Tabor questions whether there will be a new face at the helm of the ABLP next election


REAL NEWS: As Prime Minister Gaston Browne continues with his childish, gutter politics, the people are becoming fed up with his stewardship of the Government, according to the United Progressive Party (UPP).

For years, Browne has been posting degrading statements and untruths about his political opponents on his social-media pages.

However, with the people no longer being amused by his antics, residents, increasingly, have been calling him out .

Now, as the by-election in St. Mary’s South draws closer, Browne has turned his vitriol on UPP candidate Kelvin “Shugy” Simon in what some persons describe as envious rants.

Explaining Browne’s behaviour, Damani Tabor, the UPP public relations officer, says this by-election will be a referendum on PM Browne, since the majority of residents have abandoned the Antigua Labour Party (ALP).

Tabor notes that the ALP has been recruiting fresh faces to run on its slate in an attempt to bring a new dynamic to the party and and regain the public’s support.

But no matter what the ALP does, it will continue to lose political momentum while Browne is at the helm, Tabor says.

The UPP officer says that Antigua and Barbuda needs a prime minister who listens, and the UPP will give the people the kind of government and leader they deserve.

Meanwhile, with joblessness still an issue, even though the country is back to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic, Tabor is asking what the real unemployment rate is, since the Government is giving the impression that it has vastly improved.

He is asking about the Labour Force Survey that, he says, should be released every three years – and noting that the last one was completed five years ago.

Accordingly, Tabor suspects that the Browne Administration is trying to hide the true state of employment in the country.

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  1. And this photo what’s up too???.

    Starting the circus again,this demonic media mercenaries,are preparing the dunce brains for the next movie??

  2. Tabor and the UPP will continue to say the SMS by election is a referendum on PM Browne and the ABLP until they lose. They will never say it was a referendum on the UPP. It will be that the ABLP bought the seat. Right out of the US Republicans play book.
    Has the PM ever lost a libel suit? Tabor had to sign something with Observer Radio to protect them from his lies.

  3. I don’t often agree with Damani, however in this case it is true that labourites are also tired of how things are being done. Confidence in Gaston Browne’s leadership is waning because he seems only to be committed to making a grand show on the international stage, but then comes home to treat Antiguans as if they are stupid. I don’t have the confidence that the leadership of the UPP is adequate, but at this point we will take what we can get. We need to change leadership every 10 years, i.e. term limits so that this nonsense stops. Each administration does the same thing. They get comfortable and then they start setting up their friends and victimize those outside of their circles, while the whole nation suffers the consequences.

  4. UPP HAS NO LEADER!!!! Conspiracy to undermine RICHARD LEWIS because his wife is JAMAICAN!

    ANTHONY SMITH like a deer caught in the headlights. Have to chooose between his mother and his wife

    PRINGLE just dunce!

  5. In 2014, Gaston Browne SEEMED bright, fresh and vibrant, especially after the Premiership of Baldwin Spencer.

    Many Antiguans like me believed that Browne would bring change for the better.

    How wrong could I be!

    As a young businessman – I was lucky to meet him – and, also new to business practices. I naively believed everything he SPOUTED at the time about improving our economy, welfare and infrastructures.

    Also in 2014 he even encouraged autochthonous Antiguans present, to invest in the country, so we could all benefit collectively.

    What a fool I was then – but not now!

    Now fast forward to 2023, not only does he make it difficult for autochthonous Antiguans to invest here, the Prime Minister has now ran out of IDEAS, ran out of viable OPTIONS, and now needs to be run out of OFFICE!

    No individual should be allowed to officiate for more than TWO terms in any DEMOCRATIC country.


  6. Gaston is a master of deflection. With the Wall Street Journal expose on his brazen crookishness, what does he do? Attack his opponents. In the past he even pull off false arrests to distract the people. An immature, deranged fool. Time for Gaston & Co to just Go!

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