but isn’t Fool’s Ah listen”. Who don’t hear will feel”.

    • @Next text tagged like

      What you mean, “…NOT MAKING ANY SENSE”.
      It is well known that you can still get the virus after getting the vaccine. It is just that you are less likely to get very sick and end up in the hospital on a ventilator. The vaccine is to trigger a defense to fighting and weaken the virus.

  2. Curious – who controls the pins?
    There could be possibilities of replicas, actual pins being ‘sold’ to unvaccinated people ….

  3. Does Antigua have any laws about medical privacy? BecUse in no other country are u allowed to ask people about any medical questions. It’s private. No workplace in the US OR UK can force any one to disclose any medical information.

    I keep hearing Antigua say that people must show that their vaccinated to get jobs to go places .. but is that even legal?

    I’m asking because it doesn’t seem like Antigua have any rules at all..

    Medical privacy should be a thing in Antigua. We have to do better

    • “James P “why bother , so many ignorant fools on here that don’t seem to have a problem with it among other things .Every breath taken is to say a political party . When I read some of the comments on this platforrm it absolutely confirms to me that spending more than half my life away from Àntigua is the best decision I ever made for my family and my education .

    • Don’t you have too show your vaccanited cards in America to go school? I live in USA for 40 years+. Please don’t miseducate people with your propaganda. Wadadli is no different from any other country in this world. Most of you are so Politically blinded . I guessed if it was another government (UPPITES) in power the tune would be different. Hyprocrisy at its highest.

      • Thank you, Colombo! This person like many Antiguans love to talk about the Great US of A to compare Antigua to without knowing the facts. A quick google search will reveal that to the migrate to the US you have to be vaccinated for a litany of diseases. I studied in the Caribbean and had to get my vaccinations updated. Some of you all love to throw misinformation out there in hopes that people won’t educate themselves. You James P and “Let them waddle” are fools and deserve each others’ company.

  4. @James P it seems as if Covid and getting vaccinated have thrown medical privacy out the window.

  5. @James P… you are right on the money… you can tell when people don’t live in Antigua. When you move away from Antigua you see things differently.. Anyone with any common sense can tell you that medical privacy is of the utmost importance… if someone applies for a job, you can’t ask them- if they have been vaccinated or if they have HIV or even if they are pregnant ..

    It’s so sad that the Antiguan government is not protecting the rights of their citizens

    But Antiguans stand and accept anything.
    The way this vaccine is being use to threaten the society is horrible.

    I am not saying the vaccine is a bad thing but I’m saying it’s a choice ITS A CHOICE A MEDICAL CHOICE … allow the people to have their rights PLEASE

    • @ let people be
      We will soon need a vaccination certificate to board a plane or travel as a lot of countries will not let you in without one. Will this be an invasion of medical privacy? There has been mass vaccinations in the past, notably for small pox and polio.
      I remember when I visited England as a child, I needed a small pox certificate.
      Try visiting Africa and see how many vaccines you have to take.

  6. If a Jehovah Witness refuses to take blood to live, a doctor cannot force them to take it. It’s their religious belief.

    • If a Jehovah Witness adult refuses a blood transfusion that is their problem. But remember they are endangering only their own life. I do take issue with parents who endanger the life of their children and under these circumstances the state should step in.

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