Loop News- Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines Dr Ralph Gonsalves is hoping to see his country try again to transition to become a Republic.
In an interview with the BBC’s Mohamed Madi and Celestina Oludole, Gonsalves said having a British monarch as head of state is “an absurdity” he would like to end in his lifetime.
St Vincent and the Grenadines back in 2009 held a referendum to become a Republic, but it failed.
On BBC Radio 4’s The World at One Highlights, the Vincentian Prime Minister said he does not know if he is going to lead that particular process or is going to allow the next generation of leaders to do that.
Gonsalves said:
“It is something I am hoping to see consummated… the severing of the umbilical cord between our country and the British Monarchy. King Charles knows that… and he and I have discussed that in very amicable ways.
Gonsalves was further questioned about how King Charles III reacted when the issue was brought up.
The prime minister said: “I would say the King is understanding of the impulses of former colonial peoples to cut the links.”
St Vincent and the Grenadines is among eight Caribbean countries which still recognize King Charles III as its head of state.”
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St Vincent want a Republic as well?
Wow, maybe those Caribbean leaders that travelled and went to see a man sit on a chair and put on a hat, has worked in the regions favour.
Now with Dr Ralph Gonsalves throwing his hat in the ring as well (pun intended 🤣), it looks like the momentum is growing at a TANTIVY pace.
Where’s Jeb?
Just look at all the hypocrisy…all laughing and smiling with King Charges and privately and publicly wanting to dump him. Look at how the monarch continues to use taxpayers money to live their pomp and luxurious life style. British taxpayers paid for King Charles’ vanity party and all the leaders and their huge delegation participated. It is rather disrespectful to the will of the people, especially when the new sovereign’s enormous wealth could sponsor the event multiple times over. So wasteful!
The smiles on these boys face is saying that they are not leaving no monarchy…its all rhethoric and game playing.
They are two faced and need to come to the people in most cases for a referendum. If they intend to Dump the monarch as head of state – then why take hundreds of thousands of taxes payers dollars moneys to go bow down before the slave masters. If they do not have money to pay all salaries on time, the public servants should strike. If the do cannot pay the nurses a proper increase- then strike. If they cannot pay private contractors and service providers- then strike. Time to March on the treasury. Gastón Brown took the Villa puppet account general by default to the UK to kelp waste of tax payers money. The treasury is now paying thousands daily to maintain the Russian boat and crew- not hearing anything about the sales and millions of dollars going into the kitty anymore. They were duped again, this time by themselves and Sir Ron Sanders. Pretending he can get them the License to transfer ownership. Cockroach do not have any rights in foul pen .
Next thing I heard our PM still pursuing without any shame the St. Mary’s seat where Sugy had cut Samantha Tail – without a shame. Wasting tax payers money and time. When she looses for the third time- we need to March to prevent her from holding these appointments / ministries and board.
Ralph the skirt chaser?
Go right ahead! It suits the commonwealth if Caribbean counties leave because it saves on foreign aid. The only people who lose from becoming a republic is the country itself if it fails
to thrive on tourism which lets be honest is the only income for most of the Caribbean. Boyz 2 men
Barbados 🇧🇧 seems to be doing fine since becoming a Republic @ Boyz 2 … or didn’t you notice 😉
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