New Standard in Academic Integrity


In the world of digitalization and information where content creation and writing are possible within seconds by tapping on a few buttons, there is always the risk of plagiarism and academic dishonesty. You must know that academic integrity nowadays has become a very big problem for students thus we are going to talk about the new standards and tips that can help you save yourself from the accusation of misconduct and dishonesty. You should know that today educators don’t tell students about the tips and feedback that can save them from academic integrity and so if you are a student facing a similar situation then this post is best for you!

Improving authenticity and integrity through the student work process!

Consider the following passages so that you can encourage your students and teach them about new academic standards considering the changes experienced due to modern technology and tools.

Teach students early, consistently about the integral codes

It is a very common practice all around the world to simply present the code of honor at the beginning of the academic years to students and juniors, but unfortunately, we have seen these presentations to be very ineffective and not useful because of many reasons that we won’t dig into today. Improvement in the system is what we need and what simply matters, and so we want our readers to tell their students simply about the integral codes, the code of honor, the things they are disallowed to do and everything relative to academic practices in a very explicit way so that everything is black and white and on the paper for them. As an educator/teacher, you should be consistent in this regard and should regularly tell your pupil about the new standards!

Skip the malarkey and focus on the main concerns at the moment

We have seen many educators turn their speeches into a boring ride of history and stuff which is not good if you want to improvise the system. You should know that it is very important that you cut to the chase and simply tell students about the main area of focus. For instance, nowadays, the biggest problem and challenge to academic integrity is plagiarism. So, you should tell students how to check, why and when to check plagiarism. Teachers should also tell their pupils/students about the best plagiarism tools available on the web for their help. 

Employ sources and tools for your pupil

The is one of the best plagiarism checks online tool for students as well as teachers better known as Plagiarism Detector.  This Plagiarism checker is free and easy to use with its user-friendly environment that can provide accurate and detailed results for the content you have to submit. As a teacher, it is your responsibility that you provide all the necessary information about the resources that can check plagiarism and are affordable and workable for students. You should know that there are hundreds of plagiarism checking resources on the web, but not all of them are free and reliable so you have to recommend the best to your students plus you should also try and teach them about the easy use of plagiarism checkers!

Hold the students accountable and make an example for others

Now checking plagiarism is best for the students who are afraid that their work would have unintentional or self-plagiarism in it but for the students who deliberately plagiarize would not these plagiarism checker programs and would still copy work. As an instructor/teacher, you should always keep an eye for these students plus you should yourself use the best plagiarism utilities on the web to check plagiarism in work submitted by all your students. If deliberate and intentional plagiarism is found, then you should always make an example and take action against the student committing academic integrity so that others can learn a lesson!

Use a strategic approach for teaching

The new standards of education require new research and new teaching methods and so if your students are confused and bored with the old methods, and if you are getting negative feedback, then you should always consult and work with your colleagues to make sure that you guys come up with a new interesting and useful method of teaching and presentation which can help students improve their learning and other academic skills for a better future. The more a student will learn in his/her class, the less are the chances that he/she would commit academic dishonesty or plagiarism. 

The system cannot be changed or improved in a few days, and it would obviously take a lot of time, but you should initiate personally so that you can bring some positivity and improvement in the system!

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