By Neil Blake
I write this article to encourage AUA to take a more progressive approach to dispute resolution, a concept I learned from living in Antigua.
As a fourth semester medical student, I love living in Antigua. I have overcome many challenges in life to get to medical school. I also have a learning disability.
AUA dismissed me unfairly based on my disability, i.e. the violation was minor, talking to someone in library, which was used as a pretense, possible disability discrimination. The Department of Education is investigating.
Other AUA American students who had similar experiences are free to report any violation of their rights to the U.S. Department of Education OCR using the web-based form on: https://ocrcas.ed.gov/
I seek to enlist the support of the Antigua community to raise awareness to encourage AUA to “do the right thing” by taking a less adversarial approach to its own students and to the Antiguan community. Americans are guests in Antigua and should behave as such.
AUA could restore me to good standing like any other school would do under the circumstances but has refused to do so. This has ruined my career and is needlessly harsh and cruel. Other students had similar experiences so it is a major problem AUA needs to address.
A major area AUA can improve on is the student hearing process of PSC (Professional Standards Committee), whereby faculty verbally berate a student, which is not a good idea. Holding hearings for minor offenses is not a good idea. Cross-examining victims is not a good idea. Issuing unilateral (AUA only) verdicts, without the input of the student, is not a good idea.
The rulings from these hearings affect the entire life, future, and well-being of the students. Students should have an input in the matter, considering how much they pay in tuition.
AUA has a wonderful University Counseling Center (UCC).
A more progressive approach is to refer students to counseling. No one comes to medical school with bad intent. When problems arise or complaints are filed, my first thought is always, “Are you sure it is not a misunderstanding?”
People are quick to anger and slow to ponder. Working problems out and being open-minded is something I learned in Antigua. The Antiguan approach to dispute resolution has the potential to revolutionize dispute mediation in North America. It is Antigua’s greatest export.
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I wish you all the best 👍🏿 🇦🇬
Trying to shame the university into reinstating you will definitely not work. By taking your private matter and making it public shows a level on immaturity that a physician should not have. Life is tough sorry you did not make it but your one of hundreds of medical students dismissed per year. You are not meant to be a physician but you can find another way to help people. Keep your head up and let it go. There is no winning when trying to go against AUA.
Dear Koro, idiot would be a soft word to describe the author of your comment. Immaturity to publicly expose what too many have kept quiet about. Lack of physician qualities, when inequality was identified and steps were taken to change the same. Please take a pill of shut up, and call in the morning.
Really cuz I graduated from AUA.. WHO your in idiot. You guys should do your research before coming to AUA… Bunch of losers complaining is funny to me. If you can’t make it out of AUA, Iam sorry but your not meant to be a physician.. there are thousands of physicians who have graduated from AUA over the years…. What does that say about the author or even you who seem to be a failed student or a student who is going to fail. Losers love to blame other for their own failures.
I doubt you even graduated from high school.
Grammer… well English isnt my first or second language but I still made it hahahaha
You seem to angry. Are you one of the losers who just failed out 🤣🤣🤣
Losers, immaturity. Exactly, I hope you are one of the losers as you call it, or if not, the medical professionals for decades are weeping in their graves, for you to be called colleague.
Losers, immaturity. Exactly, I hope you are one of the losers as you call it, or if not, the medical professionals for decades are weeping in their graves, for you to be called colleague.
While your entitlement is glowing, and the lack of empathy appauling, I would suggest you take a look at your Hippocratic oath, and do some introspection. Stupidity is a hard thing to get rid of. As said before take a pill of shut up and call in the morning .
Who, you are the one who called me an idiot. You seem to be so angry in life. I wonder why? The last thing the profession needs is people who are just not good enough for the profession. People’s lives are at stake. Every day you make decisions that have an impact on people’s lives and if you mess up you can cost someone their life. This student didnt make it. Its that simple. Move on with your life instead ofwriting pointless articles in the local paper. Yes it is immature. If this student decides to apply to another school, do you think they will not look into his record and see how the student reacts when things don’t go their way. Yes its immature and shortsighted. Move on with your life. This profession is not for you. So take your pill and shove it up your a**.
Dr. Koro, I guess we have now concluded what your route of choice is for your patients, rectally. I hope this is a professional inclination, and not a sexual inclination. Honestly, for the two seconds your conversation had my interest, I think a lot of time has been spent on pure stupidity. However in all seriousness, I think your opinion of persons who are not privileged as yourself, leaves lot of room for improvement, considering medicine is a service and not a ego driving job, which it does appear to be at times. This conversation with you, has added value to the author of the article, if your morals were cultured in Aua, there is need of change. So as usual, please take a pill of shut up, and no I will not call in the morning.
As someone who works at AUA, the writer does have some merit.
I am close to someone who works there and the phrase “all that glitters is not gold” truly applies to them. They need to be investigated for their students sake!
DR Koro,
I believe out of all the comment you’re the one who lacks immaturity sensitivity and understanding. Something this profession requires and I hope you learn someday. Before judging, you should take your time to gather the facts and Analyze them. Just because you graduated some time ago doesn’t mean you have the right to judge current students because the situation they are facing now is not the situation you faced while you were at AUA. So please , if you don’t have anything to say, it’s not your place to call anyone a looser because Life can also cost you the same Medical license you are calling someone a looser for.
I have to second the writer and let people know that AuA is playing a horrible game and dismissing student unfairly.
How this story pop back up again so? 🤔 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You got dismissed because of sexual harassment. Stop lying to the public. You are a mentally unstable person that should be deported.
So you’re saying he’s a disabled pervert?
Boy got dismissed for Sexual harassment and not just one occasion either 😂 I’m glad the Administration dismissed him.
This man did the same to me.
I think the author is leaving out a key part of this story. You weren’t dismissed from AUA because you have a learning disability, you were dismissed because you sexually and verbally harassed multiple students on campus. The university would be doing the USA a disservice by re-enrolling you and allowing you to become a doctor. Time to find a new career and reflect on how your actions put you in the situation.
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