Statement from the Chief Immigration Officer on Haitian Escapees


On Friday 27 May 2022, Five (5) Haitian nationals comprising of four (4) men and one (1) woman absconded from the Department of Immigration’s detention centre located at Camp Blizzard.



The said Haitians arrived in Antigua and Barbuda via the VC Bird International Airport from Santo Domingo and were attempting to make onward travel to Montserrat.



They were subsequently intercepted and detained by the Immigration Department for not having the proper documentation to enter Antigua and Barbuda.



Following their detention, the customary procedures of rebooking flights to their country of origin were completed and all were scheduled to depart Antigua and Barbuda on May 28, 2022, back to Haiti.



The Department of Immigration continues to work closely alongside other law-enforcement agencies and inter Caribbean counterparts in bringing the necessary closure to this matter.



The Department wishes to further advise that out of the five (5) Haitians only one (1) speaks basic English being ANGENER RINJOUR (as identified in accompanying photos). The Department has reason to believe that fugitives are still on the island of Antigua.



We are imploring all members of the public to be vigilant and to report any sightings to the Department of Immigration on 774-8289 or 464-3245.


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  1. A blatant dereliction of duty Ms Yearwood. Is anyone going to be held accountable for this breach of possible national security?

  2. It would be difficult for them to not move together so let’s hope they are nabbed soon. Don’t even put them before the court to then have them linger here any longer but just pack dem voodoo loving self back to Haiti.

    • Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock!

      “There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have the burden of proving it.” – Dr. Frantz Fanon!

      “Jesus Wept!”

      “The Church in the colonies is the white people’s Church, the foreigner’s Church. She does not call the native to God’s ways but to the ways of the white man, of the master, of the oppressor.” – Fanon!

  3. There are always a possibility that detainees will find ways to escape, especially with inside assistance. Let’s hope that these five fugitives will be recaptured quickly and without incident for the safety of all involved.

  4. Katrina Yearwood, you need to tell us how the detainees escaped and if you can’t, you may as well RESIGN because you’re not making sense. You would agree though, that the Immigration Departmen needs a deep cleaning and you need to go. May I ask, how did you get that job and are you qualified? I know you have a fist degree in law but I’m not sure that you have the competence to run such department. Just saying

  5. If Monserrat wants them, just put them on the boat, plane or whatever and send them there. What is wrong with their documents? Isn’t Haiti a Caricom country?

  6. With all that is happening in Haiti, the people are just trying to escape to a better life.

  7. How did they get out of the Dominican Republic with those documents into Antigua? When Immigration Detainees are placed at Camp Blizzard. Whose responsibility it is to ensure they are well guarded. The last time I checked Camp Blizzard is the Antigua Defense Force Base. Is security that inept at that Base?


  8. Scam man, when you come from the Dominican Republic with visa you have to pass a process, go to the airline office and they will take a copy and make sure is correct and then stamp, themmmmmm when you come here another procedure in immigration before you left the airport so if no clear them put you in a room Until if after they done check u no clear they sent you back, so I don’t know what this woman saying, one person can scape but 5, really? $$$$$$ or maybe like some people say on the comments vuduu

  9. they must have applied for visa to transit Antigua or enter Monserrat before boarding at sto Domingo, if those documents were falsified it is a different story but other than that I simply sense an act of prejudice from a house slave against a field slave, very troubling times that descendants of slaves are hunting down their own brethren from the common African ancenstry as if they run from the plantation and massa ordered them to be captured back.

  10. They must have applied for visa to transit Antigua or enter Monserrat before boarding at sto Domingo, if those documents were falsified it is a different story but other than that I simply sense an act of prejudice from a house slave against a field slave, very troubling times that descendants of slaves are hunting down their own brethren from the common African ancenstry as if they run from the plantation and massa ordered them to be captured back.

    • Mr. Byam, please say that again. I second it. Total incompetence as someone said when you get the job because of your last name. She is not only incompetent, her character is not fitting for such. I rest my case

  11. @ well well well, thinking about it, asking
    Not one Antiguan would want to live in Haiti right now. Neighborhoods taken over by gangs. Hard working black people being terrorised with guns and tiefed from. Police part of gangland. If you’re not clear enough or connected enough then no opportunities. It’s like hell on earth.
    This, the first free black nation.
    ANR your sensationalism of this story is grating.

    Can the Chief Immigration Officer & Minister of Foreign Affairs & Minister of Social Affairs AND relevant people from Montserrat, come together and see how an olive branch can be offered?
    Using a reputable, hardworking, Haitian-Antiguan / Haitian-Montserratan, as translator, (or a reputable Dominican-Antiguan whose creole is fluent) meet, LISTEN, interview THEN make a balanced, calm decision that is in the best interests of the 5 Haitians AND Montserrat????

    Please, show some empathy.
    These 5 are indeed desperate.
    When you are desperate you take big risks, pay the little money you have to greedy middlemen, and pray for a safe escape.

    IF A&B deports them, can you be sure they will not be killed on arrival or shortly thereafter?

    I don’t know these 5, but I know Haiti and plenty decent, bright, honest Haitians who work work work to get themselves out of their own country, to safety. They never lose pride in being the first free black country. Doctors flee & work in the fields or drive taxis; lawyers flee & clean hotel rooms; just to illustrate how dangerous their country is.

    Montserrat should lead on this – they have an established Haitian community, responsible for much of the great agricultural products sold there. A community they know and work with.
    These 5 we’re headed to Montserrat.

    Please, pause, LISTEN, dialogue, then make your determination A&B.
    If, after full dialogue that includes Montserrat, it is determined the 5 should be deported and you secure written assurance for their safety upon their return, so be it.

  12. Them look just like regular antigans so they can pass undetected. Them people just looking for a better life, send them on to Montserrat. Don’t know why they were detained here?…

  13. Are they looking for a better life or are they trying to escape justice ? If they are looking for a better life, then the government should help them

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