St. Vincent: Woman arrested in connection to attack on Prime Minister



Police on the Caribbean island of St Vincent have made an arrest in the assault and attempted assassination of the country’s Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves.

On Thursday during an anti-government protest, Gonsalves was struck with a stone just above his temple by an opposition protester, as he made his way back to parliament.

He was taken to the island’s main hospital and then flown to Barbados for an MRI or head scan later on Thursday night.

As the parliament continued debate, Government Senator Julian Francis said a woman was arrested on Thursday night.

“I want to say a woman has been arrested; there may be more. She wanted to apologise to the Prime Minister. I said no, she is not going in front of my political leader to do what; because you got locked up, you want to apologise”. Francis stated.

“Go and apologise to the leader of the Opposition. Let me tell you something, be careful what you do; social media is watching you, sometimes, it’s better than the police”, Francis said.

The investigation into the assault and attempted assassination on the islands Prime Minister continues.

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  1. Oh she wants to apologize?? Sure go right ahead AFTER you are charged. CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Where are your “friends” who egged you on during the protest? Now you are left alone to face the consequences of YOUR CHOICE!

    We Live and We Learn.

    • None of us really know the situation which includes you. Before preaching about the “choices” that she made and the consequences for same I think it might behoove PM Gonsalves to find out what exactly made this woman so angry. Barring mental issues I would say that a woman has to have become very very angry over a period of time to lose it and react in that way. She did commit a crime but it is possible that Gonsalves could be the cause of her anger! I don’t think condemnation is fair until we know BOTH sides of the story.

      • Oh so you like to condone wrong? Bye bye. You are mentally unstable and doesn’t make sense to converse with you if something as basic as right and wrong doesn’t exist in the world you have created inside your little warped brain. Let someone pelt a stone or stab yo arse and let’s see how you try to justify bad behavior. Hope if someone takes the law into their own hands and attacks/assaults you that you won’t mind one bit.

        Deuces. #NuffSaid!

  2. I am sorry that they caught her, no apologies are needed, lots more of that is needed all around the world. Everyone has the right to choose what to do with their bodies. Fire go bun all those wicked politicians.

    • If “Everyone has the right to choose what to do with their bodies” then may you enjoy the benefits of a similar fate!

  3. Just like the insurrection in the USA, those that followed Trump are now facing the judgement all by themselves. Too bad for this young woman. No sympathy. And if any of the UPP haters want to try doing something like that, well go one and you too will see the inside of 1735 for many months

    • @Sideline
      The UPP haters are labour supporters. The blood on that shirt reminds me of labour and their supporters and if any of them should try this, chop the hand off.

  4. * Why a charge like
    * if it was an ordinary person got wounded, would she be given that chsrge?
    * Would an ordinary person be flown out to Barbados that quick?
    * people suffer, them fly out.

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