REAL NEWS: The Antigua & Barbuda Electoral Commission has reported a significant increase in voter registration, particularly in the constituencies of St. Peter and St. George.
Algernon “Serpent” Watts, the United Progressive Party Candidate in St. George, says that officials should give credit for the uptick where it is due. He explains that there are people on the ground daily, working to ensure that no one is disenfranchised when the election date is announced.
Watts also notes that some people are being influenced to move from one constituency to the next in an effort to pad the voters list. Accordingly, he is warning these persons to be aware of the penalties under the election laws.
The UPP Candidate says his team is remaining vigilant, as members have received information that such moves are afoot.
Watts says he has been proactive in personally seeking out these individuals and giving them early warning.
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Isnt there a Claims and Objections process? What is the role of the Scrutineers? Awaiting a response from ABEC.
Serpant me hate u no wah. Hope u never win
serpy will win
These people coming back with the same old lies,Serpant you are a LIAR
Yes remain vigilant now so that the election is free and fair and free of fear. That way you can’t use your current claim as an excuse for your loss at the polls.
It’s either “the election was bought” or “foreigners” according to your party.
No introspection, just blame external factors rather than taking a good hard look internally.
Your GS who was overlooked for Sherfield Bowen, said that after the mass exodus of Joanne Massiah and other longstanding members, “it was Lovell who put the pieces together and kept the party together so that we could be in the STRONG POSITION we are in today”.
The masses left BECAUSE OF LOVELL!!!! How can you pat him on the back for selfishly breaking a glass and then picking up the jagged-edged remains? Majority of the pieces were shattered, irretrievably broken and splinters everywhere. This is the signature style of Lovell in the UPP and in government- MASH UP EBBRYTING and then proclaim “Give me a chance to try and glue back what I purposely mash up”
TRANSLATION – I am going to get a beating from Dean Jonas so let me find a cop-out for WHEN it happens.
Dude needs to book a flight to St. Lucia and go de-stress. All the vitriol he spews is splashing back in his face and affecting his psyche.
I would not exactly put Dean Jonas in the category of a “great politician”. In fact over time I would say that Antigua has had maybe 3 politicians who were people that pretty much functioned with integrity (who did NOT rip-off the country for every dime and freebie they could get for themselves) and actually did something for the people and country…Dean Jonas is definitely not one of them.
Lame attempt to switch the emphasis. The serpent is a liar and clown. Lovell gave him the political handbook. The same handbook which Joanne Massiah say UPP always playing from. He crying “wolf” early and bright. At least Little Red Riding Hood has some balls. Algernon nah even mekkit to grandma’s house and done a punk out!!! What a coward whimpy, limpy, blunder on his part.
Weak try. Nobody buying that mekkup story w/o evidence.
Algie my good friend, If I didn’t know how much you tell lies, I would have believed you.
SERPENT is a DAMN LYAD. SERPENT looking for PUBLICITY. We DO NOT want SERPENT in St.George.DEAN JONAS all the way.
Serpent come by me house the other day. Me tell Him that me go vote for Him just to get RID of Him. Me house is LABOUR HOUSE.Dean Jonas will definitely win in St.George. Serpent nah cum back me house. Serpent is a lyad…LIAR.
Yea, give Gaston and Jonas your vote and see what happens to all the lands and seafront lands in Antigua and Barbuda. You may not care but think of your children and grandchildren. They will not have a future or a country. If you think I don’t know what I am talking about, check the internet and see how many hundred of acres of prime lands in Antigua are up for sale. No one should be blindly loyal to any party. Gaston and his family are finish securing their future. Gaston doesn’t love Antiguans, especially the poor ones.
Hey Jackie you are working hard for a SENATE SEAT which will never happen. Jackie find a Job , save your money and buy PROPERTIES. You are a JEALOUS, BADMINDED , GOOD FOR NOTHING PERSON. You are jealous of HON.GASTON BROWNE.
Senate seat? Never. Find a job? I have a professional practice. I could never be jealous of a thief and good for nothing scamp. My family’s future is secured. What about yours when your children and grandchildren who will be the carriers of the mop pails for their new masters.
It’s all political nonsense. Nuttin’ ‘tal go so. Jus consider the source.
So when all else fails we will say we lost because of voter padding. OK got it. Just like Trump was preaching before he lost the 2020 election that they would steal the election from him🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
nothing even start yet and he already crying defeat. Guess it’s true about him CRYING LIKE A BABY AT THE HOSPITAL when he got his covid scare. Lol lol lol. He mouth chang chang behind the mic, but he is a political CRY BABY and WHIMP!!!!! Is he a limpy joe like lovell too? lol lol
ABEC says significant increase in voter registration in St. Peter and St. George. What do you think is causing this? UPP, be vigilant. It wouldn’t e the first time that voter’s List is padded.
Yes remain vigilant now so that the election is free and fair and free of fear. That way you can’t use your current claim as an excuse for your loss at the polls.
It’s either “the election was bought” or “foreigners” according to your party.
No introspection, just blame external factors rather than taking a good hard look internally.
Your GS who was overlooked for Sherfield Bowen, said that after the mass exodus of Joanne Massiah and other longstanding members, “it was Lovell who put the pieces together and kept the party together so that we could be in the STRONG POSITION we are in today”.
The masses left BECAUSE OF LOVELL!!!! How can you pat him on the back for selfishly breaking a glass and then picking up the jagged-edged remains? Majority of the pieces were shattered, irretrievably broken and splinters everywhere. This is the signature style of Lovell in the UPP and in government- MASH UP EBBRYTING and then proclaim “Give me a chance to try and glue back what I purposely mash up”….
Why is it that in Antigua any Tom, Dick or Harry, think they can sit in our Parliament and represent us. I mean, do we really have such a low standard for our elected officials? Just wash your feet and come. The day that happens, I change nationality. Cause I would not want just anyone representing me. No standard at all. Perhaps we should pass laws to prevent that from ever happening.
Well you have an icecream scooper, convicted murderer, school dropout, deadbeat baby-daddy, pompous heffa, excessive rum drinker, radio station loafter, ACLM babies, emptyhead football player, church money thief, et al to choose from under the leadership of Liar Lovell
LMAO!!!!!!! Choking on my water🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good Lord who raised u🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Serpent think people forgot his sweetheart deal milking the Board of Education, with the help of his friend Giselle. Getting away on technicality in a court of law doesn’t mean you were innocent. The evidence is there for all to see. And with this kind of integrity, can you imagine if these people get close to the state kitty? They all will be rich overnight. Like in 2004 they all went poor in and came out rich, and what did they say, “Ah fuh we time now”.
It may surprise you, but a lot of Antiguans are wash your foot and come. Who you think Gaston Browne is? Doubt there will be any money left in the kitty when Gaston leaves office. The labour government gang will done thief all. How come you never have anything to say about Gaston and his family get rich schemes?
Low quality ppl on the upp ticket
FTS 🤣 you a kill me. Who representing you now. You sick boss
Honorable and well educated, experience and achievers’, men and women. You just go readn anyone of them their bio.
Fact are facts. And facts matter.
FROM THE SIDELINE what bio are you talking about? The bio of Michael Browne the double doctorate student that does not know the difference between the Ph.D and the Juris Doctor degrees. Chet Greene who dropped out of University in Cuba because he could not handle the mathematics for his studies in Economics, while Corthright Marshall passed with flying colours. Tell me about bio.
Janice Samuel bio will read like a nice novel. It will say how she 🤡 you and ride you like a donkey and then left you in the Can’t Park. She didn’t even show up to court and made a damn fool out of you. Lmao 🤣😂😆🤣😂😆 You are a 🤡
What bio? A one dog rule. No input allowed from any minister. They behave like docile children.
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