The leadership and membership of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party extend their deepest condolences to Comrade Asabi Charles, mother of Achazia James. We stand with you in this time of grief and offer our unwavering support.
We also take this moment to vehemently reject all forms of crime and violence in our society. Crime not only causes immeasurable pain to families but also undermines the very fabric of our community.
Together, we must work towards creating a safe and just society where the rule of law prevails and all individuals can live free from fear. Let us unite in our efforts to foster peace and harmony in our beloved nation.
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Perhaps the Defense Force should be sent out on patrols, especially at night or covertly surveil certain areas that are known for nefarious activities. More boots on the ground are necessary and so are competent investigators. I can imagine that the police force/government might be reluctant to ask for overseas investigators to assist but more needs to be done, quickly.
Ask her friends she go out with they have to know something and see who take her away and the last person she spoke to and text find out from the phone company some one who called her so friends have to know something
So,it took the death of a COMRADE’S DAUGHTER for the ABLP TO COME OUT AND MAKE A STATEMENT.All of those who DIED within the past months were not the children of COMRADES.The death of this young lady at 15 and the others before her is tragic.It is something that no parent should have to go through.
Shame and disgrace that a political party is showing it’s face to send condolences to a comrade. I want to remind al political parties that the situation in Antigua, be it crime or any form of unwarranted behavior, that we must let our voices be heard against each and every one. Today for me, tomorrow for you. The situation in Antigua is going to spiral worse and we better begin to look at our behavior. The police needs to listen and consult with the citizens. Manny James is dead but I guess he was not a Comrade . No evidence against him but the claim that shots were fired yet he was shot in the back. It will never get better if the people continue to suffer for nails, cell phones, weaves , tattoos , piercings , free fete tickets and I could go on and on . Those in high places only speaks out when persons closely affiliated is impacted.
Who own the weed farm in Liberta, is it the Rastafarian group or is it more than one. Which politician benefitting from growing weed?
So many valid points .. one question mr brown .. How much is enough ? I’m not only talking about the rising crime rate I’m talking about your greed for more business, Real estate etc, it’s almost Christmas so ham and turkey will be giving out well to the Comrades! .. CUTIE GET THE POLICE FORCE IN ORDER .. i saw a police man in uniform drinking a beer in the blue police pickup with his uniform on, they also
ride around dropping and picking up there children from school what is that ? It’s A BIG joke .. we also have some of them living on the other side just like criminals …
Maybe Chet benefits from it just like he used government resources to build up his business ya so so. He as well a play he sharp and love wife in he old ass
Frenemie ….. cell fone records … calls records … all this data take whoever the carrier is some time to get ….
I believe the police knows more than their saying in order to protect her fren who was allegedly with her at the time of this murder
So many voice notes going around so many assumptions so many derogatory comments on her character IT ALL DNT MATTER nobody deserves to be chop to death I can’t begin to imagine what her last few minutes of her life was like ……her screams and no to help oh merciful GOD!
There’s a few homes at runaway I pray smady has surveillance and saw who did it.
At the same time emotions are running high REMEMBER THE KILLER IS STILL AT LARGE AND NOBODY WANTS TO BE HIS NEXT TARGET but trust me some dusty lil bitch knows who did it and also fears for her life!
Frenemies….. cell fone records … calls records … all this data taking the carrier is some time to get ….
I believe the police knows more than their saying in order to protect her fren who was allegedly with her at the time of this murder and is also fearful for her life
So many voice notes going around so many assumptions so many derogatory comments on her character from grown big back women IT ALL DNT MATTER nobody deserves to be chop to death
I can’t begin to imagine what her last few minutes of life was like ……her screams and no one to help her …oh merciful GOD!
There’s a few homes at runaway I pray smady has surveillance and saw who did it.
At the same time emotions are running high REMEMBER THE KILLER IS STILL AT LARGE AND NOBODY WANTS TO BE HIS NEXT TARGET but trust me some dusty lil bitch knows who did it and also fears for her life!
No statement from P.O.W.A?????
I am assuming that this took place at the southern end of Runaway which, unless I am mistaken, only has a bar/restaurant and no properties as opposed to the northern end which has residences/guest houses and nightclubs.
The police force really need to embrace technology when it comes to their crime-fighting techniques. There are so many ways to investigate crimes more effectively these days.
This tragic event leaves us speechless with sorrow. It’s a stark reminder that we are living in the perilous times foretold in 2 Timothy 3:1-13.
As the end draws near, violence and wickedness escalate. Humanity seems determined to embrace evil, rejecting righteousness and clinging to destructive habits while hoping for positive outcomes. The robberies, murders, and corruption that plague us are the bitter fruits of our sinful choices.
Why do we resist the simple truth? Perhaps because truth, though painful, is the only path to salvation. We’ve lost our way, prioritizing fleeting pleasures over the wisdom of our Creator. Yet, He won’t force us to follow Him; it’s a choice we must make, and we will face the consequences of that choice.
Expect more darkness to engulf our nation and the world. However, there’s hope for those who embrace righteousness and follow the path to eternal life. Criminals may evade earthly justice, but a final judgment awaits us all, where each will account for their choices.
What value is there in worldly gain if it costs your soul? The day of reckoning approaches. The world is in crisis, the end is near. Awaken, humanity! Embrace truth, accept it, and live by it.
ABLP comrades. Perhaps if you all start reigning in your politicians and get them to move away from self enrichment plus showing the youth that, it’s really hard work and ambition that propel people forward, we could avoid these things. Short Shirt dang a song, before selfishness took him, “the youths watch our actions and our reactions and they can plainly see”. Time to step back from the brink, Comrades.
The writer has asked a ‘…Timely Question,’ ‘…Who is Killing Our Teenage Girls?’
Such ‘…Question’ was clearly not only for the ‘…Concerned or Curious Citizens,’ but also, and more importantly, ‘…CRIMINAL INVESTIGATORS.’
Such was necessar for:
(a) ‘…Prosecutorial: and
(b) …Criminal Justice purposes.’
It is not only just a ‘…QUESTION’ that requires ‘…QUICK ANSWERS,’ but also one that demands: ‘…SWIFT JUSTICE.’
Even so, the ‘…Most Fundamental Question is-‘ …WHY ARE THEY BEING KILLED?
From a ‘…Law Enforcement Perspective,’ the latter ‘…QUESTION’ is looked at from:
(a) ‘…The ‘…REPEALING’ of: ‘…THE JUVENILE ACT’ [Chapter 229]: and
‘…CHILD’ in the ‘…REPLACEMENT ACT’ means a person under the ‘…AGE OF 18-YEARS’ [CJA: No. 23 of 2015: Interpretation: Section 2].
‘…What ’17-Year-old person could have custody, care for, or control another ‘…17-Year-old?’
The former had placed ‘…SERIOUS CARE AND PROTECTION RESPONSIBILITIES’ on persons who have attained the age of seventeen years.’
For the ‘…Benefit of Knowledge,’ the ‘CJA’ states for every ‘…CHILD-CARING PERSON’ to know that:
‘…Every person who, having attained the ‘…Age of Seventeen Years,’ and having:
(a) ‘…Custody:
(b) …Charge: or
(c) …Care of any Juvenile:
(d) ‘…Assaults:
(e) …Ill-treats:
(f) …Neglects:
(g) …Abandons: or
(h) …Abuses’ in ‘…ANY MANNER,’ likely to cause ‘…UNNECESSARY:
(i) …Suffering:
(J) …Injury to Health:
(k) …Loss of Sight:
(l) …Loss of Hearing:
(n) …Bodily Organ: or
(o) …Mental Derangement.’
Colonialist ‘…LEGISLATORS,’ saw these as ‘…GRAVE,’ and for ‘…Judge and Jury Trial’ had prescribed the ‘…PENALTY’ of:
(i) ‘…EC$ 5, 000’ or to ‘…IMPRISONMENT’ for 2-YEARS: and
(ii) …EC$1, 500′ or to ‘…IMPRISONMENT’ for ‘…3-MONTHS’ [Juvenile Act: Section 5].
Seemingly, in their ‘…ZEAL and ANXIETY,’ if not ‘…Legislative Thoughtlessness or Recklessness,’ it saw ‘…LEGISLATORS’ concentrating more on:
(a) ‘…CHILD JUSTICE: than
The may have committed a ‘…SERIOUS LEGISLATIVE BLUNDER,’ thereby placing ‘…CHILD JUSTICE’ in the hands of a ‘…CHILD JUSTICE BOARD,’ than in the ‘…MAGISTRACY.’
The enacted ‘…BOARD; shall compose of:
(ii) …A SOCIAL WORKER: and
(ii) …A MEMBER OF THE CLERGY’ [Child Justice Act: No. 23 of 2015: Section 6].
A ‘…Member’ shall:
(a) ‘…Chair and guide the ‘BOARD’S’ proceedings: one to
(b) …Submit ‘…SOCIAL INQUIRY REPORTS: and one to
(c) …Give Spiritual Guidance. He may Preach the ‘…GOSPEL’ of: ‘…Matthew: …Mark:
…Luke: and John…’
Since ‘…LEGISLATIVE RESPONSIBILITY’ shall have been Placed on the ‘…PARENTS/GUARDIANS,’ the ‘…Legislators’ shall now ‘…BOW’ on ‘…BENDED KNEES’ and ‘…PRAY to the ‘LORD ABOVE’ for the ‘…UNTIMELY DEMISE’ of:
Ok let’s check this young lady google account on Google map tracking and route and stop along the way and observe CCTV cameras along the route, ask kindly to view these private property camera footage or ask kindly over the radio to post their footage of the night to a email of the police choice for a financial reward once posting with name is done, let’s say a $1000.00 a post
of videos, the last set of WhatsApp and calls because these young people famous for overly amount of social media interaction, she probably let someone know she going get food stuff at some restaurants fast food place, but just check the Google map route and time on the different CCTV camera and see the vehicles passing and hunt for car references, send retired police into bars to drink and observe who is drinking a lot to cover their nervousness and give them spending money to help buy more drinks to force out information, let’s work scientifically, because when you get Scotland yard and FBI this is what obtains, we are too religious and superstitious, so we not applying the right methods of doing things, their is an AI seeing eye out their in cameras, let’s solve this, but on the other missing persons, there seem to be a organ smuggling happening here in Antigua as happening in Africa, we see stem cell business, some wealthy persons commending doctor John hospital for some body parts replacement, not to get political but some extreme criminal stuff always happens once these set a guys in ALP in office, especially them old ones from Lester bird era that know all the mafias to bring them in the country as investors while they are in office to protect them, and I beg the police don’t matter how small your rank is, just the other day the minister of police stop an officer from interrogating his son, I would a go down in history by putting a shackle in that minister hands for obstruction of justice, I can imagine how the higher ups in the police force called that police officer to chastise and stay his hands. Let’s pay and get info and solve these crimes , and that can’t be done with the police moving around dress in those British regalia, that’s an institutionalized oppressive imagery from time past that has not been kind to the people, so better plain cloth casual dressing and transport will give more comfort for corporation of the people, because sure these home owners don’t want police vehicle at their property to check video footage.
Its either of 2 things, the police very dunce or, the police knows very well what’s happening but the system is so corrupt that they cannot take action.
We can’t be this ridiculous to be bashing politicians when our youths are being bashed by criminals. You can’t chaste demons with po-li-cee,!,,!
An advice
Parents start parenting. This includes You mothers that are selling yoUr daughters, STOP! STOP having your daughters dress like prostitutes, making them easy targets! AND know where your boys are at ALL TIMEZ!
Start training them early to make responsible choices THAT INCLUDES the type of friends they keep, the music they listen to and the movies they watch, want something good in life, set goals…..
Church, please start churching because ONLY GOD can turn things around for this nation.
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